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Feature Requests/Bug Reports

I have just picked up HL for 4E and have been playing around with it. While making a new character that's a hybrid I noticed that the hybrid selections that require you to choose between a defense is not showing up. Some of them just give you the bonus to all the defenses and a couple don't give the bonus you are supposed to receive at all.

Example I am making a Psion/Monk hybrid in the DDI character creator I see that I should be getting a chose between +1 to either Fort/Ref or Will. Looking at the entry in the editor I see that there is no assigned bonus for the monk at all. Further looking I see that the Paladin hybrid gets a bonus to all defense instead of picking one as well. There are several more like that as well.

I just thought to mention it as I didn't see anyone else mention it and was hoping that there might be a fix and hope its not my data file being corrupted or something.
Bugs / Feature Requests

I apologize if these have been reported already. I skimmed the previous entries, but didn't want to engross myself in 9 pages of bug reports before reporting a few issues I noticed, a couple of which are fairly big.

Thank you for your hard work on this program. I love it so far. I'm just looking to help improve things, no harsh tone or other unpleasantness intended.


It seems that most powers with triggers do not display what the trigger is, either in the tooltip within the builder or on the power card when you output the character for print.

Level 20 paragon path powers show up on character sheet even though character isn't level 20 yet.

The character sheet seems to move things around to fit the necessary text as best as possible, which is great. However, feats are appearing in multiple, disjointed sections on my sheets. If they need to appear in multiple columns/pages, there should at least be a contiguous flow to the information.

Feature Requests:

When selecting race, the text in the selection menu should indicate what the race's optional ability bonuses are. It's not always a deciding factor in a build, but would be handy to be able to reference while looking over race options.

Feats, class features, and other items seem to have a hard limit of three lines of text on the sheet. I understand this may be in place for space-saving, but there should at least be a toggle option for full-text display. Many features and feats are not easily referenced, as they cut off mid-sentence.
Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor: is nto adding its items bouns to tp damage rolls for powers that have the close attack, nor the +5 to breath weapon.
Sentinel At-Will Powers

I'm noodling around with the demo version of HL for 4e after seeing it in action at Gen Con, and have stumbled across an issue while creating a character:

Bug: A Sentinel (Druid) is only allowed one at-will power, but HL says he should pick two at-wills.

I poked around a bit in the Editor to see if I could adjust this myself, but had no luck.

This is a great product -- I'm going to show it to my players tonight.
Beast companions, any idea when they will be introduced and any idea how they will print. Would the companion come in the form of a power card or would it have to be an option to print form the menu.
Bracers of Archery do not appear to work.

Make a rogue, give said rogue a hand crossbow. give said rogue Bracers of Archery, equip them, equip the hand crossbow and take Sly flourish.

I'm seeing

1d8 (Drow Ruthless Hunter) + Dex (20) +5, CHA (20) +5, +2 Enhancement bonus = 1d8 + 12, it should be 1d8 + 14
Hybrid Rogues show as having First Strike even though it's inactive.

I.e. My Hybrid Rogue/Fighter has not activated First Strike. When I print the character sheet it shows up on the sheet. That's a problem if I forget that I don't have it without using Hybrid Talent to give it to me.

Per PHB 3:
Hybrid Rogues gain 2 additional skills from the rogue class skill list. My Hybrid Rogue is flagged as invalid for having them selected.
PreRequisites are still not functioning properly.

For instance, my warlord can take the Feat Command Undead, She doesn't worship Vecna, nor does she have Channel Divinity as a power. Yet it doesn't show as grey (unavailable) it shows as available as a feat to take.
Melee Training, Intelligent Blademaster are both not working at all.

Melee Training should force you to pick a stat and then use the bonus of the stat to replace your melee basic attack with that stat, just doing half of the bonus damage from the stat.

Intelligent Blademaster should simply replace the Melee Basic attack stat with Intelligence. Neither is doing this.
Mark of Scribing does not apply it's untyped bonus to Diplomacy, nor does it allow you to pick four new languages. I tested Linguist, just for the heck of it, and that feat works fine.

Orb Expertise doesn't seem to be applying it's feat bonus to attack rolls. Implement Expertise (with the dropdown menu) is working fine, but the version that was introduced with the Essentials books isn't.

The feat for human fighters, "Versatile Talent," is supposed to add the +1 bonus to both 1H and 2H weapon attack rolls. It doesn't seem to have any effect: Only the version of Fighter Talent actually selected in the Class tab is being added to the attack rolls.
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Hybrids do not get the Hybrid Talent feat for free at Paragon unless they choose to Paragon Hybrid. For instance, my Hybrid Swordmage/Wizard Paragonned into a Blood Mage, but I still have a second Hybrid Talent available. I had already taken the feat, so I selected the same power again, which fortunately didn't stack them, but it looks like I have the ability twice without being a Paragon Hybrid.
Another vote for importing the Creatures tab and info.

I was demoing HL to a friend that still uses CBC last week, and she asked if she could copy and adjust monsters as she can currently. I pointed out she could only currently create new.
When printing a character, items that do not have an at-will or other type of power still won't print a card. This is troublesome for several Holy Symbols that do a pile of things, but don't have a power, and for weapons when you can't remember the crit bonus on the weapon.
Shardminds don't get their +2 to a chosen attribute.
I have created a temporary fix.

(I've also deleted the thread I started outside this one, didn't see this at the time)

