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Feature Requests/Bug Reports

With Swordmage, all three aegis powers are showing up on the power cards, as is my 20th level paragon power from Academy Master
Hey there.

Not sure if it falls within the original poster holy avenger issue, but here goes:
1) If you multiclass into a class that can use weapons as implements (such as the swordmage), one should be able to use it as implements for powers of the main class, but I can't find a way to do it. Is it something I overlooked or is it not implemented yet? :)

If it's not implemented, I'm suggesting it! :D

Thanks in advance.

Healing surge quantity do not properly adjust from Con to Cha after adding Ring of Tenacious Will.

EDIT: nor does equipping an Iron Ring of the Dwarf Lords add a healing surge.
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Two more issues I've found:
Daggers aren't selectable as implements, and the 20th level daily seems to consistently show up on paragon level character sheets.

One feature request, which I feel I may have missed: Weapons and Armor having power cards.
Okay, so playing around with Hero Lab some more today, I realized I'd just kept missing the weapon and armor cards, thinking that they'd be with the other items. Sorry about that.
Hero Lab D&D 4E Updates

Hi folks. I'm yet another 4e player who, due to the fact that I'm starting to think that maybe I kinda can't cope with WotC's new version of their Character Builder, ended up wandering over here in my frustration, looking for more information to chew on.

I'm here, of course, because I'm considering getting a Hero Lab license to use with D&D 4e.

Gathering what I can by nosing around on the Lone Wolf forums a bit and reading feature requests and bug reports, it looks like the downside of Hero Lab is that it currently may be buggy to a degree that is a bit better than the new CB WotC has put out, though not as trouble-free as the Character Builder "Classic"(1), but with the compound upside of:

1) ...being far more full-featured, particularly in regard to house-ruling and custom item creation...
2) ...having a hard-working staff who are Johnny-on-the-spot about ironing out bugs.

The bug thing is of prime importance to a lazy user like me because the main reason I purchase and use a service like my DDI account and a piece of software such as the Character Builder or Hero Lab is that I have no interest/time/inclination to actually do the math and audit it myself to make sure that my character is legit, bonuses/adjustments are calculated correctly and these bonuses and adjustments are being taken advantage of properly. To boil it down, the core reason I buy the service/app is to benefit from it doing everything correctly so I don't have to: I pretty much operate as if the software I'm using is the final word on such stuff and use it as my referee.

While assessing whether or not I will be making a purchase, I think the two most important pieces of information I want to obtain about Hero Lab for D&D 4e are:

1) Is my assessment of Hero Lab's current accuracy and feature-completeness reasonably fair and accurate? By "accuracy and feature-completeness" I mean "does it allow me to do everything the current rulebooks say I can and calculate this stuff correctly?" Or is it more/less tight than I'm gathering?
For the sake of comparison and reference(2), my impression of the old WotC Character Builder Classic is that it's "pretty good", letting me accurately create most of the stuff the game says I should be able to and with few exceptions, while the new online-only CB is a large step backwards; inaccurate, buggy and incomplete to a degree where it's pretty hard to make a case for using it. Where is the latest version of Hero Lab on this continuum, currently?(3)

2) How often do updates to Hero Lab appear? This is a biggie for me because, though I have read through quite a few listed bugs on these forums (posted by people more observant than me), the response from Lone Wolf representatives regarding fixing any particular list of issues in "the next update" is very impressive. If these updates happen fairly often, that goes a long way toward selling me on the product.

I've heard a few people say that the new WotC CB is a big opportunity to companies like Lone Wolf, and I guess I'm further proof that it's true!

(1) I am very interested in any and all input and viewpoints anyone has to offer on this admittedly minimally-researched assessment/question, particularly from users of both apps.

(2) ...and that only - I'm not trying to hijack this forum into a WotC gripe-fest, I'm trying to gather info.

(3) Let me state, before anyone suggests that I download the demo to test it myself, that I know this and that I definitely will do so. The reason I ask other people this accuracy question is because, I'm sorry to say, I can test the app all I want and I'm not going to notice the lion's share of any existing math errors or incorrectly-applied rules mechanics.
Updates seem to be monthly.

As for click it and forget it HL has pointed out bugs in CB (such as Tempest fighters getting 2 weapon defense free and CB forgetting to add it and my avenger's Improved armor of faith not scaling when she hit Paragon). It's also nice that you can hover a mouse over almost every number to see how that number was derived.
That sort of mouse hover context feature is definitely nice.

Yeah, Class Features not adding to a sheet is the sort of stuff I actually would notice sometimes. When you say "CB" do you mean the new one or the old one they're now calling "Character Builder Classic"? I've noticed that the CB Classic never gives you an opportunity to pick your affected implement and weapon for the Versatile Expertise feat so you never get your bonuses, too, but overall it's much more usable than the new iteration.
In your experience would you say you feel that HL is more comparable to CB Classic than to the new one in regards to accuracy?
...Though I guess if you're an HL customer, you simply switched a while back and you've probably felt no reason to use the CB in a while.
I think when I get a few moments I'll try building up some existing CBC-built characters in the HL demo and doing a direct comparison of the numbers on both the sheet and the Power Cards.
Also, sorry, I'm kind of a forum dunce: at first blush I thought of this as definitely being "related to" feature requests/bug reports, but now I'm thinking maybe it belongs somewhere else. Should post this as a new thread and stop replying here?
For me HL is about on par with CB classic at the mo - both have some real irritations that make them useless in certain situations. So far I've found Hero Lab significantly better when the characters aren't multiclassed and CB classic better when they are [1].

Hero Lab scores in two other ways as well:
- It's more up to date in terms of available feats and powers
- It's way more customisable (as in you can customise just about anything), which is the big seller for me. I wish I'd looked for it rather than supporting CB classic all these years.



[1] Which means I'm having to use CB classic for a game I'm playing in - my character is a Bard/Resourceful Magician. However I use HL for the game I'm GMing in which all the characters are single classed with only minor irritations.
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In your experience would you say you feel that HL is more comparable to CB Classic than to the new one in regards to accuracy?
...Though I guess if you're an HL customer, you simply switched a while back and you've probably felt no reason to use the CB in a while.

I'm a recent convert to HL from CBC.

When WotC decided to go with online only, I had to look for something that will work offline to support the convention I run. Prior to Wizard's stupidity, I'd install CBC on 3 non-internet enabled desktops and let people make and manage their characters for D&D LFR games.

They'd ask me how to get it, and I'd tell them to buy DDi subscriptions. The next year they'd show up with laptops with their own installs of CBC on them. With CBW being the new WotC stupidity, I don't have much choice, I need an offline tool. HL is at least as good as CBC
New Bug: Flaming Sphere (Wizard Daily Level 1) hasn't got the effect text in either the character builder or on the character sheet.


Multiclass feats with OR requirements are not doing OR.

For instance my Hybrid Swordmage/Wizard has a 14 Wisdom, I should be able to select Brawling Warrior. I can't because it says I don't have the stats.
Intelligent Blademaster should modify melee basic attacks but doesn't

Just like Melee training, except that Intelligent Blademaster doesn't do 1/2 Int damage like Melee Training does.

My to-hit with melee basic attacks on my hybrid is +9 vs AC it should be the same as my booming blade power +15 vs AC

To hit = 1/2 Level (4) + Weapon profi bonus (longsword +3) + Enahcnement bonus (+2) + Int mod (+6) = +15 HL shows +9 which is because it's using my str.
1.) There is no way to have a magical superior implement. I can have a magic implement & a superior implement in my gear section but I can not "make" a superior magic implement. Due to this all of my powers are incorrect for damage and range, range is not a big deal since even the CB never changed that, but I do hate having to constantly add the modifier for my superior implement.

2.) All of my paragon path powers and features show up regardless of what level I am. Since there is no way to hide power cards like in the character builder I am stuck attempting to remember they do not apply

Other than that seems to work perfectly.

1) 13th level Warden Encounter Power "Stormhowler's Strike" from the "Primal Power" sourcebook doesn't seem to show up for some reason (although the rest of the PP powers seem to... this is after having done ddi update, of course.)

2) Level 14 characters seem to show that they should have 3 Encounter Powers and it's set up to Add that power, but the 3rd power in the set goes red and there is a Validation Error that there are one too many encounter powers chosen. The error disappears, however, once the character is leveled to 15.

Feature Requests:
1) Modifying the weight of a custom item in inventory.

2) Throwing weapons listed under Ranged Weapons as well as their Melee spot (or just recognize those items can be both things and appropriately list all of the stats... that, and as a previous poster mentioned, being able to put Ranged magic effects on this without a validation error.)

3) Rituals printed out as Power Cards or at least an option to add them in a list with their rules on the character sheet printout.

4) The ability to add Damage (instead of just "to hit") bonuses on the "Permanent Adjustments" modifiers.

Lenny Zimmerman
Metairie, LA
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Several magic items

Strikebacks, Feytouched Armor for example

When printed as a power card have a URL embedded in them instead of the text that shows up in HL.
Can not recall if this was posted or not but multi-class'ing seems to not work correctly.

For example I took the feat Bardic Dilletant and should be able to take the Bard of all Trades feat but it comes up with a validation error. I double checked the rules and so far as I can tell this is legal.

Not sure if this happening with any other multi-class feats or not.