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Feature Requests/Bug Reports

Please allow me to add another mention of the human sorcerer alt class ability of selecting an additional spell per level (one level lower than max level).

I had the ability to add these until today. As soon as I deleted them and started over in a build I was working on, the "add custom alt class ability" (or whatever it was called - I no longer have the option) disappeared.

I know it has been mentioned before, but after searching I have seen no update of whether it has been fixed supposedly, or if there is another way to make this ability work short of adding custom adjustments and not adding HP/Skill Pts at each level to compensate.

Is there an answer yet? Not in a hurry - just can't find this on the forums. Thanks.

What sort of ability is this? A class feature? A feat? Can you provide me with the name of this ability? (I don't know that much on sorcerers...). I could look into it.

Also a portfolio file of a character with the problem would be nice (you can contact me at tirionareonwe at gmail.com directly

Rogue Brutal Scoundrel bonus not working for Torturous Strike power (should add strength modifier to damage)

Thief class not qualified to take Backstabber feat (Thief Sneak Attack feature not equating to Rogue's Sneak Attack feature).

Skald-specific powers are listed under the general Bard class build.

Some/all Immediate Reaction powers not listing their Trigger actions (ie. Mind Spike, PHB3 Battlemind Power)

Some magic items' costs (ie. Potion of Healing, Potion of Cure Light Wounds) not properly parsed and accounted for.

Some feat bonuses (Wand Expertise, White Lotus Dueling Expertise) not taken into account when calculating attack rolls.

Not all Cantrips are available as options when building an Arcanist or Mage.

Feature Requests:

Class templates for Skald Bard, Elementalist Sorcerer and other Essentials series "Heroes of the *" classes. Given the complete lack of new 4E material in the past few months, these are really the only things missing from HeroLab being a complete, fully-featured 4E character builder.

Minor grievances aside, thanks for making such a fantastic product! :D
Rogue Brutal Scoundrel bonus not working for Torturous Strike power (should add strength modifier to damage)

Only if you have combat advantage, I think, right? (I am no expert on rogues, though). Which would not be listed on the sheet for the "standard" case which assumes no combat advantage.

With my latest files I cannot reproduce the Akhanul issue (for me the resistances appear).

What is spiked Chain Bonus? Can you send me a Portfolio file with the problem to tirionareonwe at gmail.com and explain what it is to me? Thanks.

@All: Please check http://hl4e.cryptoknight.org, I recently uploaded a lot of (unofficial, I am just a user of Hero Lab, not related to the company doing the tool) bugfixes for Hero Lab 4e there (I also sent them in to the authors, so hopefully they will include them into the next version). Cryptoknight also uploaded quite some bugfixes there.

It would be nice if we could specify the default location for custom files so they can be shared between game systems. Reduce having to copy them to each data folder when updates are made or new files are created. And yes, I do have multiple data folders of the same game system for different gaming groups/DMs.
At a quick glance, it's looks like we're still missing some builds.
From Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild
Witch (Wizard)
Protector (Druid) - I don't know if this one is a fully distinct build, or similar to another druid build
From Player's Option: Heroes of the Elemental Chaos
Elementalist (Sorcerer)
Sha'ir (Wizard)

I still can't say thank you enough for all the work that has been done on this program (for 4e and other games/ editions).
I no longer have access to the compendium, which means that I can't look this stuff up.

In order to work on it... I would need 100% total details about what makes a Witch/Wizard different from a Wizard...

I welcome you to come over to the hl4e.cryptoknight.org site where the whole site is dedicated to fixing bugs in the 4e ruleset, vs this forum.
Skald-specific powers are listed under the general Bard class build.
It's my understanding that this is working correctly - Wizards has clarified that non-Essentials classes can take powers that belong to Essentials variants of themselves:

Essentials Rules FAQ
See also HoTFL pg 57 and Rules Compendium pg 87

...although you can't do this for a power which doesn't have a level (so not powers given by class features and similar sources). So Paladins can take Blackguard powers, "Weaponmaster" Fighters can take Knight powers, and so forth - including Bard from Skald.

(...Unless you mean that the feature-based Skald powers are being assigned to non-Skald Bards, in which case okay, good catch ^^; )
A few questions:
1. Will we ever have the HL program run the downloader or is manual download for updates from this point forward?
2. If we help fixing things how do you want them handled, sent to you then included in next update or posted at your http://hl4e.cryptoknight.org sire for other people to just add them?

Amazing work in everything that has happened, I just removed all my old files and now have it running like a dream.
1. No I expect to never use the downloader again. I would never want to try to bug fix it to make it pick everything up.

2. Post bugs on my site, if you can fix them, post the fixes as a separate .user file that overrides the bug your fixing. And I'll try to get those into an update soon.