Argument for UI changes
I posted this in a separate thread, but I would like to make a case for the program to have separate displays for the basic ability scores and adjusted ability scores.
1. <b>It is not easy to tell where the final ABILITY SCORE comes from.<b> You can see this if you put the mouse cursor over the <i>ABILITY SCORE MODIFIER<i>, but who would think to do that?
In this picture above, the cursor (not shown) is above the +17. It shows the total adding up to 23. That doesn't make sense. It should show the math calculating the +17, right? If I put the cursor over the 23, I this:
It just tells me that I can change the score. I think this should be changed to also show the score calculation. Does that make sense?
2. If you are creating a higher-level character, you can easily run into this issue. I realize it can be figured out, but I think adding another column of BASIC ABILITY SCORES would be beneficial to the UI:
Of course the total of the ability score listed is not under 10, but it's complaining that it is. If it had a column showing the base scores, this would be super intuitive.
This is clear in the WotC Character Builder, but not in Hero Lab's 4e component. Just my opinion though