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Feature Requests/Bug Reports

Elemental Empowerment
When you use a wizard power that has the acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder keyword, you add your Strength modifier to damage rolls.
Is not working correctly, it is adding the bonus for attribute plus half level and not just the attribute modifier :(
Staff of Ruin +3
Is giving an error when the magic item tab is opened, the error deals with printing a card for it.


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Half elf race power/knack for success does gives an error which seems as though the player has picked a power that in not permitted no matter what is taken.


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Argument for UI changes

I posted this in a separate thread, but I would like to make a case for the program to have separate displays for the basic ability scores and adjusted ability scores.

1. <b>It is not easy to tell where the final ABILITY SCORE comes from.<b> You can see this if you put the mouse cursor over the <i>ABILITY SCORE MODIFIER<i>, but who would think to do that?


In this picture above, the cursor (not shown) is above the +17. It shows the total adding up to 23. That doesn't make sense. It should show the math calculating the +17, right? If I put the cursor over the 23, I this:


It just tells me that I can change the score. I think this should be changed to also show the score calculation. Does that make sense?

2. If you are creating a higher-level character, you can easily run into this issue. I realize it can be figured out, but I think adding another column of BASIC ABILITY SCORES would be beneficial to the UI:


Of course the total of the ability score listed is not under 10, but it's complaining that it is. If it had a column showing the base scores, this would be super intuitive.

This is clear in the WotC Character Builder, but not in Hero Lab's 4e component. Just my opinion though
Raven Cloak Resistances


The Raven Cloak +5 (probably all of them) doesn't do resistances correctly. At level 19, the resistance is supposed to increase to 10 for cold and necrotic. I imagine the high level increase at 29 doesn't work too.
PDF Output Psionic Power looks messy

PDF Output Psionic Info looks messy


Look to the right of Initiative -> Psionic Score display is cut off with the box overlapping with "score" below that. I have attached my portfolio if that makes it easier to figure out what is going on.


PDF Output Wizard Chain Lightning Power Card info cut off

PDF Output: Wizard "Chain Lightning" Power Card info cut off


The font size should probably be scaled just a bit so it fits all on one card.
PDF Output: Wizard "Chain Lightning" Power Card info cut off


The font size should probably be scaled just a bit so it fits all on one card.

This is bug in WotC's Character Builder as well. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but when the power cards have alot of information, their character builder also cuts information off the cards. It is not always Hero Lab's fault, Hero Lab collects the data out of the Compendium site. Sometimes it is the way the Compendium is formatted and not hero lab.

Also did you go through the tutorials in the help file? Most of the time, with any system that Hero Lab works with, going through those tutorials will teach you the tricks you need to know about how things work (Like hovering the mouse over the ability score in question).

Hero Lab does guide you to the tutorials when you first start working with it in most cases. I find some of my own players have not done the tutorials sometimes and I have to refer them there. The user manual is there for finding out information on hero lab.
This is bug in WotC's Character Builder as well. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but when the power cards have alot of information, their character builder also cuts information off the cards. It is not always Hero Lab's fault, Hero Lab collects the data out of the Compendium site. Sometimes it is the way the Compendium is formatted and not hero lab.

Right, that is understandable. As a customer, I'm still going to give my feedback about how I think things should ideally work. Lone Wolf is welcome to listen to my comments or not. I loathe using the character builder, which is why I purchased Hero Lab. I'm sure WotC would not listen!

Also did you go through the tutorials in the help file? Most of the time, with any system that Hero Lab works with, going through those tutorials will teach you the tricks you need to know about how things work (Like hovering the mouse over the ability score in question).

I did look at the tutorials, and mouse hovering makes sense. I didn't see anything regarding hovering the mouse above the ability score modifier to see how the ability score was calculated. That is a flaw in UI design. Not a big deal, but I'm going to voice my request for it to be changed.
Well your requests will be heard, please be patient though friend, it can take time to get everything done.

I agree with you on the Hasbro builder, I purchased my Hero Lab license for my campaigns because I could not stand that online builder. At least hero lab lets me print my finished characters and doesn't crash halfway through the process of creating characters. I have a lot of complaints about the Hasbro version too. And yeah you are correct, Hasbro / WotC doesn't listen to feedback too well. At least they did not before rehiring Monte Cook.
Colen, I am noticing that 4e does not support the Spellscarred feature for forgotten realms characters yet...

You have the feat in there, but there needs to be a checkbox that allows user text so the user can type in what the scar looks like. Spellscars can be physical deformities, with no in-game benefit aside from making the character look different or unique.
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I've notice that most, if not all, of the powers that are "interrupts" do not list the "Trigger" in the description text. This is a big deal. Needs to be fixed ASAP. I really don't feel like going through all the powers, creating a new copy, adding the trigger information, and then replacing the original.
I have selected the feat Versatile Channeler for a Paladin because I want to add the clerical power of Turn Undead.

The selection does not add the a slot to the class page nor do I have access to the power.

Is the feature not available? If not, will it be available? Whether or not it will be available, what can I do to setup a work-around.

BitDefender freak-out.

When I updated 4e in HL today, BitDefender (my antivirus program) popped up and deleted one of the associated files. Since I downloaded the file direct through HL itself, I highly doubt it's infected, so I took a screenshot of the error for you guys. It's probably an error on BitDefender's side, so there might be nothing you can do about it, but knowledge is power. :o


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I noticed while building a first-level character that the Fey Pact bonus for Sprite War Call isn't listed. I figured that you might want to know, since the online compendium does mention the bonus, so something might be getting lost during the download and conversion of the compendium. The bonus itself is to change the range of the power from 5 squares to 10.

The Heroes of Shadow powers also seem to be missing details, like that Malicious Shadow has a secondary power attached to it. It does mention that it needs Malicious Shadow to be activated, but that doesn't make sense if you don't know about the primary/secondary powers of this ability.
A random assortment of Psionic powers are still missing the text for their augments

Most interrupts/reactions are missing their triggers

Hybrids who reach paragon and don't choose to Paragon Hybrid do not get the Hybrid Talent feat for free.

Some sort of support for themes would be really really nice.
The "School of Magic Apprentice" Feat lists that you can choose a school, but you cannot actually choose it. It is just the text that you would be able to choose one (myselves I wrote a "Pyromancy Apprentice" Feat for my Wizard to work around this, but proper support for the "School of Magic Apprentice" Feat would be nice).
Is there any email address to send bugfixes (as user files) to BTW? I sent a lot of bugfixes I did (Elemental Empowerment, Arcanist, etc.) to the support email address, but asides from a "we will look into the issue" kind of mail on the first package of stuff I sent I did not get more replies on my further work I sent them. Maybe a different address (one of the developers, maybe?) would work better?
Please allow me to add another mention of the human sorcerer alt class ability of selecting an additional spell per level (one level lower than max level).

I had the ability to add these until today. As soon as I deleted them and started over in a build I was working on, the "add custom alt class ability" (or whatever it was called - I no longer have the option) disappeared.

I know it has been mentioned before, but after searching I have seen no update of whether it has been fixed supposedly, or if there is another way to make this ability work short of adding custom adjustments and not adding HP/Skill Pts at each level to compensate.

Is there an answer yet? Not in a hurry - just can't find this on the forums. Thanks.