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Feature Requests/Bug Reports

Feat: Goliath Greatweapon Prowess bug

  • Selecting the Feat "Goliath Greatweapon Prowess" is supposed to grant the character proficiency with all simple and military two-handed weapons, and a +2 to damage with those weapons. However, no military two-handed weapons are showing as proficient when I move to the Armory and try to select Melee Weapons (greatsword, greatspear, glaive, greataxe, halberd, heavy flail, heavy war pick, et al are all showing as not proficient and grayed out).

  • Also, you make the Runepriest select his/her mastery as a hard-coded item (in the Rune Master field on the Class tab). However, they can change this stance every round or between encounters if they choose. Descriptions of both should be on the character sheet when printing (if not using the Hero Labs program in-session).
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- Fighter At-Will power: Brash Strike
- Not adding the Con modifier to your damage for wielding an Axe, Hammer or Mace.
In building a battlemind MCing into warden with the feat Defender of the Wild and paragon classing into Son of Mercy, the epic destiny Reincarnate Champion is showing up red. Prereq for reincarnate champion is primal power source that defender of the wild provides.
Not sure if this would be considered a bug or feature request but lately I have been using HL to build monsters for my players to fight. I like putting the monsters into the computer because it makes managing battles easy for me. I noticed alot of the resistances and alternative movement types missing from the monster section.

I like being able to preload my monsters into HL for ease of play and management through the tactical console. This software makes my DMing a lot easier. I just would like more options in the monster building section since WOTC is taking the Monster Builder away from us as well.
Had one other feature request. Would it be possible to have the downloader snag the creatures out of compendium as well? for the Monster Building side of the software? The tactical console feature is really nice and I enjoy using it. I built a group of xmas themed monsters for my players to fight on xmas eve and hero lab helped me build them nicely. I would really like to be able to have the monsters build into herolab already to edit or make changes to. I know it would be a lot of work to get the downloader to do it, but it would open up a whole new level functionality for DMing the game.
I noticed that the Backgrounds are finally there, but I have to put in the background choice benefits by hand for skill related choices. While this is not a problem, it becomes a problem if the player wants to take the skill as a class skill because I can not add that as an option. I also noticed some of the feat / class features are not being accounted for as well.
In addition to these problems I found that the Psion class features are only showing up for one psionic discipline under the class tab, but the feature cards are showing up for the focus chosen and the telepathy focus. I had to turn off the extra power cards before printing sheets off. I noticed HL has been doing the same thing for the Half Elf choice between dilettante power and knack for success is printing both cards as well.
It does the same thing for Paragon Paths as well. It shows all the power cards and features even if your not the appropriate level. Mildly annoying but manageable.
Yeah thanks for letting me know that Sinner. My campaigns have not yet touched paragon or epic tier. My players are barely able to handle the heroic tier at this time and I am hesitant to take them into high level games until they are capable of handling it. Good to know I will have to manually turn the extra cards off.
I couldn't find the power Resurgent Smite even after the last update and running ddidownloader (with ddi account) again. When i searched for the power in the herolabs\data\4e it only came up in output.txt:
Error generating unique id for power Resurgent Smite
>>> Error outputting power Resurgent Smite
>>> No XML node created for power Resurgent Smite

Looking through output.txt there seems to be a lot more missing because the same error comes up multiple times for other powers.
I've been able to build 5 characters and only missed resurgent smite so it's not too bad but i'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong or encountered a bug.
The feat 'Acolyte of Divine Secrets' doesn't seem to be granting training in the Religion skill.

The magic item 'Iouns Revelation' doesn't appear to be granting the +2 skill bonus.

NOTE: This is the first time I've used HL for 4E, so I may be missing a step or something . . .

(Reposted from my original thread)
Ki Focus (+2) applied to the character's Falchion is applying it's bonus to hit, but not to damage on the Assassin Power Executioner's Noose. Though the falchion isn't what strikes the creature, the Ki Focus should still be in effect for damage. I confirmed this through the Character Builder, which does apply the damage to the Executioner's Noose.
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Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but utility powers are not showing up as power cards. Please, correct me if I am wrong. Looking to find a way to fix this.
Glad to see i'm not the only one missing powers. The compendium does show things like thunderwave so it's not wizards fault this time.
I've compiled a list of all things getting "Error generating unique id for".
View attachment herolabs-errorlog.txt
Nearly 3000 errors, most of them powers.
I'm pretty sure i removed the duplicates but my vim skills are a bit rusty.
If i can help in anyway, please let me know.
Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but utility powers are not showing up as power cards. Please, correct me if I am wrong. Looking to find a way to fix this.

Hmm, they're showing up for me. Which power(s) are you having a problem with? Can you email me a saved portfolio to colen@wolflair.com demonstrating the problem?
Glad to see i'm not the only one missing powers. The compendium does show things like thunderwave so it's not wizards fault this time.
I've compiled a list of all things getting "Error generating unique id for".
View attachment 392
Nearly 3000 errors, most of them powers.
I'm pretty sure i removed the duplicates but my vim skills are a bit rusty.
If i can help in anyway, please let me know.

Thanks for poking me about this - I fiddled with things so that 200+ powers, feats etc that were being missed because of this error will now be parsed properly by the downloader.
Con modifier is not being added to the fighter powers that add both str and con to the damage in the calculations on the character sheets.

I also noticed that its giving me a validation error for too many powers picked on the wizard's encounter powers when all 3 powers are picked at the paragon tier...
This might not make it into the current update but... Would it be possibly to add something that allowed distinguishing literacy and speech to the languages characters know?

Campaigns in Dark Sun make this an important distinction because sorcerer-kings keep literacy out of the hands of the "common" people lest they learn the truth of their history and rise against their overseers.