Feat: Goliath Greatweapon Prowess bug
- Selecting the Feat "Goliath Greatweapon Prowess" is supposed to grant the character proficiency with all simple and military two-handed weapons, and a +2 to damage with those weapons. However, no military two-handed weapons are showing as proficient when I move to the Armory and try to select Melee Weapons (greatsword, greatspear, glaive, greataxe, halberd, heavy flail, heavy war pick, et al are all showing as not proficient and grayed out).
- Also, you make the Runepriest select his/her mastery as a hard-coded item (in the Rune Master field on the Class tab). However, they can change this stance every round or between encounters if they choose. Descriptions of both should be on the character sheet when printing (if not using the Hero Labs program in-session).
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