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Feature Requests/Bug Reports


New member
Where do Feature Requests go? Currently a lot of stuff seems missing/not working properly. I found most of these while building a Half-Elf Paladin (as will become clear) but I'm sure some similar stuff exists for other races/classes as well. If they'll be acted upon in a timely manner I'd be happy to go through and find similar things for other combos.

1) Powers that allow you to use one of two stats currently default to the first stat it lists. For instance, Ardent Strike for the Paladin can use Strength OR Charisma for attack and damage, but HL only shows the stats with Strength. There should be either a dropdown to choose, or it should choose the highest modifier (the second one is probably the better option since there's never really a time you'd want to use a non-optimum stat for attacking.)

2) Taking a multiclass feat doesn't tell HL that you are that class for the purpose of qualifying for other feats, so if I take Student of Battle to multi-class into a Fighter, it doesn't register me as a fighter and any future Fighter feats I take show up as incorrect.

3) It doesn't seem to calculate bonuses correctly in some situations, especially re: untyped bonuses. It seems to consider the source of the bonus, and not the type of bonus conferred. For instance, the Epic defense feats (Epic Will, Epic Reflexes, Epic Fortitude) are specifically untyped bonuses, but don't seem to stack with other feat bonuses. Additionally, some items which provide an Item Bonus to a defense (Diamond Cincture, for instance) don't actually apply to the defense in question. Some others do, but that one in particular does not.

4) Weapons that are also Implements (Holy Avenger for instance) don't get used as your implement for any implement attacks you may have.

5) If you are a Half-Elf and you take Versatile Master to use your dilettante power as an At-Will, it still registers it as an Encounter power.

6) If I am higher than level 21, it doesn't update the damage shown for my At-Will powers that have moved to do 2W damage at this level.

7) At higher level, the Feats on the character sheet are spread out across four different columns on two different pages.

8) Certain class features (as with Paladin) have to be taken in place of others, but the program still lists you as having all of them available to you instead of having you choose one.

9) Many of the class features are cut off, and it also lists all class feature for, for instance, your Epic Destiny, even if you aren't high enough level to have access to them yet, without indicating that level restriction on them, so you have no way to know if you even have access to a power listed on your sheet.

10) It doesn't actually list any passive properties of any of your items anywhere, and while it lists their at-will, encounter, or daily powers, it doesn't actually say what those powers do, only that there is a power associated with the item.

You have a real chance to pick up a lot of users with WotC making an unpopular change to their character builder, but it will take some spit and polish.
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Just noticed this post.

11) Melee Training - Allows you to select a different Attribute for melee basic attacks. When you do you get stat bonus instead of strength to hit and 1/2 stat bonus (rounded down) on damage.

12) Power Cards - Should print each weapon on it's own line instead of running them together
13) This might be an oversight on my part but. Can we have the ability to redesign/customize the character sheet layout that we print? For me, I'd like to put some more lines on the paper to divide up the various areas. And like the new Essentials character sheet, move the skills under their appropriate ability score.
Some minor things I discovered now that the ddidownloader is fixed:

1) If you hybrid to psionic augmentation classes, it doesn't process this correctly and says to pick encounter powers instead of only at-wills, since neither class has encounter powers. It also only lets you pick 2 at-wills a level 1.

2) Various triggered powers seem to be missing their trigger entry. Ardent Alacrity and Ardent Outrage for instance, while blurred step and dark reaping do have their triggers shown on the same character sheet (Revenant hybrid ardent|battlemind).

3) It also shows both ardent alacrity and outrage powers when you should only have one or the other, and only if the Hybrid Talent feat is used to select it. Similarly the sheet shows having both blurred step AND mindspike as a hybrid, when only the selected one of the two should be there. In both cases, they only show up on the character sheet though, but aren't listed in the actual power column on the class tab in hero lab.
Make a Human Hybrid Fighter/Rogue. MC Ranger
A few problems creep up which make me think all the languages need help.

1. If I pick Elven as a language (humans get common + 1) I'm told I've spent 1 of 0 languages

2. I should have 7 trainable skills (3 base Hybrid + 1 Human + 2 from Hybrid Rogue + 1 from MC Ranger). I'm told I have 6 out of 4 selected (I'm guessing the MC ranger doesn't count as my count of skills).

3. Also my Hybrid Fighter/Rogue can take the Channel Divinity Feat Anthem of Civilization. 1. I don't worship a deity of the Civilization domains, 2 I don't have Channel Divinity. Both are required to take the feat.

Skip the one below... I just realized that Character builder was doing it wrong. Dang... my defenses have been wrong on many characters for several years. :/
CB (and me) were both forgetting to include Two Weapon Defense for both AC and Ref

4. My Ref and Fort defenses are the same. Hybrid Fighter = +1 Fort, Hybrid Rogue = +1 Ref 20 STR, 18 Dex... Level = 9, +2 cloak. Ref = 4 (lvl) + 4 (Dex) + 1 (Rogue) +2 (Cloak) + 10 = 21. Fort = +4 (lvl) + 5 (Str) +1 (Fighter) + 2 (Cloak) = 22. Both are coming up 22.
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I created my old Level 17 kalashtar cleric|invoker in Hero Lab and noticed the following bugs:

1. Invoker's Blaze feat doesn't add its damage bonus to radiant powers.

2. I get a +1 bonus to Reflex from class, which I shouldn't.

3. Feats in character sheet are distributed to three different columns. This is annoying; feats should all be in the same place.

4. The program gives me free Hybrid Talent feat for some reason. Maybe it believes I have selected hybrid paragon path although I have selected Radiant Servant paragon path.

5. Many power cards have odd printings on them such as: "<i> Trigger: </i> You miss an enemy with a radiant power. <i> Effect: </i> Reroll the attack roll." Those <i>-thingies shouldn't be there. There are also www urls in many power cards which make them look ugly.

6. I can't find how to add to my character a superior implement that has a magical property. Maybe I just don't know how to do it, but the option may be missing.

I think the program seems to have too many bugs in it at the moment, since I found so many by just creating one character. I would like to know, whether Lone Wolf will make a serious attempt to squash the majority of bugs in the program some time soon?
I think the program seems to have too many bugs in it at the moment, since I found so many by just creating one character. I would like to know, whether Lone Wolf will make a serious attempt to squash the majority of bugs in the program some time soon?
Lone Wolf is a small company, so they're occasionally a bit limited in what they can address immediately. I can give you the advice that if you post your portfolio on here (the usual method is to zip it up and use the Attach button for the post), it's easier to track down the bugs. As it is, they have no idea what else is on your character that might be affecting your results.
Lone Wolf is a small company, so they're occasionally a bit limited in what they can address immediately. I can give you the advice that if you post your portfolio on here (the usual method is to zip it up and use the Attach button for the post), it's easier to track down the bugs. As it is, they have no idea what else is on your character that might be affecting your results.

Unfortunately, I can't do that since I am still in demo mode.
Thanks for posting this thread - I'll put these bugs on the list to fix for the next release. Feel free to post any others you find here. :)
Make a Human Hybrid Fighter/Rogue. MC Ranger
A few problems creep up which make me think all the languages need help.

1. If I pick Elven as a language (humans get common + 1) I'm told I've spent 1 of 0 languages

This is not a bug with HL. WotC broke it, they removed the bonus language for human's from the compendium. Therefor HL is showing the "correct" info. I fixed it through the editor and replaces thing field.
Throwing weapons qualify for magical properties such as Rebounding.

HL doesn't let me legally put Rebounding (an any ranged) property onto a Thrown Weapon such as a Throwing Hammer (which is classified of all things as a non-ranged melee weapon).
As everyone else is getting in on the act - I don't think these problems have been noted anywhere else on the thread, sorry if there's any duplication:

- Intelligent Blademaster doesn't change any bonuses for basic attacks. It might have been the route I picked it up that caused the problem (multiclass with Blade Initiate then selected Intelligent Blademaster).

- Tomes can't be equipped, and in the case of the tomes that give out bonus powers (e.g. Tome of Striking Lightning) you can't select any more daily powers. This is both true for single classed and multiclassed wizards.

- Resourceful Magician doesn't implement the level 11 feature. At level 11 you can pick up loads of extra doodads depending on how you've multiclassed. Specifically though you don't get Eldritch Blast if you've taken Pact Initiate, Cantrips if you've selected Arcane Initiate and the resistance to elements feature if you've selected the Sorcerer multiclass feat, the name of which escapes me at the mo.

- Resourceful Magician doesn't implement the level 16 feature. At level 16 any powers you select can be selected from any arcane class you've taken the multiclass for.



PS: Work arounds for the immediate future gratefully accepted!
I created a druid, and took a multiclass assassin feat that allows me to use a ki focus as my implement. After purchasing a ki focus, HL is not allowing me to equip it; it's jut not on the drop-down of available options.

Edit: for clarity, the drop-down I am talking about is on the "special" tab. If I buy a staff and a totem in the same way as I bought the Ki Focus, the staff and totem both appear on the list, but the ki focus does not.
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Thanks for posting this thread - I'll put these bugs on the list to fix for the next release. Feel free to post any others you find here. :)

Sweet. I'll buy my license if I see that the bugs I submitted are fixed in the next version.
Ok so all the Divinity feats are available to my Hybrid Fighter/Rogue MC Ranger.

He has no Channel Divinity capacity, and he worships the goddess of luck, yet.

He can select Death Knell.

Prerequisites listed at the top:
Channel Divinity Class Feature, must worship a deity in the death domain.

There is no way he should be able to select this feat.

He can also select the Rose King series of feats (prerequisite: Avenger or Swordmage, proficiency with the Longsword).

Yet... some class based prerequisites are restricted from him (such as some that are restricted to runepriests). Odd.
Oh and some of the fighting styles show up on powers and others don't

For instance, Vigilante Justice Style shows up on my character's riposte strike, but Midnight Blade Student and Red Cloak Student don't show up on any powers.