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Savage Worlds Bug Reports

SPC2 also seems to show the mouseover text for the second level of Big Fist when you take Longstride instead of the text for the latter. Oh, and went print previewing, or outputting a PDF, it displays the text for Toughness, apparently instead of for Longstride.
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Shrinking also has some problems. Tiny displays the text for Microscopic in the mouseover. The PDF display seems okay for this one.
Apparently there are a lot of mouseover text problems; I'm looking at multiple Ranged Attacks that are indicating they have modifiers (cone, AP and others) they don't have.
OK, I found where the summary was wrong for Long Stride (It showed the Toughness summary) and I fixed that. But I'm not seeing the mouseover issues you are describing. Please describe exactly where and how you are seeing this. I'm making final changes today and tomorrow.
For Shrink, its the Mousover on the question mark on the in-play tab and the same in the Super Powers tab; in case it matters for some reason, its a Switchable slot and also has Density in addition to the Tiny choice. To repeat, the mouseover is showing the data for Microscopic, not Tiny.

As I noted, the same in-play shows the both the first and second levels of Big Fist, rather than Longstrider. This was on a Switchable Growth power.

All the Ranged Attacks are showing incorrect extras, on the mouseovers in both the powers and in-play tabs. Again, the pdfs seem fine here.

And to repeat, the toggles on the super-edges on the in-play tab are not telling you, well, anything; not only the label is just "Super Edge", the mouseover doesn't tell you what it is; it just gives the general text for the power. That may be past easily fixing, but its kind of a problem, because you don't know what you're toggling on and not.

I can send you portfolios showing all these if you need them.
Ah, I get it. Scroll down. It shows the full description of the power with all available modifiers. It's meant to resemble the listing from the book. The same with the Super Edges mouseover.
That being said, let me see what I can do about adding a bit more to the In-Play display for Super Edge (not the mouseover, the actual displayed name).
I may have also found another bug, I'm not certain.

I set up a generic entry for "Creature", just because it would let me pull one in and add various extra abilities on the template when I needed a one-off monster.

That worked fine, but I set all the attributes at d4 (because I didn't know what I would use it for) and even though I imported it as a creature, its not letting me modify the attributes--even though it reporting an error that I haven't adjusted them.

Is there something odd about "creatures" I don't know?
And I now see what you mean...but when I try to pull the slider, the mouseover window closes, so I don't actually see any way to check the specifics of the power.
It must have been a bug with the individual file, since once I went back and re-did it, I couldn't duplicate the result. Still weird like you say, though.

(Sorry for the sudden burst of things by the way, but I was running a game of SW Supers last night and a lot of this stuff became blindingly obvious in the middle of doing so; I kept having to do Print Preview to see some of the things at all clearly).
OK, folks, here's the line for the next update.
Anything reported after this will need to go into the next update, 5.2 is set.
I just uploaded all current upates for Savage Worlds with teh result that none of the settings (e.g. WW Rome, Deadlans etc) work any more. They just don't show anymore.
But I get this error message:
Thing 'eg50 Grappl' - Condition test must occur proir to all rules and eval scripts, including on components (Initialize, 2100)
Thing 'eg50Quiver' - Condition test must occur proir to all rules and eval scripts, including on components (Initialize, 2100)

This seems to be the reason why the impoted file won't work. My question: What is to be done to get the settings running again?

Cheers, Thorsten