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Savage Worlds Bug Reports

Deadlands Bug

I found a small typo in DLRSWADE.user that was causing the High Roller Edge to incorrectly fail validation. It was looking for a Spirit trait value of 45 instead of 4. Manually editing the file and restarting Herolab clears the false validation error for me.

<thing id="edgDLHiRo1SWADE" name="High Roller" description="Go high or go home. Your hero draws an extra card anytime he Deals with the Devil (see page 65)." compset="Edge" summary="Draw an extra card when Dealing With the Devil." uniqueness="unique">
<usesource source="DeadlandsSWADE"/>
<tag group="MinRank" tag="1"/>
<tag group="EdgeType" tag="Huckster"/>
<pickreq thing="edgArcDLHuSWADE"/>
<exprreq message="Spellcasting d6 required."><![CDATA[#traitfound[skSpellcst] >= 3]]></exprreq>
<exprreq message="Spirit d8 required"><![CDATA[#trait[attrSpi] >= 45]]></exprreq>
A small minor display thing - With the Show Running Die source enabled, if you field[trtSpecial].value is non-zero, the Running die display does not include a "d" in front of the value like it does for the normal running die.

for example, if field[trtSpecial].value = 10 (say for flight) the display on the basics summary tab is d6/10 instead of the expected d6/d10
Weird problem regarding Containerreq.

Okay, so we have an Edge that is only available if you have another Edge.

So requirement is the Assassin Edge. This new Edge is called Target Analysis. So we add the the following Containerreq:


Everything works fine. You cannot see the new Edge Target Analysis in the editor with your character. Now select the Assassin Edge, and Bob's your uncle, Target Analysis appears as an option as expected.

Now go to print preview or print out your PDF. Look under your list of Edges and their summaries. You will see the summary for Target Analysis but you will NOT see the actual name of the Edge, it is missing.

Not sure how long this has been a problem but as I work on more complex setting files and come up with ways to make what the player sees more efficient, the Containerreq has been very handy. Any idea why this problem is occurring?
Editor - Walkers

The editor tab for Walkers is missing an editor field for the vhHandling field. Easy enough to add it in the fields area, but would be very handy if there was a specific place to enter it. :)
Last edited:
Tags - vhWalkerSt

vhWalkerSt tag needs to begin at d12+1. Savage Rifts have a couple of walkers with d12+3 and I think one at d12+1...
Weird problem regarding Containerreq.

Okay, so we have an Edge that is only available if you have another Edge.

So requirement is the Assassin Edge. This new Edge is called Target Analysis. So we add the the following Containerreq:


Everything works fine. You cannot see the new Edge Target Analysis in the editor with your character. Now select the Assassin Edge, and Bob's your uncle, Target Analysis appears as an option as expected.

Now go to print preview or print out your PDF. Look under your list of Edges and their summaries. You will see the summary for Target Analysis but you will NOT see the actual name of the Edge, it is missing.

Not sure how long this has been a problem but as I work on more complex setting files and come up with ways to make what the player sees more efficient, the Containerreq has been very handy. Any idea why this problem is occurring?
Don't use a containerreq for that, use a pick-req.

I'll take a look at the Walker stuff.
Don't use a containerreq for that, use a pick-req.

I'll take a look at the Walker stuff.
I should have explained this better :)

I use the containrreq to "hide" choices that are not available unless a character has a certain Edge (or similar future). I have done this with Class Edges, Prestige Edges, etc. as a way to keep the list of Edges (or skills) reasonable for a player if they don't have that particular build. I also use this technique with Factions and Groups to filter out and show only what is available for a particular build.

I have seen it used in other setting system files.

I do use pick-req as a requirement for "purchasing" the Edge, etc.

Just some of the newer settings sometimes add a lot of new Edges and such. Perhaps its my little bit of OCD that I try to keep everything tidy. I know it isn't necessary, players can just scroll through the long list of Edges looking for something they want. I just wanted to point out that a piece of code that has some value to use has this weird quirk I never noticed before. I just find it a valuable tool when I am working on my setting files.
I've fixed the Walker stuff for the next update.
On the containerreq bit - I can't conceive any reason why it would show the summary and not the name. They're both pulled at the same time by the same process, it doesn't have any exceptions for containerreq. I'll need an example file set, both user and portfolio so I can see it and talk it over with the base code folks.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm just missing the timing.

I'm trying to do a conditional bootstrap on a RacialAbil at Initialize/900. all the way from this timing down to Initialize/100 I get:

Existence tagexpr for pick 'creSRAGargoyleLrd' is scheduled after primary condition test is scheduled

If I do it with a RacialProp on the same timing it works fine.

Bu default, I'm assigning the tag to the hero that controls his bootstrap at Initialize/100.