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Psionics Unleashed (Dreamscarred Press) - WIP

Two things about soulknives in the file...

1: Mindblades don't show up as an option on the "new weapon" menu, which would be fine since it gives you the weapon you select for free, but it ALSO doesn't show up on the "base weapon" list in the "Create Custom Magic Weapon" window. which means you can't allocate your enhancement or indeed, have your enhancement bonus mindblade at all in Hero Lab

2: The ability list for the soulknife shows that you can get a +1, +2, and +3 enhanced mindblade, but after that the enhancement doesn't show up on the ability list anymore.

I've kinda got a work around for #1, as I can just take whatever mundane weapon matches up with the mindblades base stats and enhance it from there, but most of those mundane weapons a soulknife doesn't get proficiency for...

Please let me know if I'm missing something?
Thanks for your feedback zero_traveler!
zero_traveler said:
Two things about soulknives in the file...

1: Mindblades don't show up as an option on the "new weapon" menu, which would be fine since it gives you the weapon you select for free, but it ALSO doesn't show up on the "base weapon" list in the "Create Custom Magic Weapon" window. which means you can't allocate your enhancement or indeed, have your enhancement bonus mindblade at all in Hero Lab

I'll check into this. I know I can have it show on the Create Custom, but then it shows on the Weapon Purchase screen.

zero_traveler said:
2: The ability list for the soulknife shows that you can get a +1, +2, and +3 enhanced mindblade, but after that the enhancement doesn't show up on the ability list anymore.

I've kinda got a work around for #1, as I can just take whatever mundane weapon matches up with the mindblades base stats and enhance it from there, but most of those mundane weapons a soulknife doesn't get proficiency for...

Please let me know if I'm missing something?

You're not missing anything. I've got this fixed in the next file release.
I just saw your post, I did not understand that it was for me. It seemed to have worked like a charm. Thanks so much for the help Sendric.

Actually I think you quoted the wrong person when you replied and I missed it.

I've got this issue fixed in the next release.
I followed the instructions to put in the updates and it installed all fine but when I start up pathfinder I get this.

Thought I would let you know that this will not work with the new update. I believe it said something about a duplicate file.
Thought I would let you know that this will not work with the new update. I believe it said something about a duplicate file.

You can right-click error messages in Hero Lab to copy them, then paste them here - the details are going to be important when tracking this issue down.
Sorry I forgot to do that. Hero Lab would only start in recovery mode and then I removed psionics unleashed so HL would work correctly.
I just went back and reinstalled psionics unleashed and this is the error message

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: PFRPG_Psionics_Unleashed.user (line 8907) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('spPainStr2')
I'm looking into this. I have a feeling there was new data included which means I'll have to figure out how to rename all the unique ids of the powers in PU.
All I did is went and changed it from this ('spPainStr2') to this ('spPAinStr2') - just making the "a" capital was all it took - it works fine know.
Probably as soon as I finish getting the Items in I'll start working on the Psionics Expanded book alongside finishing the Monsters chapter of Psionics Unleashed. At least that's the plan...
So it seems as though a validation error occurs reporting that the character needs to learn more powers even when I've already selected all the powers I'm allowed. I'm not sure what's causing it. Its not a major bug by any stretch, but I thought I'd point it out in case others were seeing it too. I am seeing this with both the Psychic Fist and Wilder.
So it seems as though a validation error occurs reporting that the character needs to learn more powers even when I've already selected all the powers I'm allowed. I'm not sure what's causing it. Its not a major bug by any stretch, but I thought I'd point it out in case others were seeing it too. I am seeing this with both the Psychic Fist and Wilder.

Thanks Sendric. I think I've got this fixed in the next release.
A couple of things were brought to my attention. I didn't check the rules, but I'm told that the Spring Attack requirement for the Elocator prestige class can be filled with the Nomad's Step class feature. Assuming that's true, then modifying the requirement script to "#hasfeat[fSpringAtt] + #hasability[cPsiNomSte] <> 0" should resolve that issue.

The other potential issue is that when you select Force Screen as one of your powers, it is automatically checked on in the Adjust tab. Not sure if that's intentional or a bug or whatever. I haven't been using the Pathfinder stuff for the most part, so that may just be par for the course.
A couple of things were brought to my attention. I didn't check the rules, but I'm told that the Spring Attack requirement for the Elocator prestige class can be filled with the Nomad's Step class feature. Assuming that's true, then modifying the requirement script to "#hasfeat[fSpringAtt] + #hasability[cPsiNomSte] <> 0" should resolve that issue.

The other potential issue is that when you select Force Screen as one of your powers, it is automatically checked on in the Adjust tab. Not sure if that's intentional or a bug or whatever. I haven't been using the Pathfinder stuff for the most part, so that may just be par for the course.
So you got that PM from ellissar@earthlink.net also?