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Psionics Unleashed (Dreamscarred Press) - WIP

Yes that worked perfectly. What I was trying to do was to import the authoring kit files from the download on the first page os this topic.

However I was wondering how to download a third party source, so thank you.
I tried to do that before on the Pathfinder SRD site and it didn't download, so when I saw this I decided to try it and now I get this-

File: PFRPG_ Sourses.1st (line 4)- Source - Duplicate record encountered (‘pSGG’)

and I don't get any psionics.
Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you to all those involved in this project. I love Psionics & have deeply missed them in Pathfinder.
Bug Report? One small problem...

I attempted to create a Psion (Telepath) & when I go to choose the Discipline Talents from the Special Abilities menu it lists "Nothing to Select".

Also as a minor thing, Discipline(Telepathy) description is that of Seer, not telepathy.
As a slight update, I'm hoping to soon release an update to the PU file that incorporates fixes for the issues brought up so far as well as Psicrystals as 'familiar'-style minions :)
Psion datafile for Psionics Unleashed for HL

I ran into a problem with the Psion datafile for Psionics Unleashed in Hero Labs.

The description datafile for the Psion - Nomad discipline is incorrect. It describes the Seer abilities, not the Nomad according to the book.

I ran into a problem with the Psion datafile for Psionics Unleashed in Hero Labs.

The description datafile for the Psion - Nomad discipline is incorrect. It describes the Seer abilities, not the Nomad according to the book.


This appears to be a problem with the Kinetic Aura class special. It looks like the eval script is running even though the special shouldn't be applied until level 8.

I don't know how TCArknight wants to handle it, but in the mean time, you can add the following doneif statement at the beginning of the eval script for this class special:

doneif (#levelcount[Psion] < 8)

Note: As to the other issue of descriptions, just a note that the Egoist and Nomad descriptions are the same as the Seer.
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I am having a problem with the Psion. Its all good until I select the Psychokinesis Discipline and the discipline gives me a -2 Deflection bonus to AC. At the least tell me how to change the script to get rid of the -2 deflection bonus, Ill try it myself. I looked through it thoroughly and can not figure it out. Also the Psion always has an error stating learn new powers now matter what I do. I pick all the powers I should and it still says I should pick more.
I have narrowed the problem down to the ability called kinetic aura. For some reason kinetic aura is what I believe is causing the -2 deflection modifier to ac to occur. It seems to work as soon as 8th level is attained but it seems to apply kinetic aura starting at first level but as a negative because you do not get a positive bonus until 8th.
I have narrowed the problem down to the ability called kinetic aura. For some reason kinetic aura is what I believe is causing the -2 deflection modifier to ac to occur. It seems to work as soon as 8th level is attained but it seems to apply kinetic aura starting at first level but as a negative because you do not get a positive bonus until 8th.

Yes. If you look at my post before yours you will see a doneif statement you can use to fix this until an official fix is provided.
I just saw your post, I did not understand that it was for me. It seemed to have worked like a charm. Thanks so much for the help Sendric.

Actually I think you quoted the wrong person when you replied and I missed it.
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I just saw your post, I did not understand that it was for me. It seemed to have worked like a charm. Thanks so much for the help Sendric.

Actually I think you quoted the wrong person when you replied and I missed it.

I had a private back and forth with that person and I think they mentioned the same error you did somewhere else so I just quoted them without looking at what exactly I was quoting. Sorry about the confusion.

Thought I'd go ahead and share where I'm at with the Psionics Unleashed book from Dreamscarred Press.

Skills - Complete
Feats - Complete
Base Classes - Complete
Prestige Classes - Not Started
Powers - (done as spells) A-B complete

That's it right now. I've got things working as well as I can without the basic Psionics support not being enabled. (Colen, Rob, Matthias - Any chance of that happening soon? :) )

I'm still working on things slowly but surely... :)


TC, Love your work, I've been loving Psionics since 1st Ed, and having them in Hero Labs pretty much sold it for me.

I've been working on various builds in HL for Psionic Characters, and I have been noticing something that I think is fundamentally incorrect in the way Hero Labs implements psionics (or perhaps as it has be configured to date).

In the above text you mentioned that you put in the Psionic Powers in a spells. Sadly, this introduces a problem -- metamagic feats are shown in the lists for feats that can modify psionic powers. And, as you are probably very aware there is specific text in the Psionics Unleashed book that prohibits this.

I'm not exactly sure how to implement psionics as not-spells, but taking these powers out of that spells category would prevent this bug.

In response to the above, You may want to put in a FtDisable tag somehow for the Psionic powers that disallows the Metamagic feats. Just a thought I had.


In response to the above, You may want to put in a FtDisable tag somehow for the Psionic powers that disallows the Metamagic feats. Just a thought I had.


It's not just the metamagic feats, it applies to traits as well, like those that impact concentration checks when casting arcane spells (shows up on the Psion tab under the special abilities button.

Also, there is a "spells" tab that has the psionic powers listed in them under a "spellcasting" header. Not sure how this is changed as well.

I'm attempting to figure out how this all goes together so I can assist with development down the road, but I'm kinda posting this as a "need-to-do-list" for the Psionics classes.
It will get done eventually when we have less High Priority projects to work on.
This is a massive Project and TCArKnight has done most of the work on it. I coded up all the powers for it, which took me a while, but it got done.

I'm trying to find something for Wilder Psionics class in Pathfinder for Herolab. I downloaded the .zip at the front of this thread, but it seems to be corrupted.