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Psionics Unleashed (Dreamscarred Press) - WIP

Wanted to add a note for adding new "Vitalist Methods" that will be coming in the 2.4 release soon.

1) We have to create a new psiClass.? tag for this Method so we can correctly mark the powers. The easiest method is to do this on the "Power" tab by clicking on "Classes" button and selecting "- New Tag -". I would advise following the naming convention of "PUVitMetXX" where "XX" is the two letters that matches your Methods name.

Officially I add these on the Psionics Unleashed mechanic in the file "PFRPG_Psionics_Unleashed.user". Please note I have LOTS of comments and formatting for this file done outside the editor. So if you use the editor to add the tag it will destroy all of them. :( So add through the Powers above and let me know when you send to me that we have a new Tag to add to the mechanic.

2) Go to the "Class->Class Special" and create your 5 new class specials that pertain to the 5 special abilities your new Method gets.

3) "Vitalist Methods" are created on the "Class->Custom Ability" tab and will be easiest to create by coping an existing one like "Guardian Method".

3a) Then what you do is on the "tags" you want to change the "psiClass.PUVitMetGu" to be your new Method tag created in Step 1.

3b) Click on the "Class Special Abilities" and enter the Unique ID's of the Class Specials you created in step 2.

4) Do "Test Now!" and your done. :)

Shadow, I know this is an old post, but I haven't posted here since I asked you if Vitalist would be included in the community pack. Thanks for doing what you do. I found a game recently that wants to use the old Ultimate Psionics books, and I think I want to stick around in that game. I'm playing a psion in that game now, but will do a vitalist later. Again I really appreciate you adding the psionics to HL.