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Psionics Unleashed (Dreamscarred Press) - WIP

Hi All -
As a VC, I never get to play anything other than standard PFS play. It's exciting to be able to play a Psion. But I'm thinking of merging it with a Magus from Ult.Magic. I think multiclassing with the two might make a pretty interesting mix. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. With the Carrion Crown AP, it seems that a straight Psion might be seen as a 'creep' to the 'normal' people.
Not that UM came out in time to use the 05/09 data file for this - but is there a thought that there might be an overlap and some issues? Just want to see what headaches I might encounter doing it this way via HL.
Be Well. Be Well Psionic.
Theocrat Issak
Venture Captain of the Las Vegas Lodge
Ok so, I'm using the latest build of the Psionics dataset from this thread, and I tried adding in a Psychic Warrior class at level 8, after 7 straight levels of Soulknife.

SLK seems to be working fine, but the Psychic Warrior I'm getting a Validation Error on my Psychic Warrior tab, saying I need to learn more powers, but when I add more beyond the 1 that I have, I get a validation error "Has Excess Powers"
You may want to wait a bit, RavenX has told me he and TCArcKnight are very close to having a finished version to share with everyone.
TCArKnight should now have the datafile waiting for him in his inbox. I just sent it. The powers are done now. TCArKnight should be able to finish the rest of the datafile now.
click on the d20pfsrd link in Shadow's signature. :) You should be able to find it from there.

I think the only thing that's missing is the Prestige classes which I haven't gotten to yet, but I want to make sure that everything else is working fine before tackling them.
Are the files for d20 system or Pathfinder? I only purchased the Pathfinder Licensce. Do I need to get the d20 license to us this data set?
Are the files for d20 system or Pathfinder? I only purchased the Pathfinder Licensce. Do I need to get the d20 license to us this data set?

Go to this thread here: http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?p=68762 and view the PDF is Step 1 of the first post. When you get to the "add source" section and you have to copy in a link, copy the link from Step 2 of the post, NOT the link from the PDF. Follow the rest of the PDF instructions but instead of looking for "lawful_g" in the updates section of Hero Lab, look for "d20pfsrd Psionics Unleashed" and download and import normally like any other Hero Labs update.

That should get you going. :)
I followed the link but I didn't see where to get this file. What did I miss?
This is a Powered by HL feature means there is a one time setup and the data set can then be auto-downloaded into HL. Just like official data sets and HL will give a notification to you to update when a new version is put out.

Should have pointed you to the first post in the thread. My bad. :(

So see d20pfsrd Data Sets - Powered by Hero Lab.... instead.
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Well I am having trouble importing it. I suspect its me. The best I get is that I can veiw the files, but they don't redirect to the authoring part of the files the way the last import of authoring files did.

I have two puters and exported one to the other, so I thought I knew how to do this, maybe not...

Anyway I can see the files it just doesn't load them up to the Pathfinder system.
Well I am having trouble importing it. I suspect its me. The best I get is that I can veiw the files, but they don't redirect to the authoring part of the files the way the last import of authoring files did.

I have two puters and exported one to the other, so I thought I knew how to do this, maybe not...

Anyway I can see the files it just doesn't load them up to the Pathfinder system.
Hmmm I am sorry I am just not understanding.

Umm lets go this way. Follow these steps and if you get any errors or issues take a screen shot. Its really hard to debug things when I can't see it. :)

1) Please see THIS pdf document located on Chiefweasel's site. It will go over the couple steps needed to setup the Updates feature.
--In the PDF follow steps 1 to 3 only. For step 4 fill in THIS URL:

2) Restart Hero Lab and click on the Find Updates button and near the bottom of the list you will find the new "d20pfsrd - Psionics Unleashed" data sets available.

3) Select it and then click on DOWNLOAD.

4) Once downloaded the install process should kick right off.

5) Click on the "Install" button.

6) You get a warning message just say OK.

7) After the install you should get a message it installed correctly.

8) Hit finished and double click Pathfinder to start it.

9) In the Configure Your Hero window you should now see "Psionics Unleashed" as something you can click on for Classes, Skills, feats, and races.

Let me know if you have any issues with the above steps. If you do have an issue a screen shot of what you see would really help out. :)