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Pathfinder Community Packs

Forgive me, it seems that it wasn't the community packs after all. I had to find, delete, then reinstall the user content that I had. One at a time... I will now go and figure out why the spheres of power files are doing this.

For the spheres of power stuff, you can just double click on the .hl files that come in the zip.
And that is the basic install.

Then add the update source, that is included with each spheres of power file, and after they're all added, restart hero lab.

That way, it will check for updates, and you can update everything to the latest version, which in theory works fine.

If there are still issues, I'd report them to TheIronGolem, in the Spheres of Power thread.
Hey just wanted to note that abPUActEne tends to come up on practically any psionics class or race I load and half the time is doesn't show up where I expect it to show up. Example: sometimes it shows up under background Racial abilities and/or Specials and sometimes it gets lost somewhere on the hero and the validation script still reports it.


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Hey just wanted to note that abPUActEne tends to come up on practically any psionics class or race I load and half the time is doesn't show up where I expect it to show up. Example: sometimes it shows up under background Racial abilities and/or Specials and sometimes it gets lost somewhere on the hero and the validation script still reports it.
It displays in the In-Play tab and it should be on all paionic characters cause that is a descion you have to make when you are focused.
It displays in the In-Play tab and it should be on all paionic characters cause that is a descion you have to make when you are focused.

I think I got confused again, sorry Shadow. First time seeing it was when I played a Dromite, then I have been doing code testing and forgot that it is universal among psionic characters. The Dromite has it in the Racial abilities and that is why my sleepy brain did that.
I think I got confused again, sorry Shadow. First time seeing it was when I played a Dromite, then I have been doing code testing and forgot that it is universal among psionic characters. The Dromite has it in the Racial abilities and that is why my sleepy brain did that.
Hmmm that is a bit strange. Will double check to see if I can supress every where but In-Play. :)
Any chance that you will add Starfinder to the community pack? =)
It has GM components for turning Monsters into Starfinder monsters. It also has weapons allowing a GM to add a Laser rifle, corona to say a Harpy.

Unfortunately I have no plans at the current time to add Starfinder Player stuff to the community Pack. :(
The release of the new "Pathfinder Pack" version 1.16 is out!

v1.16 March 16, 2018

Bug Fixes
  • Starfinder GM (ShadowChemosh) - Source marked some weapons that got missed.
  • Utimate Psionics (ShadowChemosh) - Fixed #138. Added Vitalist's missing class ability "Steal Life" at level 14.
  • Ultimate Psionics (ShadowChemosh) - #119 Aegis aberrant archetype fixed. Changes to the archetype where pretty big but will allow me to more easily support the archetype now and in the future. Unfortunately this means existing characters that have this archetype will be required to re-add any customizations they had taken previously. In the good news they all are now fully scripted. Very sorry for any issues this causes!
  • Modern Path (Frodie) - Fixed spellcasting for shadow heroes.
New Features
  • Ultimate Psionics (ShadowChemosh) - Custom Dorje's have been added! This can be found on the Magic tab as "- Add Custom Dorje -" and will function just like buying a wand except you can add powers instead. Currently the "CL" is still getting displayed instead of ML.
  • Ultimate Psinoics (ShadowChemosh) - Finished updating all the base Aegis custom abilities.
  • Ultimate Psinonics (ShadowChemosh) - Enhanced the Crystal Warrior archetype.
  • Ultimate Psinonics (ShadowChemosh) - Enhanced the Ectopic Artisan archetype.
  • Ultimate Psionics (ShadowChemosh) - Started work on equipment section.
Data File Authoring
  • Ultimate Psioncis (ShadowChemosh) - Fixed the "fearless" ability to be usable by the whole Pack.
  • (ShadowChemosh) - Made all Universal Abilities & Racial Specials PFS ok.
  • (ShadowChemosh)- Deprecated some duplicated universal abilities.
  • (ShadowChemos) - Update GitHubs file ignore list to exclude files that start with a ~.
[*]Ultimate Psionics (ShadowChemosh) - Custom Dorje's have been added! This can be found on the Magic tab as "- Add Custom Dorje -" and will function just like buying a wand except you can add powers instead. Currently the "CL" is still getting displayed instead of ML.
Wanted to give a bit of a preview of this feature. I also wanted to thank LW for making a few changes so I could get this to work. Thanks LW!!!! :)

On the Magic tab you can search for Dorje and you will see two listed:
The new one is the "- Add Custom Dorje -". I left the old one in so that existing characters are not affected. Mostly like the next update will make it so that you can't select the old Droje anymore while leaving them on old charaters.

Once you add the new "- Add Custom Dorje -" you will get a screen like so:
You can then easily add a power to the Droje and the cost will be calculated. In addition you can change the ML (It says CL but its the same idea) or number of charges. Once you are happy you can purchase your new Dorje.

The Dorje will displays its uses on the In-Play tab allowing you to track its use.
Hey Shadow, long time user, first time caller. I've been using this package heavily with a Grammaton Cryptic character from Ultimate Psionics I'm playing and I've noticed two validation errors.

The first is the Cryptic Insight "Binding Pattern" turns red and says "Cryptic level 4 or greater is required for this insight." I'm still red at Cryptic level six and my growth-planning portfolio is also red all the way at Cryptic 10. The character is multiclassed, but still throws the validation error as a single-classed character.

The second is when I pick my free deed from Insightful Deed at 6th level, if I pick the deeds Deadeye, Gunslinger Dodge, Gunslinger Initiative, or Pistol Whip, I get a validation error saying "You already have the _______ ability - this would be redundant." even though I do not. Quick Clear, which I picked with Amateur Gunslinger, is correctly grayed out, Utility Shot does not give the error, and Gunslinger Initiative also lists Deadeye as the ability I supposedly already have when throwing the error. Even though there is a validation error, Gunslinger Initiative still modifies my stats as it should.

In both cases the character works fine, but my brain can't ignore red text. Low priority fix, at least for me.
LOL. Dreamscarred Press has five versions of this book available now! I have to get the other four...
> Ultimate Psioncis, Ultimate Psinoics, Ultimate Psinonics, Ultimate Psionics, & Utimate Psionics.:D
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Hey Shadow, long time user, first time caller. I've been using this package heavily with a Grammaton Cryptic character from Ultimate Psionics I'm playing and I've noticed two validation errors.

The first is the Cryptic Insight "Binding Pattern" turns red and says "Cryptic level 4 or greater is required for this insight." I'm still red at Cryptic level six and my growth-planning portfolio is also red all the way at Cryptic 10. The character is multiclassed, but still throws the validation error as a single-classed character.

The second is when I pick my free deed from Insightful Deed at 6th level, if I pick the deeds Deadeye, Gunslinger Dodge, Gunslinger Initiative, or Pistol Whip, I get a validation error saying "You already have the _______ ability - this would be redundant." even though I do not. Quick Clear, which I picked with Amateur Gunslinger, is correctly grayed out, Utility Shot does not give the error, and Gunslinger Initiative also lists Deadeye as the ability I supposedly already have when throwing the error. Even though there is a validation error, Gunslinger Initiative still modifies my stats as it should.

In both cases the character works fine, but my brain can't ignore red text. Low priority fix, at least for me.
I will take a look. To make this easier can you email the .por files to me please. Email is my forum user id (at) yahoo (dot) com.

I downloaded the Crypt of the Everflame module from d20pfsrd and I made sure to download the Pathfinder Pack following the instructions in that community server setup pdf. When I try to open any of the character files like the Shadow, Kassen's Golem, or the Frogs, etc., I get errors like "Pick 'rGianFrog' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch '441'" and that there were problems during load: 'Bestiary'. For Kassen's Golem it says there was critical info not found. Is this something can be fixed in the editor? Or is it because I don't have the appropriate add ons through HL? Thanks!
This thread (though old) might help: Issue with Crypt of the Everflame.

Ah that link might help! I'll check it out when I get home, that seems like the same problem I'm having. I don't have any of the other Bestiary Packages from HL other than the one that comes with the standard download of the program. Or do you mean the community bestiary pack? It was my understanding that that is now included in the Pathfinder Pack updates. First, I'll try to follow what the folks said in the thread you linked. Thanks so much!
Ah that link might help! I'll check it out when I get home, that seems like the same problem I'm having. I don't have any of the other Bestiary Packages from HL other than the one that comes with the standard download of the program. Or do you mean the community bestiary pack? It was my understanding that that is now included in the Pathfinder Pack updates. First, I'll try to follow what the folks said in the thread you linked. Thanks so much!
The way the community stuff works for Modules and AP is different than how it works for Classes, Feats and Spells.

Lets use Rise of the Runelords as an example which has lots of goblins in the first adventure. Goblins are stated up in Bestiary 1 an official Paizo book. The community did not re-create the Goblins race in the community Pack. We did create the encounters which included making goblins into bards and equipping specific weapons. But to use the encounter .por files we created you need Bestiary 1.

If a module/AP has a specific or unique monster than yes we did create it in the community Pack and you do not require any official licnese for these unique monsters. But you still will need the official license if a monster comes from outside the module/AP to make use of it fully in the HL.

Hopefully that makes sense... :)
I think that makes sense. I followed the instructions in the thread for Kassen's golem and it worked, however for the rest it still gives me that error message. I think its because of what you said regarding needing the official license since it seems as though the rest of the monsters come from outside of the module. Thanks for the help!
Noting a bug for the Aegis. Thing cPUCanniSu is not picking up the customization numbers from field[abValue3]. As the timing is set at Post level 10000 and cPUAegHelp is posting at Post-level 12000.