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Savage Worlds Bug Reports

50 Fathoms and Deadlands Noir won't mark themselves as download completed. I keep downloading and importing them, but that exclamation mark never goes away.

I can't figure out how to fix that. You can just ignore it since you're downloading the latest version, so no need to keep "updating" what is the same thing. Maybe it's something LoneWolf can figure out on their end.
Regarding the updates not turning off, I do not know how useful it will be, but maybe you can delete your files for the offending data sets through the Third Party manager thing Tools -> Manage Third Party Updates. Then close Hero Lab, open it again so that it compiles without them, close and then reload Hero Lab again, and then add them again? In the past when I have had weird issues I have had it work after removing the offending part and then opening it again.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that method. Although why it's not working right without having to do that I'm not quite sure. If anyone figures out the problem and it's something I can fix on my end please do let me know.
When I tried that suggestion, and the box came up with all of my 3rd-party stuff in it, Deadlands Noir and 50 Fathoms were listed twice. I deleted both instances, re-opened HeroLab, re-downloaded them, and that worked.

Not sure if that info is helpful in tracking down the cause.
I think it is just that somewhere the compilation gets screwed up. It is not something that we can fix in a data file, but how Hero Lab processes the data files. In this case we are doing an update and there is an error somewhere in it, I guess where it marks which version it is. Good to know, but since I do not have the code for how HL is processing it I cannot give a suggestion. It is a bug but at least it has an easy, although inconvenient, way to fix it.
When I tried that suggestion, and the box came up with all of my 3rd-party stuff in it, Deadlands Noir and 50 Fathoms were listed twice. I deleted both instances, re-opened HeroLab, re-downloaded them, and that worked.

I had the same issue.

Noir was versions v3.5 and v3.3 and 50 Fathoms was versions v1.5 and v1.4.

Working okay now except for when the High Space files are in with all the rest of the third party data files.
As I noted in my post to Zarlor elsewhere, I'm getting some errors like this:

Thing 'edgArmSkin', with condition test currently set at Initialize/10000 and its earliest possible resolution at Initialize/2100 bootstraps thing 'armNatural' which must have its livestate resolved by Initialize/2000

Neither he nor I have any idea how to even go about fixing that. Anyone from LW who sees this care to weigh in?
Paragon, you can open the .user file in a text editor and change the component from Edge to EdgeWep.
Otherwise, you could go into the Editor, delete the custom Edge and re-create it under the Edge with a Bootstrapped Weapon tab.
It's usually easier to edit just that one thing with a text editor.
As I noted in my post to Zarlor elsewhere, I'm getting some errors like this:

Thing 'edgArmSkin', with condition test currently set at Initialize/10000 and its earliest possible resolution at Initialize/2100 bootstraps thing 'armNatural' which must have its livestate resolved by Initialize/2000

Neither he nor I have any idea how to even go about fixing that. Anyone from LW who sees this care to weigh in?

Which file is causing this? I am getting the same error and don't know whether it is the never-disappearing Deadlands Noir file update? Or, something else I downloaded. I note the text fix in the editor, but I am not sure where to begin looking for this to update.
In the Settings Adjust tab in the Editor, the Show Robots checkbox doesn't appear to work properly. It is adding <tag group="Hero" tag="ShowRobot"/> to the user file, but Robots doesn't appear under the Heavy Gear tab
Which file is causing this? I am getting the same error and don't know whether it is the never-disappearing Deadlands Noir file update? Or, something else I downloaded. I note the text fix in the editor, but I am not sure where to begin looking for this to update.

It's not Noir, although I think I know why it's never-disappearing (and there are posts on the forum here how to fix that.) What is the name of the thing in the error that is causing this problem for you? That could help tell us what it is. It should be something that starts with "edg" in the name and the next two characters should tell us what setting is causing the problem.
It's not Noir, although I think I know why it's never-disappearing (and there are posts on the forum here how to fix that.) What is the name of the thing in the error that is causing this problem for you? That could help tell us what it is. It should be something that starts with "edg" in the name and the next two characters should tell us what setting is causing the problem.

This is the message I receive when I try to load Savage Worlds:

"The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'edgBEPsiKn'-Condition phase/priority (Initialize/2100) for bootstrap thing 'wpBEPsiBla' occurs after earliest rules/script (Initialize/2000)."

After that, when I click "ok" it will load the basic files, but none of my extensions that are not by PEG (except it will not load Sci Fi Companion even after I purchased it).

Any insight would be appreciated.
Ok, so the problem is with whatever data file "BE" is assigned to, which I am going to hazard a guess is Paragon's Broken Earth file? If so you can either go into the Editor and upen up the BrokenEarth.user file and delete that Edge (Psionic Knight, maybe? I'm just guessing based on the name since I don't know the setting), or do the fix in the thread where I talk about how to do that or, probably your best bet, just ask Paragon for the newest version of the file since I'm pretty sure he has it fixed. You can also just go to your data file directory and delete the .user file that's coming from which will let everything else load but you just won't have that one setting anymore.
Yeah, that's the PsiBlade on the Mind Knight edge, and it was one of the things that was borked. I'll PM the link to him.
I recommend that Paragon shares it in a dropbox folder and then gives the link so that we can have Hero Lab look at it for updates. I just started doing that a couple of months ago myself.
I'd suggest the better bet would be not just share on dropbox, but use an update.xml (named whatever you want, though) file so the updates to it could show up in the updater. I have a description how to do it on this forum if anyone wants to try that (I can find a link if you want me to.)