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Savage Worlds Bug Reports

I use a mod that has a Size trait affect The Strength roll. It needs to use Traits to work. And I think the reason that the skills get screwed up is because their maximum increases beyond d12; it is a function of the skill being raised on an advance and not because of Professional or Expert (which are obsolete in my rules). The professional edges like Ace and Thief only work with my mods at Traits. When I thought it was an error is that I forgot that my house rule would affect it.
OK, I've been through the code, and I think I've found the spot that's causing some of your issues. I need to do some testing to see if the change has any side effects (I don't anticipate any). If it presents no issues, I'll include it in the update I'm working on (only two items on the list left to fix). I'll start the release process early this next week.
Apparently the grenades think they're used with Shooting rather than Throwing, since the character I just put an XCOM grenade on (with a D4 Throwing and a D4 Shooting) is showing a D6 to hit with it. Tested with the Pineapple and it shows the same thing. I'm guessing this is in Weapon Type, but those don't actually seem to be in the Editor, so I'm guessing they're in the base code.

Edit: Ah, found the thrown toggle.
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OK, I'll check that. I'm working with the Powers-That-Know-More-Than-Me to work out a really weird issue with the character sheet.
Please fill us in on when it's done with the details of any character sheet changes because I'll need to implement any of those into my Extended Character Sheet, too.
To make it clear, since my example had a typo in it (it meant to say the example character had a D4 Throwing and a D6 Shooting), apparently the two grenades already in the program don't seem to have the Thrown toggle clicked, so it defaults to Shooting instead. Its a simple error, really.
OK, Z, here's the character sheet changes:

Line 411 - portal oSPAttack - change component to "SPCAtkPwr"
Lines 2336, 2587, 2918 - change portal[damage].width from 165 to 195

Note that these changes become operational with the next update (SPCAtkPwr doesn't exist until then...)
Thanks! I'll prep a version with those and update the dropbox version that I have linked here for folks when the next update comes out.
For SPC, the Force Control power sets itself up on the character sheet as an attack based on Shooting. According the the clarification from Clint here the usual primary skill for it should be Fighting. That being said he also suggests that the trappings could potentially mean the use of Shooting or even Throwing. So I suggest as a bug fix to switch the Skill being used to Fighting and as a Feature Request I'd like to request that the Power give the player some way to select which of those their power will be based on. Additionally it would be really nice if the power showed up on the Armory column in Hero Lab along with the other Attacks (this actually applies to Attack, Ranged, Attack, Melee and any other powers that provide an attack, for that matter. It's nice that these show up on a printed sheet but would be helpful for those of us that use HL at the table if it showed up there as well.
Natural armor no longer seems to be displaying parenthetically as of the most recent update. I'm not sure but that this might have been going on for a while, but its a bit of a problem since you need to know how much of Toughness is armor for weapons with points of armor penetrating modifier.
Natural armor no longer seems to be displaying parenthetically as of the most recent update. I'm not sure but that this might have been going on for a while, but its a bit of a problem since you need to know how much of Toughness is armor for weapons with points of armor penetrating modifier.

Just to help clarify, is that armor being added with a Racial Ability or a Racial Property. Just comparing the Racial Ability of Natural Armor, which has id abArmor, and the Racial Property of Armor +2, which has id rpArmor2, there are some very distinct differences in that eval sripts.

Racial Ability of Natural Armor, abArmor
      ~set the defensive value for the armor
      perform hero.child[armNatural].setfocus
      focus.field[defDefense].value = field[abilValue].value

      ~if we've been assigned a custom name, assign it to the armor
      if (empty(field[livename].text) = 0) then
        focus.field[livename].text = field[livename].text

      ~append the value to both names
      field[livename].text = field[name].text & " " & signed(field[abilValue].value)
      focus.field[livename].text = focus.field[name].text & " " & signed(field[abilValue].value)

Armor +2, rpArmor2
Phase: Initialization
~set the defensive value for the armor
      perform hero.child[armNatural].setfocus
      focus.field[defDefense].value = 2

I just tested both of them. They both work correctly, that is adding to toughness and putting the armor value in parenthesis. Perhaps you are using a different method? If so perhaps you could look at these as examples. A note about the first method -- the abArmor -- it is meant to be used as a bootstrap (like all of the racial things) but it requires a value in that bootstrap. Just assign a field of abilValue of 2 or whatever as it is being bootstrapped.
I just realized I've been looking at the wrong place; I was assuming it'd show up on the general Toughness toggle on the main display, but where it actually shows up is on the Basics display. So I'm an idiot.
I've looked the characters over extensively, and can't find any sign its anything in my .user file that's doing this so I thought I'd report it:

I loaded the six PCs into a .por for the first time since the last update in my Savage Worlds game, and got the following error on two (and only two) of them:

"Chained Pick trCharisma has been orphaned due to missing bootstrap in batch 48" and "Chained pick trPace has been orphaned due to missing bootstrap in batch 48".

The two characters have nothing in common that is not shared by other characters who do not show the error. I've looked over the two custom Edges (not shared between the two of them) that each of them has, and nothing on them references either Pace or Charisma. The actual Pace and Charisma values on them seem correct given their other traits. Saving and reloading still shows the message. Nothing is obviously missing from either of them (though I'll check with the two players today and see if the sheets match up with what I have; I don't believe either of them uses HL so theirs should show anything missing).
You'll probably need to PM the portfolios and .user file in question to CC so he can see if he sees anything there or can reproduce the problem.
Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

Edit: Or would be if I had the faintest idea how to do an attachment on here.
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That's an error I'm not familiar enough with. I haven't seen it often enough, and not from a base Derived Trait (not Setting-related). I'd have to ask the Mentors (Matthias and Colen). I'd try rebuilding one of the heroes from scratch.
That's an error I'm not familiar enough with. I haven't seen it often enough, and not from a base Derived Trait (not Setting-related). I'd have to ask the Mentors (Matthias and Colen). I'd try rebuilding one of the heroes from scratch.

That was my next plan. Interestingly enough, one of the players of the two characters is not getting the error, and when I imported his version, neither did I, which makes me think there's some subtle corruption of the two portfolios.