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Pathfinder Community Packs

It works now if I add following lines in COM_3PPPack_PathOfWar - Classes.user
Only setting the tags onto the mHelpPW3 will have any affect any more.

Note setup for class maneuvers has a full editor tab. If you open the file in the editor and go to the "zCommunity->PoW Class Setup" you can easily add the any additional disciplines. :)
Yes, Feral Mutagen. Now when the Feral Mutagen is activated no Claws (x2) pop up.
I am pretty sure any standard Mutagen's is LW stuff not mine. I can not find any adjustment listed for Feral Mutagen but I do find the LW items under the magic tab.

You sure this is a community thing?
Only setting the tags onto the mHelpPW3 will have any affect any more.

Note setup for class maneuvers has a full editor tab. If you open the file in the editor and go to the "zCommunity->PoW Class Setup" you can easily add the any additional disciplines. :)

Thanks, that would haven been too easy. :D

Can I add/create also new disciplines? (Don't have access to HL now)
Small Bug with DSP - Ultimate Psionics - Dread

It says that the Dread should get an Insight bonus to the Intimidate skill equal to 1/2 the Dread's level (rounded down) with a minimum of 1. When creating a Dread character, it is giving an Insight bonus equal to the Dread's full level.
I'm still getting PFS validation errors on DR.

Specifically, DR for Magic, Slashing, or Bludgeoning; Bludgeoning or Slashing; Evil or Chaotic; Evil or Lawful; Gold; Good or Chaotic; Lawful or Magic; Cold Iron or Magic; Glass or Obsidian.

Also, validation errors on Damage Resistance, Diving Power (0), and Power Resistance (0).

I do have the 1.14 version released on the 24th.
It says that the Dread should get an Insight bonus to the Intimidate skill equal to 1/2 the Dread's level (rounded down) with a minimum of 1. When creating a Dread character, it is giving an Insight bonus equal to the Dread's full level.
Thanks for the bug report....
I am pretty sure any standard Mutagen's is LW stuff not mine. I can not find any adjustment listed for Feral Mutagen but I do find the LW items under the magic tab.

You sure this is a community thing?

After I untangled everything, this is now ok. Sorry for the false positive.
Could we get the following Custom Adjustments:

1. A "Trait, Pre-Req Valid" adjustment to ignore pre-reqs for traits. In this specific case, the example is all of the "of the Society" Pathfinder Society traits, but there are more.

2. A "Custom Monk Vow" adjustment listed for Monk Vows.

Also, is it possible to update the Soulknife's Mindblade to not throw an error when it is assigned a special material that is metal? There are several ways for a Mindblade to be counted as a metal, from the Weapon Blanches to the Primarch's Adamantine ability.
There is an adjustment you can add, if you search for discipline you get the two that are most relevant.

Add martial discipline to class.
Remove martial discipline from class.

In the PoW: Expanded book, several classes get their choice of one of two disciplines.
Aside from a drop down box, to choose which one you'd like access to...
Just adding one, and not the other, via the adjustment, seems to work well.

If you wanted to do your own thing, you could be a Warder that loses access to two disciplines but gains access to two more, due to their unique training.
Those adjustments allow that, easily.
Is this pack supposed to have all the summoner unchained archetypes in it? I have the pack installed along with all the relevant official packs and i only see one listed; the devil imposter.

Did i do something wrong or am i missing something?
I found a problem with the community pack added Warpriest Sacred Fist Unchained archetype related to allowable bonus feats. The below text from Archives of Nethys:

Bonus Style Feat: At 6th level, the sacred fist gains a style feat as a bonus feat. The sacred fist must meet the style feat’s prerequisites. He uses his warpriest levels as monk levels for the purposes of meeting the feat’s prerequisites. At 12th and 18th levels, a sacred fist gains either another style feat or a feat that requires a style feat as a prerequisite. This ability replaces the bonus feats gained at 6th, 12th, and 18th levels.

Based on above, if you choose a style feat at 6 (like Pummeling Style), at 12 you should be able to choose the next feat in the style chain (like Pummeling Charge). But in the archetype, it only had fCatSec.Style so it was only allowing top level style feats to be selected. I didn't feel like trying to figure out every feat that had a style feat as a prerequisite individually, and wanted it to be dynamic enough to handle additional sources as they are added. So I wrote the following script at First/1000:

      ~ Find all style feats
      foreach thing in BaseFeat where "fCategory.Style"
        ~ For each style feat, find the feats that require it
        foreach thing in BaseFeat where "ReqFeat." & eachthing.idstring
          perform assignstr["fIncSec." & eachthing.idstring]

Yes, I know it uses 2 loops but at least is dynamic. If anyone can optimize it so it doesn't need the loops, please feel free. Either way, the Sacred Fist Unchained archetype needs to allow selection of the feats as described.
Turns out HL was complaining because there were too many selections in the feat selection list. It wouldn't have complained if they were all in a category, but again, I was trying to do this programmatically. So instead of adding every feat that had a style feat as a prereq, I simply looped through the style feats on the hero and got the feats that use those for prereq.

      var sSearch as string
      var LoopCount as number
      LoopCount = 0
      ~ Find all style feats on hero
      foreach pick in hero from BaseFeat where "fCategory.Style"
        If (LoopCount = 0) Then
          sSearch = "ReqFeat." & eachpick.idstring
          sSearch = "|ReqFeat." & eachpick.idstring

      ~ Find the feats that require our Style feats
      foreach thing in BaseFeat where sSearch
        perform assignstr["fIncSec." & eachthing.idstring]

Is there a statement to do the concatenate I did above but without the If statement?
So I noticed that the latest update added Starfinder content, but it doesn’t seem to actually do anything. Any word on when I can make a Mechanist for my PF game?
So I noticed that the latest update added Starfinder content, but it doesn’t seem to actually do anything. Any word on when I can make a Mechanist for my PF game?

The Starfinder content in the community pack will never contain actual Starfinder character stuff, since that is/will be supported by official content.

The Starfinder stuff in the community pack is for some specific reason mentioned in an earlier message in this thread (I don't remember it exactly).
I think it's for monster conversion.

Taking PF monsters, giving them some SF gear and options, so that the GM can use HLC to run them.
So I noticed that the latest update added Starfinder content, but it doesn’t seem to actually do anything. Any word on when I can make a Mechanist for my PF game?
Actually I released it before GenCon. :) See THIS post for full details but basically its for DM's to convert Pathfinder monsters to Starfinder rules.

I will not be doing anything for players as its fully supported with HLO.
I found a problem with the community pack added Warpriest Sacred Fist Unchained archetype related to allowable bonus feats.
Just FYI the core Sacred Fist also does not work and I had been waiting for LW to fix it. Basically things like having all the Requirement Feats as tags is a newer feature. I will report to LW again that this needs to be fixed/updated.

I have taken your code and added it to the class which will be in the next release. Here is the final script which also adds logic to have the Warpriest levels count as monk levels.

The function you where looking for creating the search string was splice(). I know most languages use splice to cut strings apart but HL uses its to combine logic.

Splice has 3 elements inside the (), the first is the string of text you are inserting into, the second is the text inserted, and the third is a divider that comes before element 2, but is only inserted if element one is not empty.

      ~ If no base class get out now! &
      doneif (islinkage[varies] = 0)

      ~ Set that our feats to count as monk levels
      perform linkage[varies].assign[FtCountAs.Monk]
      perform linkage[varies].assign[FtCountAs.MonkUnc]

      var sSearch as string
      ~ Find all style feats on hero &
      foreach pick in hero from BaseFeat where "fCategory.Style"
         sSearch = splice(sSearch,"ReqFeat." & eachpick.idstring,"|")

      ~ Find the feats that require our Style feats
      foreach thing in BaseFeat where sSearch
        perform assignstr["fIncSec." & eachthing.idstring]
Is there an option within the Community Pack to allow a character to take both a bonus hit point AND bonus skill point each level as their Favored Class Bonus? I wasn't able to find it.

(sorry if this was asked/answered before; my search results didn't find anything)
Is there an option within the Community Pack to allow a character to take both a bonus hit point AND bonus skill point each level as their Favored Class Bonus? I wasn't able to find it.

(sorry if this was asked/answered before; my search results didn't find anything)
Nope not directly. You could add the adjustment "Skill Points" and increase it by one each time you level. Then set the FCB to HP.