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My tweaks to support Themes

I wonder how hard it would be to split Attack Bonus into Attack Bonus Heroic, Attack Bonus Paragon, Attack Bonus Epic. And likewise for Weapon Damage and Base Damage Dice. Then have a calculation that uses the right values based on the tier, defaulting to the Heroic values if nothing is specified for Paragon and Epic The heroic values would go in identical tags fields as the current system does. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard, and seems like a better solution as there are a lot of powers that vary by level. Biggest done side would be forking even more of the 4e game system code unless I could get them to integrate it.

I figured out how to get at the level by looking at Astral Resistance from the Deva
bonus = 5 + round(hero.tagvalue[Level.?] / 2, 0, -1)

So a little if/then/else logic and the scaling bonus by level won't be hard. Any idea how to get at the attack bonus?

The field would be pwAtkMod
Is it my Black Hearted Knave, or did MagicSN do one too? It could be one of his files is conflicting with one of mine (though I have most of his stuff and mine all mixed in the same folder with no problems).


I didnt Do Black hearted knave tomorrow coming back fRom holidays btw just
quick reply using my kindle fire from the hotel room
Another question... Moteborn has this as a starting feature

Add Primordial to the languages you can read, write, and speak. If you already know Primordial, you instead learn Abyssal, Dwarven, or Giant.

This seems a bit hard.. I would guess I should bootstrap Primordial onto the character and add a conditional expression if you don't have Primordial (somehow) then add it. A second boostrap if you have it, add the Linguist feat and filter it to Abyssal, Dwarven, and Giant?

But if I were to do this... wouldn't the second boostrap trigger if the first one triggers and sticks Primordial on the character already?
Another question... Moteborn has this as a starting feature

Add Primordial to the languages you can read, write, and speak. If you already know Primordial, you instead learn Abyssal, Dwarven, or Giant.

This seems a bit hard.. I would guess I should bootstrap Primordial onto the character and add a conditional expression if you don't have Primordial (somehow) then add it. A second boostrap if you have it, add the Linguist feat and filter it to Abyssal, Dwarven, and Giant?

But if I were to do this... wouldn't the second boostrap trigger if the first one triggers and sticks Primordial on the character already?

There is a similar issue to Sorcere Adept ("If you already have this feat, you can instead add two rituals of your level or lower to your ritual book at no cost."), so if you find a solution to this problem you can look at this one as well? (Up to now I just ignored the "if you already have ..." part).

Anyone knows of a way to specify "Melee or Ranged Weapon"? For the Windlord's Theme Attack I currently just used "Melee Weapon" and added a note "Can also be used with a ranged weapon", but this will of course calculate the attack wrongly for ranged weapon. I tried to add a "RangedWep" Tag additionally to the MeleeWep Tag, but then it would not use the Weapon for either Melee Weapon or Ranged Weapon.
Ok I've figured out how to calculate the incrementing +2 bonus that some powers have based on level.

var levelbonus as number
levelbonus = 2*(1 + round(hero.tagvalue[Level.?]/10,0,-1))

But I can't seem to assign it to the field pwAtkMod

I'd think it would be


but that isn't it.
And another problem I'm seeing.

Renegade Red Wizard
Renegade Red Wizard Level 4 Feature (4th level): You do not gain the Apprentice Mage feature normally gained by a mage at 4th level. Instead, when one of your arcane attack powers causes an effect that a save can end, the target takes a -2 penalty to its first saving throw against that effect.
Renegade Red Wizard Level 5 Feature (5th level): Once per day at the end of a short rest, you can exchange one prepared power for another from your spellbook. The new power you prepare must be from the school you chose for your Apprentice Mage feature at 1st level.
Renegade Red Wizard Level 8 Feature (8th level): You do not gain the Expert Mage feature normally gained by a mage at 8th level. Instead, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks and Intimidate checks.

I can honestly say I don't have a clue how to handle something like this.... I hope Daphne can take a look at this one.
And another problem I'm seeing.

Renegade Red Wizard

I can honestly say I don't have a clue how to handle something like this.... I hope Daphne can take a look at this one.

What about just doing a "Renegade Red Wizard Class" which is a modified Mage class?
Ok I've figured out how to calculate the incrementing +2 bonus that some powers have based on level.

var levelbonus as number
levelbonus = 2*(1 + round(hero.tagvalue[Level.?]/10,0,-1))

But I can't seem to assign it to the field pwAtkMod

I'd think it would be


but that isn't it.

If you are still looking of how to do this, this works like this:

- Do an Eval Script with Priority 1000 for Phase Traits
- Use this script:

var bonus as number
bonus = (1 + round(hero.tagvalue[Level.?]/10,0,-1))
foreach pick in hero from Power
perform eachpick.field[pwAtkMod].modify[+,bonus,""]

(or if you only want it to apply for certain powers or even one power, you need to do the foreach-loop differently)

- Select the Timing's of

* After: Calc attrBonus
* Before: Power attack final

This worked for me ;-)

Trying to do the Yakuza.

at level 10 the Yakuza gets +2 to Streetwise. And then picks either bluff or Intimidate for another +2 bonus.

I'm having trouble thinking my way through how to get the power to see what the value of the dropdown is.
In either case... we've got 100 themes up on the site. There's only 108 themes in the compendium at this point. The remaining themes are almost certainly all Dark Sun themes as I don't play Darksun, and LFR doesn't support Dark Sun themes. I've made a few themes that are also not allowed by LFR, but that was because I missed the fact on those.

If somebody wants to fix the themes I have problems with (any with scaling attack bonuses like above), or fix the Yakuza or other themes that are currently 80% or so correct, please do. Post your fix to the forum post on my side used for tracking the theme upload, or if it lets you after you register an account, upload over my file.

This is about getting themes working in HL. I won't claim I've done a bang up job, but I think I've done something like 90 of the 100 themes we have up there.
This is about getting themes working in HL. I won't claim I've done a bang up job, but I think I've done something like 90 of the 100 themes we have up there.

I also did some of them ^^

Anyways, I will also look at the missing ones, though I currently was more concentratring on bugfixes. Sometimes I wonder how some of the stuff came through testing (for example Wand Expertise was a copy of Implement Expertise with hardcoding the Implement to "Wand", but they forgot to remove the test "is the selected Implement option correct" which made Wand Expertise non-functional, as it was always set to wand.

@cryptoknight: Do you have a list of the open issues of the ones you call "80% working themes"? So people can check what is not working?

Thanks for all the work you did, anyways, you did really most of the work on the themes!

What I really would love would be a reply from the wolflair people. I told them of many "integral" bugfixes you or myselves did, also about the work on themes. But neither any reply if this will be integrated in future versions nor when the next 4e release would be expected. But maybe the support email address was the wrong one?
Fantastic work, guys! I was dreading having to manually input all these themes from the Compendium, and then I find it's almost entirely done. Y'all are great, thank you for sharing :D
Most of the problem themes I have are forums posts here in this thread.

Yakuza - the selection list to pick the second skill is one example.

Getting the scaling bonus to work nicely is another.
The Renegade Red Wizard is another one. That one effectively changes how the mage class works, and I had no clue how to handle it.

I liked the idea of creating a new class, but then you have to block it from being able to select a theme, which also left me stumped.
I also did some of them ^^

I didn't mean to imply you didn't... and I'm probably off... I know I did at least 75 of them though :)

What I really would love would be a reply from the wolflair people. I told them of many "integral" bugfixes you or myselves did, also about the work on themes. But neither any reply if this will be integrated in future versions nor when the next 4e release would be expected. But maybe the support email address was the wrong one?

I agree... I'm convinced they aren't going to put any more effort into fixing the compendium downloader. Eventually it won't work and we'll be stuck keeping a full copy of the rule set on some server somewhere so that we can still play 4e.
Thank you for creating this patch! It works really well.

I have one request, I play Dark Sun and I need Athasian Minstrel, and I have absolutely no clue on how to make these themes. I read the instructions but....