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My tweaks to support Themes

Do we have a place where all user-edited Themes are put BTW? Assuming more people did some, this might be nice.

I think I could be persuaded to throw up a small website to support us storing themes and Daphne's mod, and any bug fixes, etc there.

Shame that 4e support for HL seems so neglected. I originally bought HL for 4e support, and back when I bought it LW was working hard to make it work, but then it seems that it fell to the wayside.
I think I could be persuaded to throw up a small website to support us storing themes and Daphne's mod, and any bug fixes, etc there.

Shame that 4e support for HL seems so neglected. I originally bought HL for 4e support, and back when I bought it LW was working hard to make it work, but then it seems that it fell to the wayside.

I absolutely agree! For now I opened a new thread where I just summed up all my .user files.
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Well I tossed up a Simple Machines Forum for us here


You need to register to submit files, but should be able to download the ones I've done. Originally was putting every theme into 1 file, I've since decided to instead give each theme its own file. Themes.<themename>.user is how I'm naming them. HL seems to be ok with the two .'s in the filename.

I've still got 24 themes to extract from my big file, but I'm working on it.

I'm working on the Guttersnipe... the lvl 5 feature is
When you buy an item, you pay 90 percent of the listed price. When you sell an item, you receive 10 percent more than the price normally quoted for selling that item.

Would you try to do this with code, or would you just expect the player to handle it?

I'm working on the Guttersnipe... the lvl 5 feature is
When you buy an item, you pay 90 percent of the listed price. When you sell an item, you receive 10 percent more than the price normally quoted for selling that item.

Would you try to do this with code, or would you just expect the player to handle it?

visual.dat seems to be a bunch of the buy sell logic takes place, so it would probably require a patch to the file to support. See also HeroLab Authoring Kit Wiki: Transactions.

I believe there are some other pricing bugs in the base 4e files currently. For example if I recall consumables are charged price wise as if they are magical items.
I hope you don't mind that I put links to both theme repositories in the first post of the thread. Figured it would make them easier to find.
I think that's fine... I wish MagicSN would upload his themes to my site too... just so we had a single repository for them.
Thanks guys for your work on themes. New user here and I haven't tried the theme patch yet but I definitely plan to since more and more themes are being put together. Keep up the good work.
I just updated to the 3.16 themes version.
I am running the most updated Mac version of Hero lab

Under the "Background" tab I can see the "Theme" dropdown but when I click it I et a window saying Nothing to Choose From!

I have downloaded most of the user generated themes at this point.
There are in the Date/4e folder named: (themename).user

any ideas?
I assume that you either restarted Hero Lab after downloading the themes or forced a data recompile?

Does the attached character load for you? It uses MagicSN's WizzApp theme.


I assume that you either restarted Hero Lab after downloading the themes or forced a data recompile?

Does the attached character load for you? It uses MagicSN's WizzApp theme.
thanks for the super quick response.

I did restart Herolab

Upon restart I got an error (see 1st attached picture)
When I opened the character I got another error (see 2nd attached picture)


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    Screen shot 2012-12-05 at 2.35.19 PM.png
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  • Screen shot 2012-12-05 at 2.33.13 PM.jpg
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Sounds like you have a user file that has a bug in it which is causing Hero Lab to ignore user files. My guess is black hearted knight. try removing that user file or looking for a new version.
I deleted Black Hearted Knave and everything works perfectly now. Thank you SO much.

I really apprecite your hard work making Hero Lab 4e complete.
Is it my Black Hearted Knave, or did MagicSN do one too? It could be one of his files is conflicting with one of mine (though I have most of his stuff and mine all mixed in the same folder with no problems).

Just on the odd chance the file got corrupted somehow when I uploaded it, I've replaced it with the one that works for me. Can you try Black Hearted Knave again?
Just grabbed the file a few minutes ago ( file is date Nov 30 03:58 UTC ) and it was working for me, but not sure what other stuff or version calebroebrts had. The error message reminded me of a bug in the dry coded script for choosing the best attribute.