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[Modiphius 2d20] Star Trek Adventures

A new version should be showing as available. (@Farling - I double checked and this should have both the advancement.core and the components.core files. let me know if still not seeing them... )

Release: 05/05/2021
Fixed -
Intrepid starship: Scale of 4 is missing
Miranda starship: Year entered service should be 2274
Photon Torpedo damage too high

New -
Allow custom selection of additional weapons for Starships
Delta Quadrant Sourcebook
+ Starship Talent - Hot Rod, Voth High Resolution Sensors, Voth Cloaking Device

My next big thing is to check and see what differences between the Core STA and the Klingon Corebook. Any other suggestions for what you'd like to see are greatly appreciated. :)
1. ) The DS9_Player_Characters.stock , the TNG_Player_Characters.stock , & the TOS_Player_Characters.stock files are giving numerous errors when you open them.

2.) Can you add an Ushaan-tor to the Melee Weapons Equipment List. If a charter has the Ushaan Talent they get one to start with. The stats for the Ushaan-tor are in the Ushhaan Talent's description in the STA Core book.
Using 1.11, Hero Lab 64-bit all nice and updated.

Building a Luna class starship. There's an error message saying "Ship Mission Pods: Resource Overspent." I have no idea at all how to clear this, since I never clicked on anything that said "Mission Pods" during the build.
Do we have Klingon CRB yet?
Just recently picked this up, haven’t had a chance to dive into the differences… but will. :)
1. ) The DS9_Player_Characters.stock , the TNG_Player_Characters.stock , & the TOS_Player_Characters.stock files are giving numerous errors when you open them.

2.) Can you add an Ushaan-tor to the Melee Weapons Equipment List. If a charter has the Ushaan Talent they get one to start with. The stats for the Ushaan-tor are in the Ushhaan Talent's description in the STA Core book.
1) I’ll check this, I may need to update them for 1.11
2) Added for next release. :)
Building a Luna class starship. There's an error message saying "Ship Mission Pods: Resource Overspent." I have no idea at all how to clear this, since I never clicked on anything that said "Mission Pods" during the build.
Seems I was adding a additional “Mission Pod” in another component. This is fixed for the next release. :)

As a couple of questions for the next release:
1) what portions of the Shackleton Expanse guide absolutely need to be included for HL? Working on the Races and gear at the moment. :)

2) what still needs to be improved further or is felt as missing?
The only things that are missing that I can think of at the moment are:

1.) Enterprise Charters and the Iconic Villains from the character collections need to get added.

The starter set and STA quickstart charters have errors on 2 of them if you want to add them to things to add in as well, so the will give a validation error because of this. I entered them in as portfolio awhile back and caught that and even asked on the Modiphius forums if an errata existed. (Lian Zhang and the ship have the errors. Zhang has Jury Rig but not an Engineering of 4 and the Magellan has several errors.)

2.) Possible add some of the equipment and weapons scattered through the various books. Also, maybe add some info on phaser settings and the rules they have to the description of them.

3.) Add in the ability to select crew role and show what it gives. The starter set and STA quickstart charters had this on there character sheets and it helps players remember they get a special advantage for certain roles.

4.) Not sure if this would be doable but add in some of the NPCs and ships from the books to be used in the encounter builder.
The only things that are missing that I can think of at the moment are:

1.) Enterprise Charters and the Iconic Villains from the character collections need to get added.

The starter set and STA quickstart charters have errors on 2 of them if you want to add them to things to add in as well, so the will give a validation error because of this. I entered them in as portfolio awhile back and caught that and even asked on the Modiphius forums if an errata existed. (Lian Zhang and the ship have the errors. Zhang has Jury Rig but not an Engineering of 4 and the Magellan has several errors.)

2.) Possible add some of the equipment and weapons scattered through the various books. Also, maybe add some info on phaser settings and the rules they have to the description of them.

3.) Add in the ability to select crew role and show what it gives. The starter set and STA quickstart charters had this on there character sheets and it helps players remember they get a special advantage for certain roles.

4.) Not sure if this would be doable but add in some of the NPCs and ships from the books to be used in the encounter builder.
1) I did finally get a copy of the Enterprise characters, so will be adding them. :)

2) I’ll see what I can do with this.

3) do you have a page reference for the Roles? I remember seeing them, but suddenly can’t find them…

4) possibly. Let me see what I can figure out? :)
We're starting up a Star Trek Adventures campaign and as most of us are long-time Hero Lab users we are delighted to have the chance to use this!

No one has had any problems with the system except, sadly, the GM (the only one using a Mac instead of Windows). After he downloaded and installed the game system, on startup he gets the error below. Anyone know what the problem might be? He's tried re-downloading the game and reimporting.

We're starting up a Star Trek Adventures campaign and as most of us are long-time Hero Lab users we are delighted to have the chance to use this!
Good to hear it's getting some use. :) Let me know if you see any issues or have any thoughts on improvements, etc.

About the error, I'm not sure what's going on there... it seems to crop up time and again. :( What version of the files are being used and what version of HL?
It's v1.11 of the STA files, and HLC 89 for the Mac (but I'm not sure about the sub-version letter, I'll have to check).
Just as a gut reaction, while certain extensions load earlier than others, within the same extension, it's noted to essentially be random (although I suspect it's probably consistent within an OS). Maybe there's a race condition here?
Just a quick update. I'm back into working on this thanks to being Trek-inspired from watching Strange New Worlds. :)

I do have Roles selectable in the next version, what else is critically important? :)
How many people here play Star Trek Adventures on Foundry VTT?
If you do, would you be interested in getting your HL portfolio files to load into Foundry (to create Actors for each character).
Sadly, my GM is using Roll20. Though he is talking about using Foundry for Pathfinder 2E next year, so maybe someday?