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D&D 5e Community Pack

I asked before, in; i think; another thread, but are there any updates on Xanathar's? No rush, everyone's not doing this for the lulz. Everyone has the kids, the job, and the normal life. So no rush.

EDIT: Well #@$%, i guess i asked in this thread.
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some of us don't know how to load it....or at least i don't.......

Probably something i should look at figuring out, when i am not spending all my time entering data into Realm Works
some of us don't know how to load it....or at least i don't.......

Probably something i should look at figuring out, when i am not spending all my time entering data into Realm Works

I don't know how to do this on ipad or other non-PC platform, but on a regular computer you open the Downloads folder, unzip the file you got from the link daplunk provided to someplace like your desktop. Open the folder it creates from the unzip process and copy all the files there to your 5e folder.

On a PC this defaults to:
C:\ProgramData\Hero Lab\data\5e

Then when you launch HL, the new options should show up.
Although, I should note that some of the feats or classes may have bugs - feel free to comment on any you find if you take the plunge but do so over on github by opening a new ticket. All the XGTE materials are currently being tested and updated as things are found.
Oh and FYI. ProgramData is a hidden folder. You can find this easily from within Hero Lab.

Tools > Explore Folders > Game System Data Folder
Black Dragon Mask

Heya, is the Black Dragon Mask from HotDQ working as expected? It's supposed to give a CHA bonus to your AC if you aren't wearing armor, but it itself is marked as armor.

So is it negating its own bonus?

It is probably not working. You can grab the "Dragon Mask, Black" wondrous item from the Rise of Tiamat. That seems to work better and carries the same stats.
Got a question/possible bug report. For the Guild Merchant variant of the Guild Artisan from PHB, it says that the Guild Merchant can be "proficient with navigator's tools or an additional language" in place of the proficiency with artisan's tools. A Guild Artisan normally gets one language in addition to the artisan's tools. So, based on the variant, a Guild Merchant should have the option to either get (a) navigator's tools and one language, or (b) two languages. However, when selecting Guild Merchant, it automatically grants proficiency with navigator's tools and does not allow you to go for the other option of selecting instead a second language. Is there some way to select that option that I am not seeing (other than doing a Custom Background, which then removes the ability to select your "Guild Business" option)? If not, I think this might be a small bug that needs to be fixed.
Got a question/possible bug report.

It is true that the option you point out is not available. I'm not exactly sure if there is a good or easy way to fix this, but if you want to make an official request to fix this, the best place to do so is at the github.

That puts it on the bug tracker for the community to look into.
The new version of the community files are coming available today. Here are the release notes. If you find any issues with the new files, or would like to request a change or enhancment, please open a ticket here.

v2.2 February 2, 2018

  • Xanathar's Guide to Everything - Classes, Spells, Common Magic Items & Racial Feats.
  • Tales from the Yawning Portal - Monsters & Magic Items
  • Unearthed Arcana - Feats for Skills added.
  • Unearthed Arcana - That Old Black Magic added. The tiefling race in this source has both abyssal and infernal subraces. The demon conjuration spells were added for you evil sorcerers and wizards.
  • Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (SCAG) - Barbarian totems have had their placeholder text replaced and scripts should be working properly now. Players desiring Tree Ghost must select Tree Ghost as their Totem Spirit (1st Totem Warrior Ability) in order for the spell 'Speak with Plants' to replace the 'Speak with Animals' ritual from Spirit Seeker.
  • Unearthed Arcana - The Ranger, Revised - The Ranger (2016) variant class' Fighting Styles were stacking with Fighting Styles earned from other classes or features, this has been fixed. The _'broken'_ fighting styles will show up with ' - Depreciated' added to the end of their names. The Depreciated fighting styles have been removed from the choices presented when Fighting Style is selected again, so only Fighting Styles that haven't been earned via another class or feat will show up on the selection dialog.
  • Unearthed Arcana - Gothic Heroes - The revenant race is depreciated. Dragonborn characters gain a Revenant draconic ancestry, which prompts for the original draconic ancestry and modifies the breath weapon appropriately. Many races with subrace options gain an appropriate Revenant subrace option. Finally, Humans and many other PC races were granted a Revenant variant racial trait. Select the '5e Unearthed Arcana - Gothic Heroes' source in Configure Hero (Ctrl-K) to explore the revised options.
  • DnD5E.info Custom Output (dpmcalister) - Character sheet fixes.
  • Fixed where Aztec Pantheon was hijacking goblinoid gods. Forced goblinoid gods into the Goblin Pantheon as default.
  • En5ider 65 - Priests Elemental Power - fixed Fiery Soul for Flames domain.
  • Unearthed Arcana - Lore Mastery school fixed where it would double proficiency on all 4 skill mentioned rather than any you were proficient in.
  • Unearthed Arcana - Gothic Heroes - Inquisitive was showing up as selection even when source was was not selected. This is fixed.
  • Homebrew - Softpaw tool proficiency selection now shows up on Race tab correctly.
  • Homebrew - Psionics Handbook - Lurk was showing even when the source was not showing, this is corrected.
How to use Polymorph on PC with Herolab

Hi, what is an easy way to enable shape change on a PC in Hero Lab? My wizard has just gotten the Polymorph spell and the shapechanger ability? I've seen that Pathfinder has something for it but 5e does not and I'm just looking for something easy to do. Currently, I'm Just switching the main PC to a Blank sheet that says polymorph form.
Under the Gear tab just add the beast as a Hireling. Or add a Beast in the same place as a Wildshape.
Community Pack - Tiefling Error

Just donwloaded the new community pack. It all works great but i noticed an error with the Tiefling feats. For some reason you get a validation error that Tiefling is required even when you have that selected for your race. Tried different things to fix it but it wasn't removing the validation error.
Xanathar's bug:

I got the update recently that included Xanathar's Guide. Tonight, I just encountered a problem with a couple of the feats from in.
One of the players in my group is a tiefling rogue. In tonight's game, he finally gained enough XP to reach level 8. There are 2 racial feats from Xanathar's Guide for tieflings, yet neither one was available for his tiefling. Instead, the feats are greyed out and show a red warning of "Tiefling Required". Yet his race is already marked as tiefling! I tried changing his race, the changing it back to tiefling with no change to the feats.