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D&D 5e Community Pack

Not likely. We have quite a few open fault tickets currently. I have requested that everyone assist in closing those out so that we can release a cleaner update.

Of course, you can always go to the GitHub site and get the latest update.

Yuan-Ti Pureblood is fixed btw pending next release.

if there's anyone here that has the skills please by all means come and assist. We have more people who know how to enter data than we have people who know how to script the abilities. Thus a constant gap of we can get you content, but it's not fully automated in the way people expect it to be.
5e Community Pack 1.6, 75 files

I think I have found a problem. The Player Race Elf, Subrace Dark Elf (Drow) is not providing all the racial abilities they should have.

On top of the following Darkvision (120 ft), Drow Magic, Drow Weapon Training, Fey Ancestry, Keen Senses, Trance, the Drow is lacking Sunlight Sensitivity.

Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

This option is listed on the NPC version of the Elf, Drow.
I've tried searching for the feature but haven't found it exactly what I have in mind. The downtime tracker is good except it doesn't allow you to add to a pool of available days. It'd be awesome if there was a place in the journal that kept track of the days earned much like the amount of gold earned. Then the current downtime tracker could subtract the days spent on projects from the available pool much like equipment purchases subtract from the available gold. I tried to find a way to do this myself but I don't know enough about software to feel comfortable attempting it.
Perpper Box and Bad News

So i am currently playing a Gunslinger and noticed that most of the weapons seem broken, When i load them on my character they take strength in as the modifier and not dex. i would like to get this fixed but as i am new to modding the system i just cannot figure it out
So i am currently playing a Gunslinger and noticed that most of the weapons seem broken, When i load them on my character they take strength in as the modifier and not dex. i would like to get this fixed but as i am new to modding the system i just cannot figure it out

Until it gets fixed in the sources, edit the "COM_5ePack_Homebrew - Classes.user" file
Select the Equipment tab, then the Weapons sub-tab
Add a 'Category' for "Projectile Weapon", save, test and Bob's your uncle.

wash, rinse and repeat for each weapon you need to fix.
Good Morning All!

v1.7 December 14, 2016

New Features
  • Volo's Guide To Monsters - Player Races Added (Aasimar, Firbolg, Goliath, Kenku, Lizardfolk, Tabaxi, Triton)
  • Volo's Guide To Monsters - Monstrous Player Races Added (Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Orc, Yuan-Ti Pureblood)
  • Plane Shift: Zendikar - Player Races Added (Elf, Goblin, Vampire, Kor, Merfolk)
  • Plane Shift: Zendikar - Monsters Added (Archon of Redemption, Felidar, Kraken)
  • UA Druid Circles Added (Circle of Dreams, Circle of the Shepherd, Circle of Twilight)
  • UA Cleric Domains Added (Forge, Grave and Protection)
  • UA Bard Schools Added (College of Glamour, College of Whispers)
  • UA Barbarian Primal Path Added (Path of the Ancestral Guardian, Path of the Storm Herald, Path of the Zealot)
  • UA Fighter Martial Archtypes Added (Arcane Archer, Knight, Samurai)
  • UA Kits of Old - Added bard College (College of Swords)
  • UA The Faithful - Added Wizard Arcane Tradition (Theurgy)
  • UA Gothic Heroes - New Race: Revenant
  • UA Gothic Heroes - New Rogue Archetype: Inquisitive
  • UA Gothic Heroes - New Fighter Archetype: Monster Hunter.
  • DMG - Added Sentient Magic Items (Blackrazor, Moonblade, Wave, Whelm)
  • New Homebrew Race - Mousefolk
  • New Homebrew Cleric Domain (Exorcism)
  • SCAG - Half-Elf Variants Added
  • New Adjustment - Race, Custom Ability - once added lets you set the abilities name and add text desc up to 100 characters
  • New Adjustment - Race, Size Category - Select this adjustment to change your size category only. No other changes will be made to your character (This DOES NOT change equipment on a character)
  • New Optional Rule Added - "Always show the journal tab". This is useful for those that want to enter repuation gains or money for NPCs.
  • Tribality.com - New Warlock Otherwordly Patrons (The Archfey - The Queen of Air and Darkness, The Archfey - The Lord of the Hunt, The Archfey - The Good Fellow)
Enhancements & Changes
  • SCAG - Script added for ability Royal Envoy and spells for Radiant Sun Bolt and Searing Sunburst added.
  • Homebrew Race - Shardmind - added disease immunity to living construct trait. Goes for Warforged as
  • UA - Eberron - added psychic resistance to Crystalline Mind trait
  • UA Barbarian - Path of the Storm Herald reworked.
  • Book of Lost Spells - Formatting updated for spells.
  • Updated the way proficient tools are added to characters to correctly reflect them on characters
  • 5e Feats - Added scripting for multiple feats (there is still alot of unscripted feats)
  • Psionic Handbook - Scripting improvements made to Mystic class. Now able to select Fighting Style.
Bug Fixes
  • Gunslinger - Guns now use Dex instead of Str
  • UA Feats - Fixed the bonuses on some feats to trigger correctly
  • SCAG - Deep Gnome - Now able to select Sverfneblin Magic feat
  • SCAG - Deep Gnome - Was adding an extra INT to stats
  • PHB - Drow - Was missing Sunlight Sensitivity
  • UA Ranger Revised - Favored Enemy was not implemented correctly. This is now fixed to match the UA content
  • UA Ranger Revised - Multi-attack fro animal companion now correctly removed.
  • Yuan-Ti Pureblood - Had Orc stats, now correct
  • Darakhul Ghoul - now proficient with Bite
  • Potion of Fire Breath - Removed incorrect tag
  • Inheritor Background - Fixed Tool Proficiency
  • Master of Intrigue Background - Fixed Tool Proficiency
  • The Not Really Complete Tome of Spells - Fixed spell levels on multiple spells (Echoes and Battletide)
  • SCAG - Theurge Arcane Acolyte feature was not triggering. Timing changed
  • HOTDQ - Insignia of Claws - Script added and timing of script fixed
  • DMG - Rod of the Pact Keeper - Replaced with more functional version
  • UA Feats - Heavy Armor Expertise - Changed the way the stat increase displayed so its a permanent adjustment
  • PHB Feats - Heavy Armor Master - Changed the way the stat increase displayed so its a permanent adjustment
  • Fixed source entry on multiple races / classes and sub-classes to ensure they are not visible when the option is not selected in the character source configuration
  • Aarakocra - Unarmed Damage Added
  • Trollkin - Unarmed Damage Added
  • Corrected descriptive text on Favored Soul - Bonus Proficiency

Reminder: If you find bugs in the D&D 5e Community Pack please submit them using the links in my signature.
Last edited:
v1.7 December 14, 2016

New Features
  • Volo's Guide To Monsters - Player Races Added (Aasimar, Firbolg, Goliath, Kenku, Lizardfolk, Tabaxi, Triton)
  • Volo's Guide To Monsters - Monstrous Player Races Added (Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Orc, Yuan-Ti Pureblood)
  • Plane Shift: Zendikar - Player Races Added (Elf, Goblin, Vampire, Kor, Merfolk)
  • Plane Shift: Zendikar - Monsters Added (Archon of Redemption, Felidar, Kraken)
  • UA Druid Circles Added (Circle of Dreams, Circle of the Shepherd, Circle of Twilight)
  • UA Cleric Domains Added (Forge, Grave and Protection)
  • UA Bard Schools Added (College of Glamour, College of Whispers)
  • UA Barbarian Primal Path Added (Path of the Ancestral Guardian, Path of the Storm Herald, Path of the Zealot)
  • UA Fighter Martial Archtypes Added (Arcane Archer, Knight, Samurai)
  • UA Kits of Old - Added bard College (College of Swords)
  • UA The Faithful - Added Wizard Arcane Tradition (Theurgy)
  • UA Gothic Heroes - New Race: Revenant
  • UA Gothic Heroes - New Rogue Archetype: Inquisitive
  • UA Gothic Heroes - New Fighter Archetype: Monster Hunter.
  • DMG - Added Sentient Magic Items (Blackrazor, Moonblade, Wave, Whelm)
  • New Homebrew Race - Mousefolk
  • New Homebrew Cleric Domain (Exorcism)
  • SCAG - Half-Elf Variants Added
  • New Adjustment - Race, Custom Ability - once added lets you set the abilities name and add text desc up to 100 characters
  • New Adjustment - Race, Size Category - Select this adjustment to change your size category only. No other changes will be made to your character (This DOES NOT change equipment on a character)
  • New Optional Rule Added - "Always show the journal tab". This is useful for those that want to enter repuation gains or money for NPCs.
  • Tribality.com - New Warlock Otherwordly Patrons (The Archfey - The Queen of Air and Darkness, The Archfey - The Lord of the Hunt, The Archfey - The Good Fellow)
Enhancements & Changes
  • SCAG - Script added for ability Royal Envoy and spells for Radiant Sun Bolt and Searing Sunburst added.
  • Homebrew Race - Shardmind - added disease immunity to living construct trait. Goes for Warforged as
  • UA - Eberron - added psychic resistance to Crystalline Mind trait
  • UA Barbarian - Path of the Storm Herald reworked.
  • Book of Lost Spells - Formatting updated for spells.
  • Updated the way proficient tools are added to characters to correctly reflect them on characters
  • 5e Feats - Added scripting for multiple feats (there is still alot of unscripted feats)
  • Psionic Handbook - Scripting improvements made to Mystic class. Now able to select Fighting Style.
Bug Fixes
  • Gunslinger - Guns now use Dex instead of Str
  • UA Feats - Fixed the bonuses on some feats to trigger correctly
  • SCAG - Deep Gnome - Now able to select Sverfneblin Magic feat
  • SCAG - Deep Gnome - Was adding an extra INT to stats
  • PHB - Drow - Was missing Sunlight Sensitivity
  • UA Ranger Revised - Favored Enemy was not implemented correctly. This is now fixed to match the UA content
  • UA Ranger Revised - Multi-attack fro animal companion now correctly removed.
  • Yuan-Ti Pureblood - Had Orc stats, now correct
  • Darakhul Ghoul - now proficient with Bite
  • Potion of Fire Breath - Removed incorrect tag
  • Inheritor Background - Fixed Tool Proficiency
  • Master of Intrigue Background - Fixed Tool Proficiency
  • The Not Really Complete Tome of Spells - Fixed spell levels on multiple spells (Echoes and Battletide)
  • SCAG - Theurge Arcane Acolyte feature was not triggering. Timing changed
  • HOTDQ - Insignia of Claws - Script added and timing of script fixed
  • DMG - Rod of the Pact Keeper - Replaced with more functional version
  • UA Feats - Heavy Armor Expertise - Changed the way the stat increase displayed so its a permanent adjustment
  • PHB Feats - Heavy Armor Master - Changed the way the stat increase displayed so its a permanent adjustment
  • Fixed source entry on multiple races / classes and sub-classes to ensure they are not visible when the option is not selected in the character source configuration
  • Aarakocra - Unarmed Damage Added
  • Trollkin - Unarmed Damage Added
  • Corrected descriptive text on Favored Soul - Bonus Proficiency

How can I add the monsters form the guide? is there a way I can edit this to add unique monsters from campaigns such as ravenloft and so on?
Monsters from Volo's? They have not been added yet. You can make custom monsters using the Custom Monster Race.
I had very little to do with this release a huge thanks goes out to:

TheEnthusiast, shadowchemosh, CptCOOTS, Sethvir, HippyCraig and xdy and of course everyone who submitted bug reports and new content :)
add monsters

Monsters from Volo's? They have not been added yet. You can make custom monsters using the Custom Monster Race.

Do you have a thread where i can see the tutorial on how to add a monster? I wish to add monsters from campaigns and also those
I had very little to do with this release a huge thanks goes out to:

TheEnthusiast, shadowchemosh, CptCOOTS, Sethvir, HippyCraig and xdy and of course everyone who submitted bug reports and new content :)
Add another round of thanks here as well!!