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D&D 5e Community Pack

You can ask here. The github is the more reliable place to ask though as it adds work to our queue ensuring it gets looked at. Most of us converse here still though.
If its a question concerning the 5E Community Pack you can ask here. If its a question concerning 5E and Hero Lab in general just create you own topic and post the question/issue there.

If its about a 5E Community Pack bug, then it needs to be posted to the GIT site. That is so we can track and fix it.
INFORMATION: Please be aware that the latest official 5e HL Patch has changed the way Tool Proficiency works. As a result all tool proficiency throughout the community pack are not longer displaying correctly.

We are aware and working on the change.
What I've been doing for the time being is Add the Tools to the Skills tab manually BEFORE addign whatever give you the tool. Otherwise it won't shoe up. :)

I created an adjustment that shows you proficiency bonus with any given tool and this is the only way I can get it to work atm.
INFORMATION: Please be aware that the latest official 5e HL Patch has changed the way Tool Proficiency works. As a result all tool proficiency throughout the community pack are not longer displaying correctly.

We are aware and working on the change.
Not sure you saw my post about maybe waiting on changing everything. I wanted to try a couple Proof of Concept design ideas that would allow Tool Proficiency to be changed.

In other words you could add a Background and a end-user would be able to remove the Tools and replace with different ones.

But any solutions would require "how" the bootstrap happened to be changed. Meaning if you change everything over and then we have to change again its allot of double work. Maybe better to wait and and do the change "once". :D
Yeah i saw that. Not planning on moving until you have had a chance to check. This is just to ensure people don't freak out when they see tool proficiency are no longer showing up.

I'm trying to install the Feats, I've previously installed the community file to get all of the types of clerics. I assume all of the updates are in this one file from what I am reading and I thought the Feats would've been installed as well, but I only see 3 (Dragonmark of Storm, Dragonmark of Warding, and Grappler). What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help. :)

I recently downloaded and installed the community pack to get the different "Light" domain cleric, and that worked, but from what I understand the pack should also include all of the Feats... am I doing something wrong, or are the Feats not part of the pack?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys,

Just noticed something, the ranger 2016 does not allow the ranger to have close quarters shooter as a fighting style, might need to be addressed :)

also and idea when ranger rogue option UA will be in the git hub pack?


Thanks for all your work its awsome!
Close Quarter Shooter is not a valid option in the new UA.

You can only select from Archery, Defense, Dueling or Two-Weapon Fighting.

No idea if anyone is working on the Roque yet. We had some issues introduced with the latest HL patch that is the current focus.
Goliath "Powerful Build" not caculating

Goliaths have a special called: Powerful Build.

From Volos guide to monsters: "Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."

From PBH: "Size and Strength. Larger creatures can bear more weight, whereas Tiny creatures can carry less. For each size category above Medium, double the creature’s carrying capacity and the amount it can push, drag, or lift. For a Tiny creature, halve these weights. "

Therefore, a goliath with 17 strength should have a 510lbs carry capacity (17 x 15)2. My goliath, with a 17 strength only has a 255 carry capacity. Hero Lab file attached.


Strange. This was working fine when it was introduced as part of the Elemental Evil Companion. Now that it sourced as part of Volo's, it seems to be broken.
Actually I found the issue.

The Eval Script Phase & Priority are now wrong. The need to be changed to:
Phase: Post-attributes
Priority: 10000

I just posted this issue to the GIT site along with the fix.
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If you know how to use the Editor, you can go into the COM_5ePack_EEPC - Races.user file under Race, Racial Special and fix this yourself. Once the fix is on the GIT site you can download the latest version of the same file and overwrite the existing one.

If you decide to fix it yourself, just highlight the Powerful Build ability. Click on Eval Scripts to the Right. At the top change the Phase to Post-attributes and the Priority to 10000.

Ckick OK, then Save in the lower Left. Finally Click on Test Now in the Upper left. This should fix the problem until the next Community Pack update fixes it.
If you know how to use the Editor, you can go into the COM_5ePack_EEPC - Races.user file under Race, Racial Special and fix this yourself. Once the fix is on the GIT site you can download the latest version of the same file and overwrite the existing one.

If you decide to fix it yourself, just highlight the Powerful Build ability. Click on Eval Scripts to the Right. At the top change the Phase to Post-attributes and the Priority to 10000.

Ckick OK, then Save in the lower Left. Finally Click on Test Now in the Upper left. This should fix the problem until the next Community Pack update fixes it.

I primarily use the iPad version. How would I get this fix to work on there?

Thanks again, by the way. It's great to have such expertise chiming in.
I don't think it can be fixed on the iPad. You have to fix it on a PC then transfer the updated file to the iPad. I could be wrong. I don't have an iPad so don't know the iPad version.

I am pretty sure that I was the one who contributed the original Goliath to the Community Pack back when Elemental Evil was added. So only fair I fix it if I could. :)
I don't think it can be fixed on the iPad. You have to fix it on a PC then transfer the updated file to the iPad. I could be wrong. I don't have an iPad so don't know the iPad version.
Correct. You would need to create a New .hl install file before transferring to the iPad.

This can be done and HERE are some instructions from LW for doing it.

I have a question. If it is already been asked please forgive me. I am just wondering if we will be able to have an option to do custom races (not as npc) with any future updates? This way if a PC is wanting to play a race that is homebrewed by the game master or not covered in the SRD it the player can simply create it in the same manner that custom backgrounds, gods, etcetera can be created. Thank you for all the volunteers who have authored the file btw.