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[Bug Reports] Orc & Goblins

Just got home and found that I have the war boar for both Savage Warlord and Big boss. DL it again and see if that works
Not seeing "Giant" as an option to add to my army. :) v2.79

DL 2.79 again, I found where it had missed the added tag for the war paint Ward Save Issue, since war paint is a conditional action, and this last update overhauled all Ward Saves I missed taging that entry because I just plain forgot. All better now :)
DL 2.79 again. Short answer is the ward save via savage orc n the mods I did to ward save made him drop out. Fixed in 2.79
Wyvern add-on for Warbosses lists "Swiftstride" twice in the model's special rules list. That would be so super-awesome to get 6d6 movement!!!!!
Mounts for goblin warbosses

- Giant Spider doesn't have Fast Cavalry, Creeping Assault, Wall-Crawler special rules
- Gigantic Spider not showing its toughness (listed as -). Doesn't list Thick-Skinned as a feature, though it is included in the lord's AS. Doesn't list Wall-Crawler or Obstacle Strider special rules

Also, Gitilla doesn't show up as Cavalry in the Hero list. He's listed correctly once you add him though.
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Thank you for you report, though I must reply that these kind of issues will be dealt with during the Orcs & Goblins army review.

PS: Gigantic Spider, if it's selected as a mount it's intended that it doesn't show neither its Toughness nor its Wound values. Those are both incorporated within the rider due to the Monstrous Cavalry rules. It'd be a bug if it isn't a mount.
Hello, first time poster.

I don't know if this is due to plain ignorance on my part, but Azhag the Slaughterer is listed as a "Level 2 Wizard" (thus gaining +2 to cast and dispel, in addition to two spells), however, the Crown of Sorcery makes him a "Level 3 Wizard who uses spells from the Lore of Death".

Also, should he even be able to select spells from the Lore of Undeath - isn't the Crown of Sorcery restrictive in this sense?

All in all, is this because of some changes in codes due to The End Times?
Hello, first time poster.

I don't know if this is due to plain ignorance on my part, but Azhag the Slaughterer is listed as a "Level 2 Wizard" (thus gaining +2 to cast and dispel, in addition to two spells), however, the Crown of Sorcery makes him a "Level 3 Wizard who uses spells from the Lore of Death".

Also, should he even be able to select spells from the Lore of Undeath - isn't the Crown of Sorcery restrictive in this sense?

All in all, is this because of some changes in codes due to The End Times?
Undeath lore is due to end time rules regarding wizard lore choices.

Will review crown wizard level errata, consider it fixed for 2.88.
Known issue on Wolf Chariot Units additional models cause the points value to be incorrect. Consider it fixed for 2.88.
This might be my own fault not knowing my way around Armybuilder, but is it possible to add Giant River Troll Hag, Night Goblin Squig Gobba or any other of the Forge World Figures to the armylist?
I tried checking the checkbox allowing the Forge World figures, but none of them appear as choices when making the list.
Hey Ed,

I created a list with a unit of night goblins containing 3 fanatics. I go to save said list and when I open it up again the unit of night goblins only has 1 fanatic....

Any idea why it would be doing this?
Time of Madness
Hey Ed,

I created a list with a unit of night goblins containing 3 fanatics. I go to save said list and when I open it up again the unit of night goblins only has 1 fanatic....

Any idea why it would be doing this?
Time of Madness

No, have you updated Armybuilder program to 3.5 as some quirk with it have been noted. I will review on my end and thanks for the report