Currently the unit info for Fanatics shows like this:
Immune to Psychology
Cannot be charged. Release the Fanatics: When unit concealing are within 8" of enemy release fanatics 2D6" in any direction. Further Movement: 2D6 in random direction. Splat: When moving through a unit, inflict D6 S5 armour piercing hits. Remove fanatic when: contacting any terrain, roll double for movement (except on release), unit ends move over (unit takes D6 S5 AP hits)
At the end shouldn't it be 2D6 S5 AP hits when a unit moves into contact with a Fanatic, in the Army Book under Fanatics - Force of Destruction: "Any unit that moves into contact with a Fanatic takes D6 Strength 5 hits for moving into the Fanatic and a further D6 Strength 5 hits due to the Fanatics death throes (all hits are Armour Piercing)."
Also maybe "unit moves into contact with a Fanatic" is more accurate than "unit ends move over", since the Army Book also says right after the previous quote: "The Fanatic model is then removed, and the unit may carry on with its move."
And lastly, a Fanatic is also removed when: "It contacts another Fanatic (both Fanatics are removed)."
Thanks a lot for your hard work with these data files, they're extremely useful.