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[Bug Reports] Ogre Kingdoms

Here's a bug, when adding the banner of swiftness on the mournfang cavalry, the +1 applies to the riders (ogres) and not the mount (movement 8 to 9 should be)
Here's a bug, when adding the banner of swiftness on the mournfang cavalry, the +1 applies to the riders (ogres) and not the mount (movement 8 to 9 should be)

This isn't just limited to Ogres, this seems to happen to anything that takes the banner. Been trying to sort this for ages, but solution eludes me....
In army builder Skrag can only have the lore of the Great Maw. However, I believe that Skrag is allowed to choose his magic lore just like any slaughtermaster (the 4 lores).
Came up in a list building discussion on another site. Not a big deal, but mournfang cavalry (page 93) do not have the option of taking a lookout gnoblar like other ogre units. Nothing in current FAQ either.
Does an Ironfist preclude a model from taking a 2-Handed or Paired weapon(s)?

Doesn't seem to be stopping characters from taking it.
Pretty sure that since it's technically a shield you can take it and a 2HW but will not be able to use it in close combat, only gaining the bonus save vs ranged attacks.
I don't see a restriction to stop Slaughtermasters taking the Thundermace.

Can't see why anyone would WANT to, but....
Ogre Glitches

Any Ogre Character:

1 - Taking an Ogre Pistol or a Brace of Ogre Pistols along with a Magic Weapon reports an error when in fact this is perfectly legal.

2 - Taking an Ogre Pistol or a Brace of Ogre Pistols along with a Magic Weapon still adds the additional attack provided by the Pistol(s), however the Magic Weapon should override and eliminate the bonus attack.


3 - Should be able to take the Magic Armor "Gut Maw" from the Ogre specific Magic Armor.


4 - When chosen as the Battle Standard Bearer and equipped with a Magic Standard, this model should not be allowed to purchase Big Names as they count towards the Magic Items points which is 0, but you still can buy any name regardless of price.

Thats all I got for now.
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Any Ogre Character:


4 - When chosen as the Battle Standard Bearer and equipped with a Magic Standard, this model should not be allowed to purchase Big Names as they count towards the Magic Items points which is 0, but you still can buy any name regardless of price.

Thats all I got for now.

The last question in the FAQ allows this, and it is any Big Name up to 50 pts (that a Bruiser can have of course).
Any Ogre Character:

1 - Taking an Ogre Pistol or a Brace of Ogre Pistols along with a Magic Weapon reports an error when in fact this is perfectly legal.

Fixed for next release.

2 - Taking an Ogre Pistol or a Brace of Ogre Pistols along with a Magic Weapon still adds the additional attack provided by the Pistol(s), however the Magic Weapon should override and eliminate the bonus attack.

Working on this. Actually quite tricky.


3 - Should be able to take the Magic Armor "Gut Maw" from the Ogre specific Magic Armor.

Fixed for next release.


4 - When chosen as the Battle Standard Bearer and equipped with a Magic Standard, this model should not be allowed to purchase Big Names as they count towards the Magic Items points which is 0, but you still can buy any name regardless of price.

Thats all I got for now.

As pointed out above, not an error.
The enchanted shield isn't showing up as an option for Slaughtermasters, seems to be fine for everything else including Butchers.
Maneaters Extra Hand Weapons

When adding extra hand weapons to maneaters I think there should be an extra attack added to their profile if I'm not mistaken?