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Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set

A few bug reports before the next release:

Special: Sudden Strike (xMalSudden, Tome of Magic) needs to have xSudStrike bootstrapped
Feat: Reckless Rage (Races of Stone) adjust prerequisite to new Rage thing
Class Ability: Fey Transformation (Swanmay, Book of Exalted Deeds) timing for typechange condition needs to be First 450
Custom Special: Incarnum Blast (Magic of Incarnum) script needs to be a "childfound"
Feat: Unnatural Will (Heroes of Horror) prereqs not set
Race: Shifter (Eberron Campaign Setting) need the Humanoid type and Shapechanger subtype
Skill: Perform (weapon drill) (Complete Warrior) need endif's after each line, not calculating properly
Class: Shugenja (Complete Divine) secondary spells need to be set by cMagicLev and not level count
Feat: Dead Eye (Dragon Compendium) doesn't function
Class: Tattooed Monk (Complete Warrior) 4 skill points/level
Feat: Open Chakra Helper (all three) (Magic of Incarnum) timing needs to be at post-levels
Class: Eldritch Theurge (Complete Mage) 2 skill points per level
Variant: Warforged variants (Races of Eberron) need sources tagged
Item Power: Nimbleness (Magic of Faerun) increases penalty instead of reduces, change to Add Once
Class Ability: Endurance (Ranger2, Player's Handbook) not populating feat
Class Ability: Sudden Strike (Shadowblade, Tome of Magic) Value rounding up instead of down
A few bug reports before the next release:
Item Power: Nimbleness (Magic of Faerun) increases penalty instead of reduces, change to Add Once

While there is a source for Magic of Faerun, there is no actual file or content from this book in the community set.

I have otherwise fixed all the listed issues. I do want to take a closer look at the Open Chakra feats. I don't like how they were implemented.
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While there is a source for Magic of Faerun, there is no actual file or content from this book in the community set.

You sure? I have the file 'FR - Magic of Faerun' and it isn't one that I did.

Also, Drow Skirmisher (fDroSkirm, Races of Eberron) needs to have the timing set to pre-levels
Can you give me an example?

The Drow Long Dagger is its own exotic weapon but is treated as a shortsword with the feat. However, things like Weapon Focus that search for "IsWeapon.wShortswd" don't identify it as such because they usually happen at post levels, before the tags are applied.
The Drow Long Dagger is its own exotic weapon but is treated as a shortsword with the feat. However, things like Weapon Focus that search for "IsWeapon.wShortswd" don't identify it as such because they usually happen at post levels, before the tags are applied.

Ok, I'm not seeing this problem. The script to add those tags is running at First/100 so moving it up to Pre-Levels doesn't seem necessary. If you are still seeing this problem then we need to figure out what else is going on that could be causing an issue.
Ok, I'm not seeing this problem. The script to add those tags is running at First/100 so moving it up to Pre-Levels doesn't seem necessary. If you are still seeing this problem then we need to figure out what else is going on that could be causing an issue.

*facepalm* I was thinking something else.

Things running at First/100 don't register when referencing other things. The earliest I've seen something run properly, other than setting the Value of itself, is First/500
*facepalm* I was thinking something else.

Things running at First/100 don't register when referencing other things. The earliest I've seen something run properly, other than setting the Value of itself, is First/500

Yes, it's probably earlier than it needs to be, and could mess things up if bootstrapped to something else with a conditional. At this point, though, it works and I don't see any real need to change it.
Sublime Chord's Song of Arcane Power from the Complete Arcane has the wrong short description. It currently says "Break Enchantment on a single target within 30 feet." This ability allows the next spell they cast to gain a bonus to their caster level based on the result of the perform check
Hi !
I have a Druid 5, Planar Shapherd 2 character, however my animal companion only has 2 bonus HD according to Hero Lab.
Shouldn't it be 4, as the PlS level stacks with the Drd level for the purpose of the Animal Companion ?

EDIT : just made a test, if I change my PlS levels for Drd levels, I get the bonus HD for the animal companion. Could there be somehting wrong in the script that adds PlS levels to Drd levels ?
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Hi !
I have a Druid 5, Planar Shapherd 2 character, however my animal companion only has 2 bonus HD according to Hero Lab.
Shouldn't it be 4, as the PlS level stacks with the Drd level for the purpose of the Animal Companion ?

EDIT : just made a test, if I change my PlS levels for Drd levels, I get the bonus HD for the animal companion. Could there be somehting wrong in the script that adds PlS levels to Drd levels ?

Yup. Change the second line to the following:

bonus = hero.tagcount[Classes.PlanShep]
I noticed that Paladin's Divine Grace is stacking Crusader's Indomitable Soul (Tomb of Battle)

Indomitable Soul (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, you draw upon the power of your unwavering faith to steel yourself against the enemies you face. Your personality, energy, and dedication to your faith make it possible for you to shrug off attacks that target your willpower.

You add your Charisma bonus (if any) as a bonus on Will saves. This bonus does not stack with that from a paladin's divine grace ability.
I noticed that Paladin's Divine Grace is stacking Crusader's Indomitable Soul (Tomb of Battle)

Indomitable Soul (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, you draw upon the power of your unwavering faith to steel yourself against the enemies you face. Your personality, energy, and dedication to your faith make it possible for you to shrug off attacks that target your willpower.

You add your Charisma bonus (if any) as a bonus on Will saves. This bonus does not stack with that from a paladin's divine grace ability.

On it. I've made a couple adjustments that I missed in the file anyway :)
Hey Sendric, can you look at the Discipline Weapon Focus ability for the Swordsage (Tome of Battle)? I got it to apply Broadcast.WepFocus to each of the discipline weapons but when I tried to assign WepFocus.eachweapon to the hero it kept giving an invalid tag error