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Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set

Yeah the links I shared are the sourcebooks for 3.5 Darksun. There was some stuff in Dungeon magazine #110,#111 there is also some stuff in Dragon Mag. #315 and #319 but it is not the source that I used. Athas.org which has been around since 2000 created 3.0 and 3.5 rules and campaign book for Dark Sun when Wizards did not release it as a campaign setting for those editions.

Hmm...I'm not really sure if I want to change it again. Certainly if more data gets added it's something we should consider. I'll put it on a list somewhere to monitor.
"The Age of Worms" Adventure Path is NOT 'Dark Sun'. It was released in Dungeon Magazines #124-#135. The AoW notes I've seen state that its set in an "abstracted" World of Greyhawk, and there are notes for conversion to Eberrron or Forgotten Realms. I haven't looked at the material involved in this discussion, so I'm not sure what's actually in it - it sounds like Bodrin used the original stuff, not a DS conversion.

Athas is the world of Dark Sun - Athasian Elves ARE Dark Sun material, not Age of Worms.
Ah I'm not sure where I got Age of worms name from from all the other things were from Athas.org sources. This could have caused the confusing. Thanks Dami.
The latest update used an older version for The Book of Fiends that has the wrongs source and adds Bof to the top of the sources list and the Thaumaturge class isn't working right plus the the variant class of it in there too.
Core issue. We'll have to do a replacement to fix it.

It's a core spell but the format shows that it is a replacement thing. The original ones have a copy for each class. The spSpellX template was added in the community files. I have absolutely no idea how to search for it, though, since it doesn't have a source tagged due to being a replacement for the copies from core.
It's a core spell but the format shows that it is a replacement thing. The original ones have a copy for each class. The spSpellX template was added in the community files. I have absolutely no idea how to search for it, though, since it doesn't have a source tagged due to being a replacement for the copies from core.

All of the core spells were replaced, but we can still replace the replacement (as far as I know) so it can be fixed. You can't access the core data files.
The latest update used an older version for The Book of Fiends that has the wrongs source and adds Bof to the top of the sources list and the Thaumaturge class isn't working right plus the the variant class of it in there too.

This file was included by accident because I suck, but it's relatively harmless. The extraneous Bof source is caused by the spell Eyebite.
Hi everyone, thanks for all of your hard work!
I have recently realised that Drd 6 spell Greater Dispel Magic is missing from the druid's list of spells. Is there a way for me to add or does it need an engine update?
Thank you
It have been some days now that some portfolios I work with are presenting this brand new error message upon oppening:

Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'kSklTrick' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'tmParag' (Eval Script '#1') near line 3

This repeats itself several times, I think twice the amount of heroes in the portfolio with the Paragon template. It is quite a number, since this is the very theme of my current campaign.

For now I didn't noticed any problem at all. The portfolio still opens and works fine, and I didn't noticed any issue neither does the inside report gets anything out of place. None of my players took Skill Tricks, so I didn't had the opportunity to see if they got affected.
It have been some days now that some portfolios I work with are presenting this brand new error message upon oppening:

This repeats itself several times, I think twice the amount of heroes in the portfolio with the Paragon template. It is quite a number, since this is the very theme of my current campaign.

For now I didn't noticed any problem at all. The portfolio still opens and works fine, and I didn't noticed any issue neither does the inside report gets anything out of place. None of my players took Skill Tricks, so I didn't had the opportunity to see if they got affected.

My guess is the script in the Paragon template uses "hero.child" instead of "hero.childfound".

UPDATE: yes, line 3 of first script.
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Hi everyone, thanks for all of your hard work!
I have recently realised that Drd 6 spell Greater Dispel Magic is missing from the druid's list of spells. Is there a way for me to add or does it need an engine update?
Thank you

Hi. Sorry I missed this post. I'm unable to reproduce this issue. Are you still seeing it?
Vestment of Many Styles

I am looking for the Vestment of Many Styles out of Races of Eberron. I checked to make sure the source was selected, but still, no dice. Was this missed or have I screwed up somewhere? >Newbie<:D

RoE page 175
Vestment of Many Styles: This suit of clothes
transforms itself into different fabrics and designs,
allowing the wearer to alter her outward appearance
with a command word. The vestment grants a +2
circumstance bonus on Disguise checks in any situations
where clothing is part of the disguise (so that it
wouldn’t help disguise a sorcerer who had shapechanged
into a red dragon, for example), but does not change or
disguise any armor worn.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous
Item, creator must be a changeling; Price 500 gp.
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I am looking for the Vestment of Many Styles out of Races of Eberron. I check to make sure the source was check but no dice. Was this missed or have I screwed up somewhere?

That item wasn't done as part of the Eberron files.