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Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set

Kiss of Nymph, when taken for 1st level character, give 3 more Skill Points (4 instead of 1 only)

This appears to be by design, but I don't know why. The author wrote the following:

if the feat was taken at level 1, and we're modifying the class level at level 1, add another 3 skill points, so that we've added +4 total for this level

Anyone know of a rule that would suggest this is correct?
Seems like the author wanted the "Nymph's bonus skill point" multiplied like the bonus skill point of humans

Sound right. The fey type has this feature:

Skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die.

I think the author was extrapolating here. The feat doesn't seem to intend for this to happen so I'll remove this bit of code.
The Race Subsitution Levels for Goliath, Barbarian Goliath, are missing Knowledge (Nature) as class skill (source: Race of Stones)
"Outcast Champion" PrC seems wrong. 0 Skill point instead of 4, Poor Attack bonus and Fortitude Save (instead of Good). No Skill class (Craft, Disguise, Knowledge Local, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Move Silenty, Hide, Jump, Climb and Survival the right ones).

"Kensai" PrC have instead only the BAB on Good instead of Medium
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Is that Kensai from Complete Warrior or Oriental Adventures? The OA one has Good BAB

Weapon Master (Kensei) from Oriental Adventures have Good BAB and the .user file is correct. But if you select Kensai from Complete Warrior then you should find Medium BAB. In "3.5 - Complete Warrior.user" the Kensai PrC is with a wrong Good BAB (someone mixed with the Weapon Master - Kensei, probably)
KensEi != KensAi
Champion of the Wild (both Archery and TWF versions) from Complete Champion are supposed to remove spellcasting
"Outcast Champion" PrC seems wrong. 0 Skill point instead of 4, Poor Attack bonus and Fortitude Save (instead of Good). No Skill class (Craft, Disguise, Knowledge Local, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Move Silenty, Hide, Jump, Climb and Survival the right ones).

"Kensai" PrC have instead only the BAB on Good instead of Medium

Thanks. Both fixed. Also fixed some other issues with the other PrC's from Races of Destiny.

Champion of the Wild (both Archery and TWF versions) from Complete Champion are supposed to remove spellcasting

Thanks. Fixed.
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The feat Metamagic School Focus should limit its choices to what school has been chosen as a Specialization school, and what has already been picked under the feat Spell Focus (which Greater Spell Focus does correctly).

The feat "Adriot" Flyby Attack should be spelled "Adroit".
Dusklings (Magic of Incarnum) don't have their type and one of their subtypes show. They are attached to the race, they just don't show up.
The feat Metamagic School Focus should limit its choices to what school has been chosen as a Specialization school, and what has already been picked under the feat Spell Focus (which Greater Spell Focus does correctly).

The feat "Adriot" Flyby Attack should be spelled "Adroit".

Both fixed. Thanks.
Dusklings (Magic of Incarnum) don't have their type and one of their subtypes show. They are attached to the race, they just don't show up.

I see Type - Fey, Subtype - Extraplanar, and Subtype - Incarnum when I select Duskling as a race. Do you have any classes, templates or anything else that could be affecting the type/subtypes?
I see Type - Fey, Subtype - Extraplanar, and Subtype - Incarnum when I select Duskling as a race. Do you have any classes, templates or anything else that could be affecting the type/subtypes?

Found it. The scripting for the True Incarnation ability of the Incarnate class (Magic of Incarnum) is borked. It's deleting the type and subtype before level 20.

It needs a doneif and not to disable subtypes (why the script is disabling subtypes, I don't know)
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Found it. The scripting for the True Incarnation ability of the Incarnate class (Magic of Incarnum) is borked. It's deleting the type and subtype before level 20.

It needs a doneif and not to disable subtypes (why the script is disabling subtypes, I don't know)

I assume I must have done that due to the vague description about how the character changes. Regardless, I've updated the scripting to not remove previous subtypes and to not do anything at all until level 20. Thanks for the report.
When a template replaces bonus feats, it moves one bonus feat farther down instead of replacing it. For example, a level 8 fighter with resolve, aligned strike, and elusive attack (replacing the feats at 2,4, and 6) still has 3 bonus feats (should have 2, one for level 1 and one for level 8) and the overview shows two bonus feats at level 8.

Variants that replace a thing that has a bootstrap don't turn off the bootstrap (example, replacing the rogue's trapfinding only replaces the class ability and not the bootstrapped ability)
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When a template replaces bonus feats, it moves one bonus feat farther down instead of replacing it. For example, a level 8 fighter with resolve, aligned strike, and elusive attack (replacing the feats at 2,4, and 6) still has 3 bonus feats (should have 2, one for level 1 and one for level 8) and the overview shows two bonus feats at level 8.

Variants that replace a thing that has a bootstrap don't turn off the bootstrap (example, replacing the rogue's trapfinding only replaces the class ability and not the bootstrapped ability)

Can you be more specific about which templates and class variants? Unfortunately, there isn't a way to affect all templates/variants to fix issues like this. It will have to be done on a case-by-case basis.