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Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set

The actual wording of Animal Companion on this regard is:
"Should she select an animal companion from one of these alternative lists, the creature gains abilities as if the character's druid level were lower than it actually is."

As similar as it seems to be, this is not a penalty. It isn't taking out your Druid level to let you get the Companion, it is teaching you how the Companionacquires benefits, while Natural Bond gives you a bonus to effective Druid level.

You cannot use Natural Bond to offset this.

Please click this link to get exact quote of natural bond feat from complete Adventure book.

Please click this link to get exact quote of natural bond feat from complete Adventure book.


Monteparnas may be right. The difference here is that taking more powerful companions requires a certain level. For example, you must be 4th level to take a black bear. Natural Bond doesn't increase your effective druid level beyond your character level, so you cannot take a black bear as your companion until you've reached 4th level even with Natural Bond. That said, there seems to have been many debates about this online. Has anyone ever seen an official answer to this?
Without an official answer (and actually, even with one), we need to go for a solution that leave enough room for customization. Is it possible to add an Adjustment just for raising the character's Effective Druid Level for Animal Companion?

Enjeruookami, I read both texts, Animal Companion and Natural Bond in the original source, and I stand my interpretation. Outside an official answer on the matter, I stand my interpretation of the RAW, although I'm not necessarily against your interpretation as a valid option. But we need to code RAW here, not common sense.
Without an official answer (and actually, even with one), we need to go for a solution that leave enough room for customization. Is it possible to add an Adjustment just for raising the character's Effective Druid Level for Animal Companion?

Enjeruookami, I read both texts, Animal Companion and Natural Bond in the original source, and I stand my interpretation. Outside an official answer on the matter, I stand my interpretation of the RAW, although I'm not necessarily against your interpretation as a valid option. But we need to code RAW here, not common sense.

Actually, I think I have an idea that will work. I can place an option in the In-Play tab to allow this feat to do what Enjeruookami is asking. Since not everyone agrees that is correct behavior I don't want to make it the default, but having the option for those who do want it seems a reasonable solution.
Actually, I think I have an idea that will work. I can place an option in the In-Play tab to allow this feat to do what Enjeruookami is asking. Since not everyone agrees that is correct behavior I don't want to make it the default, but having the option for those who do want it seems a reasonable solution.

Agreed. Since the whole point of Hero Lab is being a tool, not a judge, if this is possible it will be the most desirable path.
Tiefling source is set to Races of Destiny instead of monster manual for some reason so it doesn't show up when it isn't selected.
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Master of Shadows (Drow of the Underdark) is supposed to add one to each of the drow sla but only adds to one. Coding has the 'done' line after each "if" so the code stops there and doesn't add charges to the other two abilities.

The Talent class ability (Courtier class, Rokugan Campaign Setting) should apply to Intelligence and Wisdom based skills as well as Charisma based ones.
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Master of Shadows (Drow of the Underdark) is supposed to add one to each of the drow sla but only adds to one. Coding has the 'done' line after each "if" so the code stops there and doesn't add charges to the other two abilities.

The Talent class ability (Courtier class, Rokugan Campaign Setting) should apply to Intelligence and Wisdom based skills as well as Charisma based ones.

Fixed and fixed. Thanks.
Hey everyone,

First post on here. I bought this program today and am trying to figure out how to build gestalt characters. Has anyone got any advice on where i find that?

I noticed that when equipping two weapons, the offhand weapon does not get highlighted in the magic item summary tab.

Hey everyone,

First post on here. I bought this program today and am trying to figure out how to build gestalt characters. Has anyone got any advice on where i find that?


There isn't a fully-implemented way to do gestalt with the system. Your best bet is to make a class variant that adds the abilities of one class to another. You'd have to make a separate one for each combination you wanted to use though
Swordsage + Master Thrower give improved crit

It's possible to incorrectly get improved critical effect when taking one level of Master Thrower (complete warrior) and one level of Swordsage (tome of battle).

1. Make a Level 1 Swordsage, Level 1 Master Thrower character.
2. Purchase a dagger, and note the crit range as 19-20.
3. Choose Shadow Hand for Discipline Focus cSwoDFWF
4. Go to feats and select dagger for weapon focus fWepFoc

The crit multiplier will change to 17-20.


Removing either the Shadow Hand discipline (Shadow Hand) choice or the feat weapon focus dagger choice will remove the increased threat range for daggers.

Without a level of Master Thrower, this does not happen.

When the (incorrect) threat range is increased, no improved critical feat is ever listed on the player tab.
It's possible to incorrectly get improved critical effect when taking one level of Master Thrower (complete warrior) and one level of Swordsage (tome of battle).

1. Make a Level 1 Swordsage, Level 1 Master Thrower character.
2. Purchase a dagger, and note the crit range as 19-20.
3. Choose Shadow Hand for Discipline Focus cSwoDFWF
4. Go to feats and select dagger for weapon focus fWepFoc

The crit multiplier will change to 17-20.


Removing either the Shadow Hand discipline (Shadow Hand) choice or the feat weapon focus dagger choice will remove the increased threat range for daggers.

Without a level of Master Thrower, this does not happen.

When the (incorrect) threat range is increased, no improved critical feat is ever listed on the player tab.

This may be a byproduct of the Critical Throw ability for master throwers. They get it at level 5 but it might be triggering at level 1 for some reason Sendric
This may be a byproduct of the Critical Throw ability for master throwers. They get it at level 5 but it might be triggering at level 1 for some reason Sendric

You are correct. Easy enough fix, but I'm concerned there may be more cases like this in Complete Warrior as most of these were done a long time ago.

Thanks for the assist!
What is happening now, though, is that the Chahar-Aina isn't adding the bonus to armor as it should. I didn't tested the other properties yet, but I do remember long ago it adding the +1 to AC if no Armor was worn (similar to Bracers of Armor, maybe).

When I add Chain Shirt and Chahar-Aina to a character, the AC bonuses from both stack and the character receives the appropriate AC. Are you still able to reproduce this error, and if so, how?
This may be a byproduct of the Critical Throw ability for master throwers. They get it at level 5 but it might be triggering at level 1 for some reason Sendric

That's my belief. I tried rogue fighter swordsage and master thrower and I believe only the the combo of master thrower & swordsage caused the issue.
You are correct. Easy enough fix, but I'm concerned there may be more cases like this in Complete Warrior as most of these were done a long time ago.

Thanks for the assist!

I'll go through CW after the next update. It's one of the books I have