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Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set

That's very odd. I have two systems with HL and neither had this issue. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I'll try to look into it.
I edited the fSudQuick feat in Complete Arcane and deleted the two pre-requisites that were causing the error. This has resolved the issue and the community files now load normally.

However, I think there is a problem with the latest files as another player had the same error, and we tried both updates and fresh installs.

Anyway, sorted for gaming this weekend!

I'm afraid I cannot reproduce this issue. I uninstalled and re-installed HL but the pre-req feats are in the Complete Arcane file so this error does not appear for me. I don't have an explanation for why it happened to you. Sorry.
I edited the fSudQuick feat in Complete Arcane and deleted the two pre-requisites that were causing the error. This has resolved the issue and the community files now load normally.

However, I think there is a problem with the latest files as another player had the same error, and we tried both updates and fresh installs.

Anyway, sorted for gaming this weekend!
When you where editing the Sudden Quicken feat did you see in the list "Sudden Still" and "Sudden Silent" feats?
Obtain familiar broken by new update

Hi, hope I'm posting in the right place. Last year, I made a character with obtain familiar and celestial familiar. The feats worked fine, but I had to make a custom coure eladrin. It all worked. I just did the update, and it orphaned the tags. Now, obtain familiar doesn't open the familiar selection button and celestial familiar doesn't recognize obtain familiar feat as a valid prerequisite. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, hope I'm posting in the right place. Last year, I made a character with obtain familiar and celestial familiar. The feats worked fine, but I had to make a custom coure eladrin. It all worked. I just did the update, and it orphaned the tags. Now, obtain familiar doesn't open the familiar selection button and celestial familiar doesn't recognize obtain familiar feat as a valid prerequisite. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Yes, this is the right place.

Frankly, I'm surprised it ever worked. Looking at the Obtain Familiar feat, I see no reason why it would actually grant a familiar. There are no scripts or anything beyond the pre-reqs. I don't recall ever modifying it, but it is on my to-do list. I'll make it a priority to get this working. Maybe I took away the scripts and forgot about it. I apologize for the inconvenience and will let you know when I have something for you.
Thanks a lot! I know that before it at least revealed/added the add familiar button. I may have just made the coure accessible to that. I noticed the lack of scripts when I went in to see what had changed, but that's as far as my limited experience got me. I wasn't sure where to add the cArcFam tag, or whatever, to obtain familiar- which seems as though it would, at least, jump the first hurdle. Anyway, thanks again
Thanks a lot! I know that before it at least revealed/added the add familiar button. I may have just made the coure accessible to that. I noticed the lack of scripts when I went in to see what had changed, but that's as far as my limited experience got me. I wasn't sure where to add the cArcFam tag, or whatever, to obtain familiar- which seems as though it would, at least, jump the first hurdle. Anyway, thanks again

Ok, I have fixed the issue so that you should be able to once again get your familiar button to show up. If you want, I can send it to you via email. (My address is sendric [at] gmail [dot] com)
Dragonfire Adept correctly adds a breath weapon and the Dragontouched feat, but neither counts as the prereq they should. For example, all the Metabreath feats have red "Breath weapon required" at the top and are grayed out, despite DAs having a breath weapon
Hi everyone,

I saw some bug with the stances ability. If a create a crusader lvl 1 a choose one stance and go to the In-Play tab I don't see the stance to make it active. I reinstall Hero Lab and retry and the same problem appear. Do you know where it's coming from?

Dragonfire Adept correctly adds a breath weapon and the Dragontouched feat, but neither counts as the prereq they should. For example, all the Metabreath feats have red "Breath weapon required" at the top and are grayed out, despite DAs having a breath weapon

Thanks. I will take a look at it.

Update: Fixed
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Hi everyone,

I saw some bug with the stances ability. If a create a crusader lvl 1 a choose one stance and go to the In-Play tab I don't see the stance to make it active. I reinstall Hero Lab and retry and the same problem appear. Do you know where it's coming from?


I believe there is an issue with the current version of the d20 system where some specials won't appear in the In-Play tab unless it has the Helper.ShowSpec tag assigned to it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to assign this tag to verify this. I'll dig into it some more. Something odd is definitely going on.
I believe there is an issue with the current version of the d20 system where some specials won't appear in the In-Play tab unless it has the Helper.ShowSpec tag assigned to it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to assign this tag to verify this. I'll dig into it some more. Something odd is definitely going on.

Ok, well, I'm an idiot. Thanks to Shadow for pointing me in the right direction on this. I will have this fixed in the next release. In the meantime, anyone who wants to make a local fix for themselves should do the following:

Open up the file 3.5 - Tome of Battle.user in the editor. Go to the Class tab, and select Crusader (cHelpCru). In the eval script, change the following line of code:

  perform eachpick.delete[Helper.ShowSpec]


  perform eachpick.assign[Helper.SpecUp]

The same fix can be applied to both Swordsage and Warblade as well. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Can no longer add familiar within 5ft / 1 mile tick box after installing data set.

After installing the community data set, I no longer get the tick boxes on the 'In-Play' tab allowing me to apply the familiar bonus.

Eg Toad +3 hps within 1 mile of caster. Or +2 fort save bonus from a rat.

I have an existing character portfolio created prior to the update where the bonus is in place, but the mechanism to add / remove it is gone.

For a newly created character, there seems to be no way to add the familiar bonus.

-- Update Hmm just reading Sendric's post above, I wonder if this is the same issue, and the familiar specials have been dropped due to not being tagged correctly.
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After installing the community data set, I no longer get the tick boxes on the 'In-Play' tab allowing me to apply the familiar bonus.

Eg Toad +3 hps within 1 mile of caster. Or +2 fort save bonus from a rat.

I have an existing character portfolio created prior to the update where the bonus is in place, but the mechanism to add / remove it is gone.

For a newly created character, there seems to be no way to add the familiar bonus.

-- Update Hmm just reading Sendric's post above, I wonder if this is the same issue, and the familiar specials have been dropped due to not being tagged correctly.

This is probably correct. I'll take a look at it when I get the chance. There's a chance this is a core issue, but I'll see if there's anything in the community set that is causing this.
This is probably correct. I'll take a look at it when I get the chance. There's a chance this is a core issue, but I'll see if there's anything in the community set that is causing this.

I did some sanity checking, uninstalling hero lab, deleting the old Program Data folder, and then doing a clean install.

Even on the Vanilla srd 20 install I cannot see the tick box to apply the familiar bonuses to the character any more. Assuming I'm not being a muppet and the ticket box should be in the 'In Play' tab, it looks like a problem with the core d20.

I've raised the issue as a bug in the main forum too, as I don't think it's the community set that has caused this.
I did some sanity checking, uninstalling hero lab, deleting the old Program Data folder, and then doing a clean install.

Even on the Vanilla srd 20 install I cannot see the tick box to apply the familiar bonuses to the character any more. Assuming I'm not being a muppet and the ticket box should be in the 'In Play' tab, it looks like a problem with the core d20.

I've raised the issue as a bug in the main forum too, as I don't think it's the community set that has caused this.

Thanks for putting in the effort. With all the improvements being done to the core data files, there's bound to be a few things that fall through the cracks. This appears to have been one of them. I'm sure it will be fixed soon enough.

In the meantime, you could create yourself a work-around by adding the following script to the Hasted Adjustment in the community file 3.5 - Players Handbook 1

if (hero.tagis[CompAvail.cArcFamil] <> 0) then
 perform hero.childfound[cArcFNear].assign[Helper.ShowSpec]
 perform hero.childfound[cArcFNear].assign[Helper.SpecUp]

This should put that back on your in-play tab. I'll make a note about this on my end to have it there unless/until Shadow gets a fix for the core set.
The "Corruptor of Fate" (in the Community MM4 file) is incorrectly coming up as a Character Race - It should be a NPC Race.
At least it's easily correctly by editing the creature entry in the user file!
The "Corruptor of Fate" (in the Community MM4 file) is incorrectly coming up as a Character Race - It should be a NPC Race.
At least it's easily correctly by editing the creature entry in the user file!

Thanks for the report. It'll be corrected for the next release.