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[Bug Reports] Chaos Dwarfs

I was generating a CD list and I noticed the following things:

-Draz doesn't seem to get a +1 save for being mounted.

Fixed for 2.57

-Hailshot is d3 multiple shots rather than x3 and doesn't ever have the multiple shots penalty

Fixed for 2.57

-Pistols on foot don't seem add one attack or conflict w/shields (perhaps a design choice, but I thought you were obligated to use it in CC if you had it)

It reads extra atrtack in its option: This is how all pistols options are in dataset wide. So no change required.

-Infernal Incendiaries aren't listed as flaming (perhaps that's too obvious?)

Again its in the notes, but I will make it more descriptive.

Will work on the others
I was generating a CD list and I noticed the following things:

-Fireglaives don't conflict w/shields (like halberds) and also stack the S bonus with magic weapons (Sword of Might and Fireglaive give you a net +2S bonus)

Fixed for 2.57

-Blood of Hashut doesn't note that armor saves aren't allowed

Fixed for 2.57

-The Black Hammer conflicts w/shields even though it's not listed as a 2 handed weapon

Fixed for 2.57

-Per the FAQ a magic weapon (if taken) will replace the Darkforge Weapon

Fixed for 2.57, not sure if I like how I fixed it but we shall see

-Per the FAQ the Dreadquake Mortar only does d6 wounds under the center hole

Fixed for 2.57

OK review them when its posted early next month, let me know
Adding a pistol on a champ in a unit of infernal guard doesn't give him an extra attack.

Time of Madness

Pistol is a ranged weapon, So it does not by nature adjust the stat line attacks. However in its notes it states adds 1 extra attack if model on foot.

This was done so a model most likely a hero/lord may have a magic weapon and a pistol he would try to roll an extra attack in CC with his magic weapon, Since you don't get an extra attack for the pistol in CC with a magic weapon due the "I'm using this one rule"
Makes sense! Thanks for the quick response.

Also I believe the Destoyer is frenzied with D3 attacks? But I'm at work and don't have my book with me.

Time of Madness
Destoryer is Frenzied with D3 extra attacks.

It looks like it has been added in the notes, but does not come up in the special rule section.

Also the base size you have listed for the destroyer is wrong. Comes up as 40mm should be 100X150mm

Time of Madness
Last edited:
Destoryer is Frenzied with D3 extra attacks.

It looks like it has been added in the notes, but does not come up in the special rule section.

Also the base size you have listed for the destroyer is wrong. Comes up as 40mm should be 100X150mm

Time of Madness

Cleaned and fixed for 2.74, Since I dont have alot of background with CD's, if you see any others lets me know.
Mask of the Furnace

Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition
Chaos Dwarf Army List
Magic Armour
Mask of the Furnace

It is not listing 4+ Ward Save (2+ Ward Save for Flaming Attacks) that the item gives to the character.