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[Bug Reports] Chaos Dwarfs

Time of Madness

Well-known member
Hey folks,

I'm busy working on the Chaos Dwarf file for the new list out in the Tamurkhan book.

I've been able to make some progress so far by taking the units ultraprime already started and fixing point cost/moving to correct category (core/special etc).

I'm not the greatest when it comes to working on data files and need some help.

If anyone has the ability to work on data files please send me a PM and maybe we can get the Chaos Dwarfs up sooner rather then later.
Time of Madness
I am working on updated the Chaos Dwarf file with the new Tamurkhan book data. Since on pg 105 of this book it does state this is an official GW list for "Chaos Dwarfs ONLY" I will be removing the old and very out of date Ravaging Hordes data set as the default list. I will however keep the Indy GT book as the alternate rules set.

I hope to have the data set and ready mid-month and will foward to UltraPrime for the Dec update.

Still making progress, however does the comminuty feel the need to retain the alt Indy set of rules now that a GW book has been issued?
I don't. In fact, I honestly think that the Indy set now is irrelevant, since I doubt many people would want to play it now that they have shiny print.
most of the tourments i play in have made the forgeworld list legal. the specail character is missing from the listand not sure if ya got hte magic items yet.since this book is being sold at gw stores and not just forge world they have allowed it
The basis of this list is great and done well, but there are problems with all of the magic weapons, and the sorcerer-prophet doesn't have the blood of hashut" option and of course the named lord is missing, i can't wait for these corrections so I can start using the list. Do you have a ETA for the update?
Magic items not available to all characters - mostly to Sorcerer-Prophet. Death Mace should be named Dark Mace.
when will WOC be able to use all the Chaos Dwarves as allies? I've seen a few units added to WOC, but it still seems to be lacking the Demonsmith and Sorcerer options or am I missing something?
I am working to add them to the WOC dataset via a rule so the 1 deamonsmith/Soc and one unit of infernal guards works correctly. I hope to have it for the June release.

Black Hammer of Hashut and Armor of Bazherak the Cruel is not available when I select Sorcerer-Prophet or Deamonsmith, but its avilable when I select Castellan
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Hmm I will look into that might be an core rule: No armour to magic caster error. But I will follow-up might have to review of WoC handles it as a guideline.
Any update on the missing CD items?

I tried to take a look at it myself, but I can't figure out why some of them show and others don't...
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It makes no sense to me.

I'm only decent at using ABCreator, but I've "flicked every switch" I can find, and no joy.