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Savage Worlds Bug Reports

In that case, since this was too late for the last update anyway, I'll just reiterate here that for Sci-Fi Companion the Cyberware "Attribute Increase" Summary Text shows "+2 to an Attribute". I believe it should instead read "+1 step to an Attribute".
I've just given a cursory glance so far, but here's one thing that I noticed, regarding the Sci-Fi Companion: it appears that the Outsider (Construct) hindrance's -2 penalty to Charisma is being applied twice to construct characters.

Edit/ Oops, just saw that Outsider and Outsider (Construct) both appear on the In-Play tab. I just had to disable the Outsider Activated Ability to fix it. Never mind, then.
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On to the next one, then. The Phobia hindrance's -2/-4 penalty is being applied automatically to all skills with no way to disable it.
So how do we et this fixed? Do we have to wait for another update or is there a way to edit the core ruleset?

Largely you have to wait for a core thing like that to be fixed. You CAN work around it by creating a Replace Thing in any data file (good use for a House Rule file if you don't already have one and one of the very, very few instances where I might actually recommend using the Replaces function) with a copy of Phobia that has the Activated By User checkbox checked. Just remember to delete that Hindrance for your data file after the fix has been pushed out.
Another issue - in the Journal you can't add fractions of money. I want to add $2.50 but I can't add the .50 cents.

I'm rather surprised that such a basic function has been broken in this update.
I don't think it was broken in this update as I don't remember it ever working before. I could set up gear in the editor with fractional costs which always worked fine, but whenever I tried to mess with fractional values from the player interface side I don't ever remember that working. I can say that I wasn't working about 2 weeks ago or so (which was before this update) because I remember kicking myself for even trying it since I reminded myself that it hadn't worked before, if you know what I mean.
I've been building superheroes using the Super Powers Companion Edition 2 data package, and since the last update, it isn't calculating Switchable Power costs correctly. It returns the validation error: Individual Switchable Alternate cost exceeds Base Power cost, when the Switchable Alternate cost is not greater than the primary.
I even loaded up a hero I created before the update that used switchable powers, and it came up with the same error even though there were none when I originally created him.
Any help would be appreciated. :-)
On the Switchable, check that over carefully. We just made a correction to that because it was wrong before. What you may be seeing is just the correct calculation now.
We're going to do another quick release in a couple of weeks to catch these small ones. I'll take a look at that Outsider problem and get it fixed.
On the Switchable, check that over carefully. We just made a correction to that because it was wrong before. What you may be seeing is just the correct calculation now.
Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Now that I've reread the rules I see the issue. I'll go rebuild my characters with the updated calculations and let you know if I see any errors in Hero Lab.
Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Now that I've reread the rules I see the issue. I'll go rebuild my characters with the updated calculations and let you know if I see any errors in Hero Lab.
After trying to rework some of my characters it's still giving me the Individual Switchable Alternate cost exceeds Base Power cost message, when it shouldn't. I created three powers: A 9 point Energy Control power, A 6 point Illusion power, and a 7 point illusion power. The Energy Control power is the highest, so I make it the Primary, adding the Switchable Primary modifier twice, since I'm going to have two other powers I can switch to. Then I apply the Switchable Alternate modifier to each of the Illusion powers, designating the Energy Control power as the primary. As soon as I apply the Energy Control power as the primary, it gives the warning, even though the cost of the Illusion powers were lower then the base cost of the Energy Control power.
Let me know if you need any files from me for reference.
Thanks for your help!
Seems to me that should only be taking the Switchable: Primary once, not twice. It shouldn't matter how many other powers the main one is primary for, only that it's the primary.
Seems to me that should only be taking the Switchable: Primary once, not twice. It shouldn't matter how many other powers the main one is primary for, only that it's the primary.
Under Switchable on page 19 of the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion 2nd Edition book it reads:
"Create each power independently. The most expensive is the “primary’ power. Add +2 points for each additional power (or set) it can switch to."
In other words you add +2 for each other power. Not just once. I'm assuming that's how it's set up in Hero Labs.
Regardless, even if you only add the Switchable Primary modifier once, the validation message still pops up. Adding the Switchable Primary modifier multiple times isn't the issue. The issue appears that Hero Labs isn't calculating or referencing the correct base value to compare the secondary switchable powers with. Or maybe it's adding something extra to the secondary switchable powers that makes them larger than the base. I'm not sure.
Thanks for checking on this though. :-)