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Old June 29th, 2016, 05:28 PM
Lots of stuff to like in this month's release, from Hellknight orders to Secret missions for a variety of masters! Also exciting are the new Sylvan and Draconic racial options available through our latest partnership with Rite Publishing. Create one of the First Folk, enigmatic fey who have chosen to experience mortality for a time, or build a dragon-blooded Taninim and advance towards becoming a true dragon! The latest adventure path issue brings your characters to strike at Citadel Dinyar, birthplace of the deluded rebellion, and then across Cheliax to construct a powerful and vile weapon to aid your crushing of the forces of light! Plus bug fixes! Everyone loves those, right?

New Releases
  • Path of the Hellknight is now available as part of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting #16 package!
  • The Spymaster's Handbook is now available as part of the Pathfinder Player Companion #23 package!
  • Content from Rite Publishing's In the Company of Dragons and In the Company of Fey is now available in a new combined package!
  • Episode 5 of the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path is now included in our Hell's Vengeance package!

Enhancements & Changes
  • The "Armor DR" rules are now supported on the iPad - when enabled, the Play tab will show your Armor Defense, Armor DR, and Critical Defense Modifier instead of your AC.
  • Based on consultations with Paizo, the Shield Gauntlet Style feat branch have had their descriptions and pre-requisites altered to only mention Weapon Focus (spiked gauntlet). Gauntlets cannot be selected by weapon focus, as they are not seperate attacks, they count as unarmed strikes.
  • Based on consultations with Paizo, the Lay on Hands racial ability no longer limits itself to a maximum effective paladin level of 20th. This means very high HD monsters with the ability (such as the Empyreal Lords Korada and Talmandor) will now show more healing and gain more daily uses of the ability.
  • The Interaction of a Gunslinger's Bonus feat slots and Dare slots has been improved, such that taking all bonus feats no longer displays a message implying an equal number of dares should be added as well.
  • NPCs now have two new Customization options related to the statblock output. You may now check boxes to prepend "unique" or "variant" to the start of the race/class line in the statblock.
  • Rings which are paired have had their price and cost halved and the default number sold set to 2. This allows users to easily split the pair between two heroes. Existing characters who have already added such items will still maintain the old behavoir, and may delete and re-add such rings if they wish to update.
  • The Zombie template now offers an activation on the in-play tab to determine whether a fly speed is from wings (and thus should have it's maneuverability decreased to clumsy).
  • Rods now work similar to wands, in that you do not need to have them equipped in a hand to mark off charges from them on the In-play tab.
  • Items on the gear summary tab now show their quantities, if there's more than one item.

Bug Fixes
  • Armor made with the Mithral material was not counting as a step lighter in many cases.
  • On the iPad, some spells in spellbooks couldn't be deleted.
  • The Spell Dancer wasn't gaining its correct Spell Dance bonus at 17th level.
  • The armor of arrow attraction was generating an error.
  • Shroud of Water wasn't calcualting its maximum AC or shield bonus correctly.
  • Ascetic Strike was not fulfilling the Still Mind pre-requisite of the Monastic Legacy feat.
  • For certain monsters which got low-light vision/darkvision from their type, heroes polymorphing into those races were not getting the ability in question, even when the polymorph effect would entitle them to it.
  • Characters using the Automatic Bonus Progression rules from Pathfinder Unchained who chose Intelligence for their permanent mental enhancement bonus at higher levels were not gaining extra starting languages and skill points for the permanent raise.
  • The Dire Bat and Riding Gecko mounts were showing as forbidden in PFS because their original source (ARG) forbade them, even though the most recent source (UE) allowed them.
  • Mounts purchased by PFS characters were not limited to a CR less than the character's level (exceptions being horses and anything with CR 1 or lower).
  • For heroes set to the "Commonplace Guns" firearm prevalence, guns were not showing as possible selections for things choosing among martial weapons (such as the martial weapon proficiency feat).
  • Shield Gauntlet Style was not counting gauntlets as bucklers when active, and thus they were not selectable by a holy vindicator's "Vindicator's Shield" ability.
  • Spells added the the Fey Magic configurable (for the ART of the same name) to be turned into Spell-like abilities were incorrectly showing a "number prepared" incrementer.
  • Equipped shields which were melded into the heroes form without benefit were incorrectly still imposing their armor check penalties.
  • Character's with Spear Dancing Spiral were not able to select the feat's chosen polearm with the unchained rogue's Finesse training ability, despite it being treated as finessable due to Spear Dancing Spiral.
  • The Kineticist's Veil of Mists Utility ability was incorrectly associated with the Aether element rather than the Water element.
  • The Preferred Spell feat was unable to select a spell available to a character through one of their cleric domains.
  • The Mad Dog archetype wasn't interacting correctly with the Unchained barbarian.
  • The "Poison Resistance" ability wouldn't show up for some characters until after a change was made to the character.
  • The Zombie template was incorrectly disabling movement speeds like Burrow or Fly.
  • If you added a class that uses spellbooks/formula books, and in the spellbook form, added a starting spellbook, and then deleted all the levels of that class, but didn't delete the starting spellbook, script errors would be reported.
  • The Questioner archetype's Know-It-All ability was granting too high a bonus at 20th level.
  • The flawed magenta prism ioun stone was granting the wrong bonus.
  • The Insinuator archetype's Personal Champion ability was granting the wrong DR.
  • The Wound Penalties system from PU was not interacting with the Armor as DR system from UC to reduce defense as damage was taken.
  • When the Occultist class's spell list was expanded to allow specific spells, the spells were not being allowed if their school did not match the implement schools available.
  • Various Favored Class bonuses which affected a character's animal companion were not handling characters with an archetype that grants multiple companions.
  • The Reliquarian occultist archetype was not, in some cases, getting the domain spells of the chosen domain added to it's spell list, and it was not providing a free slot in which to take them.
  • The Protection from Energy spell adjustment was incorrectly applying Acid immunity when it was turned off.
  • Several "Free spell in book" FCBs were not adding to the class' number of free spell slots.
  • The Focused Weapon advanced weapon training had an unresolvable error about not having Weapon Focus in the selected weapon.
  • The Kinetic Blade activation was not changing blasts to use melee attacks.
  • Slipslinger Style was not altering pre-requisites for feats like weapon focus or weapon specialization so that they would be satisfied by normal slings even when pointed at "sling-like" weapons.
  • The various weapons and armor defined in the Heroes of the Jade Oath source were not marked as "Eastern" items, so they were not being hidden when a hero set the optional rule to hide such items.
  • Various Heroes of the Jade Oath weapons which share a name (but have distinct statistics) with core paizo weapons were not counting as them for things like specific weapon proficiency and weapon focus.
  • The Zi wu, greater weapon was applying its untyped Climb bonus incorrectly, such that it sometimes was not stacking correctly.
  • When customizing monster races with spellcasting of memorizing classes (like clerics), spells were charging ink cost in gp when added to the hero (as though they were being added to a spellbook).
  • The Snake Bleeder trait was throwing errors if the hero did not have Craft (alchemy) added to their character.
  • Several traits from Dragon Empires Primer were incorrectly applying untyped bonuses to damage, rather than trait bonuses.
  • A staff equipped in the off-hand wasn't allowing access to its spells.
  • Cutting Edge was only able to be selected once.
  • The Shield Archon was showing an error with its shortspear, because the Weapon Specialization it has was added as a bonus feat and it did not have Weapon Focus in the same weapon.
  • An animal companion with the Bodyguard archetype was showing an error when Shared Vigilance was active.
  • When checking the "Ex-Member" checkbox, the spellcasting section of that class was showing in the statblock even when casting should be lost.
  • When checking the "Ex-Member" checkbox, "ex" was not being prepended to the class name.
  • Extra Hit Dice added to the Classes table were not being shown in the calculation breakdown of the final CR.
  • The Defender of the Society trait was not functioning correctly if you were wearing mithral medium armor - mithral only changes the armor type for the purpose of "movement and other limitations", which does not affect the armor type as seen by this trait.
  • The Armor Master mythic path ability was not interacting correctly with mithral armor. It should treat that armor as its base armor type because mithral armor only changes the armor type for the purpose of "movement and other limitations".
  • Investigators now have a starting formula book available.
  • The mindblade's spells weren't being set up correctly if the bard class wasn't available.
  • On the In-Play summary tab, the occult skill unlocks were being shown in gray.
  • On the Gear summary tab, magic items that were not currently equipped were shown in gray, even items like scrolls and handy haversacks that don't need to be equipped. Now, only those items that need to be equipped are shown in gray if they're not currently equipped.
  • The Gear list on the Gear summary tab now shows unequipped items in gray (but only if they're able to be equipped).
  • For a medium who had not accepted a taboo or replaced any of the spirit's abilities, and did not yet have the Spirit Mastery ability, meaning he did not have any free uses of the Spirit Surge ability, a tracker showing 0/0 uses would still be shown on the In-Play tab to track those free spirit surges.
  • The Cleric's Aura ability was not showing the description of Detect Evil. Another symptom of the same issue was that if the Data File Debugging tools were turned on, looking at the text of the Aura would generate an error message.
  • Meta words would raise an error when added to a spellbook.
  • The Wayang's Shadow Inheritor ability was not improving the effective level of Oracle Revelations from the Mystery of Shadow.
  • When purchasing weapons, the featherweight dart was found in the exotic weapons, not in the ammunition.
  • The Bouncy trait was not adding its situational modifier to the reflex save.
  • The Black-Blooded Oracle's curse was applying a -4 initiative penalty. Although this curse does apply a penalty to dexterity-based skill checks, it does not apply a penalty to dexterity-based ability checks (initiative is an ability check), so the penalty to initiative should not have been included.
  • Metakinetic Mastery was resetting itself to Empower when the portfolio was reloaded.
  • The Channel Positive Energy added by the Channel Revelation from the Oracle's Mystery of Life was not setting its name properly.

Data File Authoring
  • Added Hero.AddLowLig and Hero.AddDarkvis tags. Despite being Hero tags, these are added within the context of the polymorph form gizmo to activate a bootstrapped copy of Darkvision/Low-light vision when the monsters type entitles it to it.
  • Added the MartWepExp and SimpWepExp procedures, which generate a candidate expression for all Martial or Simple weapons respectively, taking into account racial weapon familiarities and the prevalence of firearms in the campaign.
  • Added the SpecGroup.Sling tag, which is applied to sling-like weapons.
  • Added two new fields to races, rNumLegs and rNumHeads (along with equivalent herofields tNumLegs and tNumHeads, which store modified values). The tags which previously were used to set the CMD bonus vs. trip for many/no legs (Helper.Snaky/Helper.Quadruped/Helper.ManyLegs) now set the number of legs field on the race, which then is transferred to the herofield, which is then used to set the CMD bonus.
  • Added Helper.RaceLegs and Helper.RaceHeads tags, which are intended for use with natural attacks. They set the number of attacks equal to the herofields mentioned above.
  • Added Broadcast.NoPWepSpec, which is applied along with Broadcast.WepSpec when the Weapon Specialization feat is bootstrapped as a racial bonus feat. NoPWepSpec substitutes for Broadcast.WepFocus when the weapon checks for it, thus preventing an incorrect error. Equivalent Broadcast tags have been added for other levels of weapon focus and weapon specialization.
  • Adding abText to the Fly pick will have that be appended after the maneuverability, in a seperate set of parenthesis.
  • Added Helper.UICMDMod and the cmdNoSBBon field. Any value added to cmdNoSBBon is counted in the final value of the CMD, but if the only difference between base CMD and the final for this maneuver is the value of cmdNoSBBon, then Helper.UICMDMod is assigned instead of Helper.StatCMDMod. StatCMDMod causes the maneuver to be shown seperately for both statblocks and on HL's summary tab, but Helper.UICMDMod only causes it to show on the summary tab.
  • Added a new BaseArmTyp tag group. Early on (First/500), armors will copy their ArmorClass tag into a BaseArmTyp tag, and later on, when the "what type of armor are we wearing" tags are added to the hero (Hero.LightArmor, Hero.MedArmor and Hero.HeavyArmor), the BaseArmTyp tag is also added to the hero. Now, the Mithral material works by changing the ArmorClass tag, but does not change the BaseArmTyp tag, and now proficiency tests and some other tests look for the BaseArmTyp tag instead of the ArmorClass tag.
  • In a change related to the new BaseArmTyp tag, the Helper.Prof1Step tag has been made obsolete, and is no longer tested for. Anything that was testing this tag or assigning it should be changed to use either ArmorType tags or BaseArmTyp tags by themselves, instead.
  • Added a new matrix field for calculating challenge rating, tMiscCR. It functions similar to the various other CR matrix fields, but should be added to by things which do not fit the existing fields.
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Old June 29th, 2016, 07:16 PM
For heroes set to the "Commonplace Guns" firearm prevalence, guns were not showing as possible selections for things choosing among martial weapons (such as the martial weapon proficiency feat).
The Black-Blooded Oracle's curse was applying a -4 initiative penalty. Although this curse does apply a penalty to dexterity-based skill checks, it does not apply a penalty to dexterity-based ability checks (initiative is an ability check), so the penalty to initiative should not have been included.

Glad to see these two things fixed
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Old June 29th, 2016, 09:14 PM
Added two new fields to races, rNumLegs and rNumHeads (along with equivalent herofields tNumLegs and tNumHeads, which store modified values). The tags which previously were used to set the CMD bonus vs. trip for many/no legs (Helper.Snaky/Helper.Quadruped/Helper.ManyLegs) now set the number of legs field on the race, which then is transferred to the herofield, which is then used to set the CMD bonus.
Nice, this will be useful for Alteration in Spheres of Power. Question, though: If the Helper tags set the number of legs into the field, what value does ManyLegs set? And is it "okay" to directly manipulate the legs field without using the tags?
TheIronGolem is offline   #3 Reply With Quote
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Old June 29th, 2016, 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by TheIronGolem View Post
Nice, this will be useful for Alteration in Spheres of Power. Question, though: If the Helper tags set the number of legs into the field, what value does ManyLegs set? And is it "okay" to directly manipulate the legs field without using the tags?
ManyLegs sets the number of legs to 6, for a total bonus to CMD of +8. You can set the legs without the tags, and must do so for any number other than 4 or 6. If you leave off both the tags though, the carrying capacity for encumberance will be the same as for a biped.
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Old July 2nd, 2016, 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
Bug Fixes
  • The Kinetic Blade activation was not changing blasts to use melee attacks.
I think there was an issue with this update. Kinetic Blade is still a light weapon, and should be benefiting from Weapon Finesse. Currently only Kinetic Whip is receiving the dexterity bonus to hit from Weapon Finesse.
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Old July 3rd, 2016, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by standalone View Post
I think there was an issue with this update. Kinetic Blade is still a light weapon, and should be benefiting from Weapon Finesse. Currently only Kinetic Whip is receiving the dexterity bonus to hit from Weapon Finesse.
Also, the weapon activating still does not iterative attacks due to high BAB. The whip, which is also a range weapon, is not adding the reach to my character's reach. This should also be multiplied by Kinetic Form when implemented.
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Old July 4th, 2016, 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by standalone View Post
Also, the weapon activating still does not iterative attacks due to high BAB. The whip, which is also a range weapon, is not adding the reach to my character's reach. This should also be multiplied by Kinetic Form when implemented.
Originally Posted by standalone View Post
I think there was an issue with this update. Kinetic Blade is still a light weapon, and should be benefiting from Weapon Finesse. Currently only Kinetic Whip is receiving the dexterity bonus to hit from Weapon Finesse.
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