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The Super Powers Companion (2nd edition) is Now Available!

Has anyone made other character sheets for this? How hard is it to make a new character sheet? <is there a link sop I can try and work on one>

Do you mean as in printed character sheets? If so there is one I threw together that just uses the full descriptions instead of just the brief descriptions at https://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=45759, but it doesn't really change the layout or look of the sheet. If you wanted something that looked like a pdf sheet from Pinnacle or to do something fancy, it should be possible, and I'm pretty sure I've seen it done over on the 5E or Pathfinder forums, but I think you have to really know how and/or have the tools to do XML stylesheet programming or be able to massage the data in java (which is how I think some of the folks on the Pathfinder forum do it). It was something well beyond my abilities to do, I know that. It may even be possible to use a form-fillable PDF by tagging which fields need to go where on it, but that's also way beyond anything I was able to figure out.
What would you like to see in a different character sheet, out of curiosity? I assume you mean one tailored to the Super Powers Companion material, since you posted it here...