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The Herolab 5.0 upgraded version of the 4e files has broken the Themes Add-on by Daph

Hi everyone,

As far as I was aware, there shouldn't have been any changes to the 4e files this update that would cause problems with any addons. :( Can someone post the exact errors you get when you try to load the themes addon with the new version of the 4e files?

Thanks for your help!

The problems have been fixed. ( I just needed to re-dump my patch as some of the line numbers changed. )
As a side note, there are still several classes and items missing from books such as the Heroes of : Shadows and Feywild classes ect. They are in HL but do not have program material that shows up. AKA some of the powers are listed (if you look in through the editor) but the classes are missing, racial powers are missing ect. These have not been addressed for well over a year. Mostly because of the work being done to Real Works. But the 4E files are still unfinished and I would just like to have the content before or id the DDI comes down or drops off 4E material.

As Far as I know the DDI has not had changes made to it since Aug 2012. http://www.wizards.com/DnD/Article.aspx?x=dnd/updates
So that means after Gen-Con 2012 was the last updates made.
I apologise for weighing in, as I am perhaps not aware of all the factors relating to this issue, but having dealt with HeroLab, DDi, and 4e dataset import all day, I can confirm that Character Themes (currently 116 entries) are contained in the DDi Compendium.

Indeed, I believe that anyone can actually view the index of the DDi Compendium here (direct link) without a subscription. You will not be able to see the content of the entries without a subscription.

As I can see now, the DDi Compendium includes the following:
  • Backgrounds
  • Character Themes
  • Classes
  • Companions & Familiars
  • Creatures
  • Deities
  • Diseases
  • Epic Destinies
  • Feats
  • Items
  • Paragon Paths
  • Poisons
  • Powers
  • Races
  • Rituals
  • Terrain
  • Traps
... as well as the Glossary from the Rule and Source Books, Campaign Settings, Printed Adventures, and Dragon Magazine (up to issue #426).

I hope this helps.
I have been hoping for some time that all the character content would be added into HL for 4E before the "Next" monster release from its cage :( after more than 30 years of playing D&D I stop supporting the game with the "new" rule set to be released. 4E will be my grumpy old man rules from now until the end of days I believe. Just as long as I have players!
I think we've got most of this stuff
Backgrounds -100% ?
Character Themes - 100% on my site
Classes - 95%?
Companions & Familiars -- Ugh.. I'm talking with people on how to do this...
Creatures -- 0% And it looks like just basic data entry...
Deities -- I don't know.. LFR is there... which is as much as I ever paid attention to
Diseases -- ?? Why or where would you use this? You could just add it as an adjustment or a note
Epic Destinies -- Don't we have all or most of these?
Feats -- I think all of these are there... some don't work, but we're working on that
Items -- Most if not all are there, except for the really quirky things like Superior Implements
Paragon Paths -- Most if not all right?
Poisons -- I've never made a character that uses them, but aren't they consumable magic items now?
Powers -- Again... most if not all... maybe not all sewn together though
Races -- Most if not all (at least compendium ones)?
Rituals -- Aren't all of these in there?
Terrain -- Where would this go into Herolab?
Traps -- similar to Terrain...