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The Herolab 5.0 upgraded version of the 4e files has broken the Themes Add-on by Daph


Well-known member
You can upgrade Hero lab itself to 5.0, but DO NOT UPGRADE the 4e Data files to the 5.0 ones as they will essentially be unable to load at all.
I wish that the HL folks would just incorporate Daphne's changes word for word into the HL release... at least that way all the work us volunteers have done making HL function properly in 4e wouldn't be wasted.
I'll try to take a look this weekend. But make no promises on a fix as I have not idea what's changed etc. yet. ( And yes I wish they would as well. Again I give full permission to incorporate my changes, and I don't even care if I'm credited or what not. )
Unfortunately, it's not a question of whether we WANT to include Daphne's changes. It's a question of whether we LEGALLY CAN include them. Alas, without a formal license from Wizards, we can't, so that leaves us stuck with no good option. :(

I'll flag the issues with the 4E data files directly to the Hero Lab team in case they aren't yet aware of the problem.
Rob, don't you mean Hasbro? Wizards is a subsidiary of the corporate entity fully as far as I know.

I don't understand why the framework that Daphne did to support Themes is any different than the rest of the framework that supports things like classes, feats, powers, etc within the 4e ruleset. We don't need the actual themes, that's my website. Just the framework.

I don't understand why the framework that Daphne did to support Themes is any different than the rest of the framework that supports things like classes, feats, powers, etc within the 4e ruleset. We don't need the actual themes, that's my website. Just the framework.

Cryptoknight, I believe he mentioned legality in his reply. The problem is that 4e is an unlicensed product. LWD is a small company and doesn't want to get into any legal battles with a corporate giant like Hasbro over what they can or can't add to their data. If the themes are not part of the compendium, then it could be a legal issue because the raw data has to be input by a 3rd party... Without a license, you're in a very gray area.
Unfortunately, it's not a question of whether we WANT to include Daphne's changes. It's a question of whether we LEGALLY CAN include them. Alas, without a formal license from Wizards, we can't, so that leaves us stuck with no good option. :(
Understandable. I tried to make sure that my changes were generic and didn't include any themes ( besides a sample theme called sample with sample powers etc. ) in the frameworks themselves. But I can understand avoiding even that.

I'll flag the issues with the 4E data files directly to the Hero Lab team in case they aren't yet aware of the problem.
Awesome, I've already seen some of the flags in the other thread. ( I have a local git repo that I keep my changes in, so it should be relatively easy for me to compare what has changed. )
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I've been having an issue with the themes, even before the latest update. When I select a theme (specifically the 'Noble Adept' theme from cryptoknight), the power and extra power point aren't shown on the character sheet. Is there any way to fix this?
Daphne Pfister, If your going to Gen Con I will bring you Cookies or Twizzlers or you name it! Your fast and have me back working in HL again!
Thank you for your time!

Daphne Pfister, If your going to Gen Con I will bring you Cookies or Twizzlers or you name it! Your fast and have me back working in HL again!
Thank you for your time!


Glad it worked for you. Not really planning on going to GenCon, but appreciate the offer. :)
At one point, there was a concern about legality. It hasn't been investigated again since that point, as I've been a bit busy with Realm Works. :) I'll strive to make the time to re-evaluate it, but I'm up to my eyeballs right now, so no promises.

As for whether it's Wizards or Hasbro lawyers, it's not really important. Wizards has their own legal team that would probably be more than adequate to deal with any IP concerns. Only if they ran into difficulties would they bring in the howitzers from Hasbro legal. I don't want to be staring down the barrel of an AK-47, let alone a howitzer.
I'll strive to make the time to re-evaluate it, but I'm up to my eyeballs right now, so no promises.

That would be awesome. Again I understand if it isn't possible. When I posted my latest version, I made sure to set up a new thread to discourage including any theme details being posted to the thread itself in case that helps avoiding any tainting issue.
I've been having an issue with the themes, even before the latest update. When I select a theme (specifically the 'Noble Adept' theme from cryptoknight), the power and extra power point aren't shown on the character sheet. Is there any way to fix this?


This is why I ask for people to post bugs on my forum instead of here. When I see new posts, I try to fix them as fast as I can... The individual files are also downloadable there, and others may choose to come up with a fix.

I never did see where on the character sheet power points went, so I think I skipped them... but the power should have boostrapped, I'll look into it.
At one point, there was a concern about legality. It hasn't been investigated again since that point, as I've been a bit busy with Realm Works. :) I'll strive to make the time to re-evaluate it, but I'm up to my eyeballs right now, so no promises.

As for whether it's Wizards or Hasbro lawyers, it's not really important. Wizards has their own legal team that would probably be more than adequate to deal with any IP concerns. Only if they ran into difficulties would they bring in the howitzers from Hasbro legal. I don't want to be staring down the barrel of an AK-47, let alone a howitzer.

Rob, see here's what I don't get... you sell a product that supposedly supports the 4e ruleset, but is lacking support for themes, which are part of the ruleset.

We get that we need to use the downloader against our own DDI sub to get the data... I don't understand how putting Daphne's Theme structures into the ruleset could cause an issue, we aren't talking about the theme content (that should be handled by the downloader), just support for us to type them in ourselves if we wish.

Perhaps I'm just being dense, but I don't understand how the legal implications change for adding theme support to HL 4e, vs supporting classes, races, feats, powers, items, etc.

If it's because my website offers that content for download, then add support to download themes via the downloader, and I'll pull my site down, or at least change it to a bug fixing party for all the other things the downloader misses.
Are the themes on the Compendium?

The last time I used the compendium shortly after Dark Sun's release, it had not been added to it. If the compendium doesn't offer the data, that would be where the legal issues can arise from.
Are the themes on the Compendium?

The last time I used the compendium shortly after Dark Sun's release, it had not been added to it. If the compendium doesn't offer the data, that would be where the legal issues can arise from.

The themes are in the compendium and have been for a long time. Though at this point Rob said he was going to look into it, which is all we can hope for. So I don't see the point in worrying about it right now.
The themes are in the compendium and have been for a long time. Though at this point Rob said he was going to look into it, which is all we can hope for. So I don't see the point in worrying about it right now.

The last time I used the downloader the themes were not even present. It's good they finally got the material in there. I just hope that the downloader can be updated to grab them. I don't even know if the downloader can reach the Essentials line classes.
Hi everyone,

As far as I was aware, there shouldn't have been any changes to the 4e files this update that would cause problems with any addons. :( Can someone post the exact errors you get when you try to load the themes addon with the new version of the 4e files?

Thanks for your help!