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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition

Cool. I'm not often here so I'm behind on update news.

We have been waiting since at least August for the update to drop.

The SWADE Deadlands is dependent upon it, so we've been waiting for that as well.

Alas, LW appears to be so immersed in supporting both versions of Pathfinder, that SWADE just isn't getting any love.
Hey gang, haven't been here in a long while. The Pathfinder for Savage Worlds inspired me to take up Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Decided to grab the data package for my copy of Hero Lab Classic, but I can't seem to figure out how to edit the traits for Races.

Is this not something you can edit/customize/create new races in character creation like you can in the SWADE rulebook? If not, I guess I'm stuck using Savaged.us for my campaign. I'd much prefer a non-online option for my gaming needs, though.

Thanks, sorry if this is the wrong area for this question.
We can help, what do you want to do exactly? The Races can be modified to fit your campaign. Let me know what you want to do and I'll tell you how to do it.
We can help, what do you want to do exactly? The Races can be modified to fit your campaign. Let me know what you want to do and I'll tell you how to do it.

I want my players to be able to create and modify the races using the rules from the book (pages 12 to 21), and I want to be able to set the number of points a race can be built on (perhaps in the Configure Hero section?). For one campaign, I'm looking at letting my players build 3 or 4-point races, and for a Star Wars campaign I just want players to be able to make their own races in the character creation process so it isn't a huge burden on me.

Race is such a big step in the SWADE book, I would've figured it would have its own tab in the character creation process, but it's been relegated to a single option and I can't figure out how to add new races to the list. (Beyond clicking the one 'Show Races' option in the Configure Hero checklist, that is)
OK, this level of activity is in the Editor (Tools Menu). Generally, players are not allowed to edit Races. That's the GM's job, and that's why it's not a regular tab. Races are not edited often, just at the start of a campaign and then they are rarely touched again. So, no, there's not a player-friendly Race editor. Players don't generally get to define their own Races. Now, there's nothing stopping players from using the Editor...

There's not a limit set on how much a Race can have, but it does provide a running total.
OK, this level of activity is in the Editor (Tools Menu). Generally, players are not allowed to edit Races. That's the GM's job, and that's why it's not a regular tab. Races are not edited often, just at the start of a campaign and then they are rarely touched again. So, no, there's not a player-friendly Race editor. Players don't generally get to define their own Races. Now, there's nothing stopping players from using the Editor...

There's not a limit set on how much a Race can have, but it does provide a running total.

Not to be argumentative, but it's totally a player-facing rule in the book.

Under "Breaking the Mold" on page 17 of SWADE, the first sentence is: "The racial arcetypes presented here are iconic of their usual appearance in fantasy and science fiction, but *players and Game Masters* should feel free to break the tropes if they fit your particular setting." (Emphasis mine)
Further, on the next page, "Making Races" starts with: "Game Masters and players who want to make their own races (or cultural archetypes) can use the system below."

This rule is meant for both GMs and players to use. It shouldn't be locked away behind a GM-only function in the software.

Anyway, if the players don't have access to the editor, and I'd have to do all the work, this probably won't work for me as a tool. Which is a shame, because I'd much rather be able to save my files as portfolios and edit them over time rather than only be able to output them as PDFs from Savaged.us's website... but their system lets players easily create custom race packages.
It is not locked away. Players are completely free to use the Editor. Please pardon me if I gave you that impression.

Designing Races is by far most often the purview of the GM. There are very few games where players get to design their own Races. That being said, it's still something that's touched once at the start of the game and never used again. So having an active tab for it would mostly be a waste of space during a campaign. Races are rarely edited once a game starts. That's the reason it's in the Editor and not on the active tabs, not to hide it or make it unavailable.

The players are more than welcome to play around in the Editor all they want. There is nothing at all stopping them. The trick is coordinating it if someone edits their copy of the user file, it will then be different from all the other players. The Setting itself is rarely modified by the players. It works best if everyone is using the same file. If a player wants to add something, they can always create a separate user file that they can send out to the other players, thus not editing your original Setting file.

I said in my previous post that there was nothing stopping the players from using the Editor, I hope I've made it clearer.

Now, building Races can get interesting if it needs a new Racial Property that's not already covered, because that will need to be entered as well and then added to the Race with a bootstrap. And we can help you with that.
It is not locked away. Players are completely free to use the Editor. Please pardon me if I gave you that impression.

Designing Races is by far most often the purview of the GM. There are very few games where players get to design their own Races. That being said, it's still something that's touched once at the start of the game and never used again. So having an active tab for it would mostly be a waste of space during a campaign. Races are rarely edited once a game starts. That's the reason it's in the Editor and not on the active tabs, not to hide it or make it unavailable.

The players are more than welcome to play around in the Editor all they want. There is nothing at all stopping them. The trick is coordinating it if someone edits their copy of the user file, it will then be different from all the other players. The Setting itself is rarely modified by the players. It works best if everyone is using the same file. If a player wants to add something, they can always create a separate user file that they can send out to the other players, thus not editing your original Setting file.

I said in my previous post that there was nothing stopping the players from using the Editor, I hope I've made it clearer.

Now, building Races can get interesting if it needs a new Racial Property that's not already covered, because that will need to be entered as well and then added to the Race with a bootstrap. And we can help you with that.

Ah, okay. I haven't used the software in long enough that I couldn't remember if the editor were a special feature that had to be purchased separately. I thought I remembered it being so. There are a lot of things in Savage Worlds that change from character creation to advancements once you 'lock in' the base character, so I'm not sure that the racial thing is significantly different from the other rules (like skills, for example, are point-based in creation but advancement-based later). All that said, I'll have to try and sit down and see if I can figure out how to edit and add new races in so I can teach my players how to do it. Is there a good tutorial for this process you can point me to?

Thanks again for your input. I didn't mean to make it sound dismissive, I'm just racing the clock to get ready for a new campaign now that the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds rules are on the horizon and we want to be able to include all the cool heritage options in the extended Pathfinder lore, not just the ones in the core rules that'll be supported by the kickstarter rulebook.
I just noticed that both the Quick and Level-Headed Edges require the Hesitant Drawback for some reason. It should be you can't get either Edge if you have the Hesitant Drawback.
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Hi! My account settings show I have the SWADE Super Powers Companion unlocked, but none of the options in "Configure Hero" show an option for this (it has 1e and 2e), and I don't see any way to download it. Am I missing some step somewhere?
Hi! My account settings show I have the SWADE Super Powers Companion unlocked, but none of the options in "Configure Hero" show an option for this (it has 1e and 2e), and I don't see any way to download it. Am I missing some step somewhere?

Hero Labs doesn't have the 3rd edition (SWADE) Super powers book available.


That's the only Super Powers book, and it's only 1st and 2nd for older version of SW.
I'm still working on finishing Pathfinder. That one's next. I'm currently putting the finishing touches on Magic Items for Pathfinder.