Here is a list of Requests I would like to provide to Lone Wolf on capabilities I would like to see in HeroLabs. Anyone else is free to add to this thread what they would like to see. The reason why I am putting it here instead of the HeroLab forums, because some will be particular to Pathfinder
1. Capability to customize Character sheets - I know this is on your to do list, but it is about time it gets on the top, I am really starting to get frustrated with the default character sheet.
2. Capability to organize equipment lists by different columns, not just aphetically – Also for PFS it would be useful to remove items from the list that I cannot buy because I do not have the prestige to afford it.
3. Add a Stat Block only option in Print options - I was frustrated as hell when I realized I could not print my Bestiary encounters in the same format as in the Bestiary! To accomplish this I had to Copy past into another program, which is annoying as hell.
4. Better UI for the Editor – For people who have very little or no knowledge of programming your Editor is clear as Mud! What the hell is a bootstrap? You need to assume that the user does not have this knowledge and make the editor simpler and clearer. If I had the time I could teach myself but I don’t. If you want an example use the editor for RPGXplorer as a very well done editor.
5. The Ability to add Traits, Feats, Spells, similar stuff by name only. – I love that I can just add a new item that is blank and just add the cost and weight afterwards provide us the ability to do the same with all the other things we add to the character. I would like this so I can have the ability listed on the character sheet and adjust afterwards or by the Adjust Tab until you have added it in the database later on when you start adding more Paizo books. As an example I wanted to add a Trait that is not in your database yet, but to do so I had to use your editor which As I stated above I hate, it would have been much easier to just had it in name only, and adjust what I needed to adjust in the adjust tab.
I am sure I will come up with more.
1. Capability to customize Character sheets - I know this is on your to do list, but it is about time it gets on the top, I am really starting to get frustrated with the default character sheet.
2. Capability to organize equipment lists by different columns, not just aphetically – Also for PFS it would be useful to remove items from the list that I cannot buy because I do not have the prestige to afford it.
3. Add a Stat Block only option in Print options - I was frustrated as hell when I realized I could not print my Bestiary encounters in the same format as in the Bestiary! To accomplish this I had to Copy past into another program, which is annoying as hell.
4. Better UI for the Editor – For people who have very little or no knowledge of programming your Editor is clear as Mud! What the hell is a bootstrap? You need to assume that the user does not have this knowledge and make the editor simpler and clearer. If I had the time I could teach myself but I don’t. If you want an example use the editor for RPGXplorer as a very well done editor.
5. The Ability to add Traits, Feats, Spells, similar stuff by name only. – I love that I can just add a new item that is blank and just add the cost and weight afterwards provide us the ability to do the same with all the other things we add to the character. I would like this so I can have the ability listed on the character sheet and adjust afterwards or by the Adjust Tab until you have added it in the database later on when you start adding more Paizo books. As an example I wanted to add a Trait that is not in your database yet, but to do so I had to use your editor which As I stated above I hate, it would have been much easier to just had it in name only, and adjust what I needed to adjust in the adjust tab.
I am sure I will come up with more.