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Pathfinder Community Standards....

Another "FYI" that just came up. Make sure you have your Game Systems setup to use only the allowed official Packages the Packs can support. The allowed official licenses is listed on THIS page.

But you say you own more than those licenses. Hey no problem there is actually an easy way to setup a Pack so that it only uses specific licenses. Start your 3PP Pack pathfinder game and go to "Develop->Choose Supplement Packages...". Then on the new window you get to select which books are allowed. For the 3PP Pack you would only check mark: Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat, and Ultimate Magic. HL will ask you to restart and you say "yes". And now this game system will only have those Three Licenses running. So you won't see anything else. :)
Ok, I am going to ask some of the proverbial dumb questions here.
No dumb questions. I am happy to answer them all as the more info I can give you guys the easier this all becomes for us all. ;)

1) I got both the basic and the 3PP directories setup using new installations of Herolab. So the files I have created in another directory, can I just copy those new ones over that I have created into the new Github linked 3PP directory on my machine?
If the files are "brand" new and do not exist in GitHub then yes simply copy the files over. Make sure they are in the new naming convention and SoureTree will detect them as "new" files.

If these files already exist you have to be careful as you could "wipe" out others work. In example if I added a FeatA to the .user file and your .user file does not have FeatA and you drop in your file FeatA will be detected as being deleted. :(

2) Since I am now adding new "books" I presume I am supposed to also edit the relevant .1st file correct?
Assuming these are SGG/RGG books then yes you will need to add the new book as a source in the COM_Source_210 - Rogue Genius Games.1st file. Simply copy an existing one and make the changes to the name and the Unique ID. Going forward I would really like to have the Source IDs start with "src" all lower case. In example like THIS one. I love I can just point to the exact line of a file on github. :)

3) Also, is there a file I should be editing to reflect the changes I have made/submitted?
Yes each Pack has a "release notes" file setup. For the 3PP Pack it is named "COM_3PPPack - Release Notes.user". The layout is actually in HTML so please duplicate the format exactly please. It allows me to easily update all the places I need to.

If you don't feel comfortable updating HTML then simply make sure your "Commit Notes" that you must enter into SourceTree are complete and accurate. I can easily grab those notes from GitHub from all the commits done and build the Release Notes from that. I am good with either method.

4) Also on the data files, should I be adding something, checking something to denote Herolab community sets?
Please make sure all the "Thing ID's" have a two digit extra character. I think for the SGG/RGG we had started to use "SG". But we also update the "Product Identity For..." with "Hero Lab Community". This is especially true for Class Specials and Racial Specials as those Things should never have Sources attached to them. This allows others to reuse those Specials if we need to.
okay...a lil confused now. so after i removed the 3PP with manage third party addons, and did the sourcetree pull, i launch herolab now pointing at that alternate folder and get these errors:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cPUUncPatt' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'xPwrRes' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cPwrResist' (Eval Script '#1') on line 11
-> Non-existent thing 'xPwrRes' used by script
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMAlrmFld' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMAnchrdFl' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMAntiSpec' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMArcMssle' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMBlndMssl' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMCmtStrke' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMCndFld' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMCvrShld' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMDeflArmr' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMElmntlSh' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMEnvEffct' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMFerryman' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMFrcShldn' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMFryWrth' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMHaloStar' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMHgMgArm' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMImbdFrce' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMImplsn' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMLgndMssl' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMLorePale' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMMArmProp' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMPrsrMssl' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMRctvShld' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMRebirth' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMShSpBsh' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMShkwve' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMShldProp' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMShpMArm' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMSlckArm' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMSlflsRes' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMSpndFld' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMSummArm' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMTrgMssl' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMTwrShSp' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMWllEmnt' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fMWtchArm' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fSWFLrgSp' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fSWFSpArc' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fSWFSpArsn' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fSWFSpArsn' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fSWFSpShth' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fSWFSpSpec' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fSWF2SpFgt' calls a non-existent procedure for the active script context
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'ioPUCrnCry' (Eval Script '#1') on line 8
-> Non-existent thing 'xPwrRes' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'raPUPwrRes' (Eval Script '#1') on line 11
No dumb questions. I am happy to answer them all as the more info I can give you guys the easier this all becomes for us all. ;)

Please make sure all the "Thing ID's" have a two digit extra character. I think for the SGG/RGG we had started to use "SG". But we also update the "Product Identity For..." with "Hero Lab Community". This is especially true for Class Specials and Racial Specials as those Things should never have Sources attached to them. This allows others to reuse those Specials if we need to.

Ok. I think I have made all the changes discussed, so I am going to try to push up just one file this morning. I'm not yet comfortable with the Release notes file, so I will leave that to you if you don't mind. But I think I have everything else covered. So here goes....
okay...a lil confused now. so after i removed the 3PP with manage third party addons, and did the sourcetree pull, i launch herolab now pointing at that alternate folder and get these errors:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.
So my bad if I was not very clear. But all other "Packs" are "built" upon the logic that is in the Basic Pack. But in GitHub I have the data files separated.

So you need to make sure you setup the "Basic Pack" also in it's own "fresh" folder in SourceTree. Then after you pull down the "latest" Basic files you have to open up the data folder and copy all the "COM_" files over to the folder holding the 3PP Pack.

I know this one step sucks but it really makes things easier to manage on my end. I am looking into a thing on GitHub about "shared" repository where SourceTree maybe able to keep the files from the Basic Pack merged in on its own but won't allow you to change any of the files from the Basic Pack. But I have not gotten this figured out yet.

Assuming "windows" environment as I don't know Macs. You end up with two folders:
So you copy the COM_*.* files from the Pathfinder_Pack_Basic folder to the Pathfinder_Pack_3PP folders. SourceTree is setup to Ignore the Basic Pack files so it will NOT ask you to push these files to GitHub.

So you need to "manually" copy over the latest Basic Files. For myself I setup in windows a short cut in the "Send To" feature so I can just highlight all the files and then "Send To" the 3PP Pack.
Last edited:
Ok. I think I have made all the changes discussed, so I am going to try to push up just one file this morning. I'm not yet comfortable with the Release notes file, so I will leave that to you if you don't mind. But I think I have everything else covered. So here goes....
That all works! Its a little different at first if you are not use to use a Source Code repository but I am confident everyone will get the hang of it in short order. And it SO makes things easier and better to work with then trying to do this in Dropbox. :)
now i'm just frustrated...now i'm getting this error:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'cPUNBPirSt' - Bootstrap thing 'fPiranStr' does not exist


i'm positive i skimmed a post by shadow recently about exactly this but now i can't find it....
now i'm just frustrated...now i'm getting this error:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'cPUNBPirSt' - Bootstrap thing 'fPiranStr' does not exist


i'm positive i skimmed a post by shadow recently about exactly this but now i can't find it....
TCArknight pushed a change to 3PP last night that uses the wrong Piranha Strike feat. So I fixed it and pushed the fix last night to GitHub. So sourcetree should be telling you that you are behind and you need to do a Pull. If not simply do a "Pull" with a merge and you should be good.

HERE is the original push and HERE is my fix.
TCArknight pushed a change to 3PP last night that uses the wrong Piranha Strike feat. So I fixed it and pushed the fix last night to GitHub. So sourcetree should be telling you that you are behind and you need to do a Pull. If not simply do a "Pull" with a merge and you should be good.

ahhhh. thats why i couldn't find it. i was searching the forum boards cuz i didn't remember it was on the github discussion!
sourcetree wasn't telling me a pull was needed so i thought the post might have been telling me what to change manually as a workaround. just did a pull though and that has fixed it.
All I just found an important step in GitHub I missed. Its easy to fix but my bad! :o

To be allowed to "push" to github repository you must be added as a Collaborator. So simply email or PM me your GitHub user ID and which Repository and I can get you setup. :)
So just an FYI. It appears SourceTree has some delay in checking for "new" updates from the different Repositories. So to force this I found you can click on "Repository->Refresh Remote Status" or short cut key of Shift-Alt-R. So I found its worth starting SourceTree and doing this to check for anything "new" to pull down before you start working.
TCArknight pushed a change to 3PP last night that uses the wrong Piranha Strike feat. So I fixed it and pushed the fix last night to GitHub. So sourcetree should be telling you that you are behind and you need to do a Pull. If not simply do a "Pull" with a merge and you should be good.

HERE is the original push and HERE is my fix.
That's odd. :(

I swear I used the one that was part of ULtimate psionics.. I did see one with a different source....
just had a thought. i did a pull for my basic pack repository and then wondered if i need to recopy the basic pack COM files over to the 3PP repository folder? will we need to do this after each pull to basic pack?
and of course another error...i did a pull on both 3pp and basic packs to update my repository. now when launching the pathfinder program from the 3pp folder i get the following errors:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: COM_3PPPack_C7E - Tome of Secrets Classes.user (line 401) - Thing 'cHelpPst' (dynamic tag) - Group 'PackHelper' not defined
File: COM_3PPPack_C7E - Tome of Secrets Classes.user (line 594) - Thing 'cHelpSwa' (dynamic tag) - Group 'PackHelper' not defined
File: COM_3PPPack_C7E - Tome of Secrets Classes.user (line 711) - Thing 'cHelpWaL' (dynamic tag) - Group 'PackHelper' not defined
File: COM_3PPPack_C7E - Tome of Secrets Classes.user (line 915) - Thing 'cHelpKnt' (dynamic tag) - Group 'PackHelper' not defined

i don't know what PackHelper is....
guess i answered my first question with solving my second question...haha

i suppose i'd only really need to copy the basic files that actually changed, but just copied all the COM files from basic to 3pp and errors all gone. just have to remember to copy over each time basic is updated
guess i answered my first question with solving my second question...haha

i suppose i'd only really need to copy the basic files that actually changed, but just copied all the COM files from basic to 3pp and errors all gone. just have to remember to copy over each time basic is updated
So yea its the "one" bad thing with the current setup. So whenever you update the "Basic Pack" (ie do a new pull) you need to manually "copy" over all the files (currently 88) to any of other the Packs. I "think" I can have github do this automatically somehow but to be honest I have not had time to research it yet. Only so many hours in a day you know. :)

So FYI "PackHelper.?" is a new global tag group I added as a Misc group. Similar to LW's "Helper.?" tags. I also moved over the "DR" abilities that where added specific for "Path of War" over to the "Basic Pack" so other Packs have access to them. We don't need multiple copies of specific DR type so by moving them into the "Basic Pack" anyone doing work on any Pack can gain access to them.

I also tried to mimic LW's "playtest" tag. So playtest classes have the wording "[Playtest]" in the class list but lose [Playtest] when it gets added to a character. I wanted to do the same thing for specific classes like "Tome of Secrets" that adds [ToS]. I sort of having it work but not as nice as I would have wanted.