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Pathfinder Community Standards....

This is an odd question:

Is there any way to "group" or "link" a set of temporary adjustments together? For example, one alchemical item gives a +2 bonus to Knowledge checks, a +2 bonus to Perception, and a -2 penalty to Charisma-based checks. Each of these adjustments is available (thank you, BTW!), but it would be really nice to be able to turn them all on and off at once.

Thanks again for the adjustment packs--I couldn't get by without them!
This is an odd question:

Is there any way to "group" or "link" a set of temporary adjustments together? For example, one alchemical item gives a +2 bonus to Knowledge checks, a +2 bonus to Perception, and a -2 penalty to Charisma-based checks. Each of these adjustments is available (thank you, BTW!), but it would be really nice to be able to turn them all on and off at once.

Thanks again for the adjustment packs--I couldn't get by without them!
Currently "no" this can't be done. Its been asked for several times actually but it has not come about. The idea is pretty cool as you could make custom "sets" up that would do "spells" or other Things.
Freezing all the Packs (February 20, 2016) as I get ready to release today. Please don't make any changes to GitHub until you see that the next release is out the door.

Thanks! :)
so with the new pathfinder pack, do we still need to watch what we have checked in configure character?
Nope. And you don't have to worry about "Choosing Supplement Packages" on the Tools menu anymore either.

If you bootstrap or use a Thing that is not in another gamers setup they will get a message about which "Books" they are missing. But everything will load without issues. :)