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Pathfinder Community Packs

Could the increase be capped by your character level?
Shouldn't be. The +1 is due to the Varisian Tattoo trait (from the RotRL Annie Ed AP) which doesn't restrict the CL to char level, so I chose the generic "+1 CL" from the Community Pack.

Does the script on your adjustment begin with a line turning the script off if the adjustment is not selected? Something along the lines of

doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0)
I'll take a look and report back, but it's not my script — it's the one from the Community Pack. In any case, it is set to "1" so I don't think that IF statement would be true.
Shouldn't be. The +1 is due to the Varisian Tattoo trait (from the RotRL Annie Ed AP) which doesn't restrict the CL to char level, so I chose the generic "+1 CL" from the Community Pack.

Varisian Tattoo only increases the CL for a specific school of spells. If you're trying to do an overall CL increase, you wouldn't want to use this.

I'll take a look and report back, but it's not my script — it's the one from the Community Pack. In any case, it is set to "1" so I don't think that IF statement would be true.

I'm confused. You specifically stated "I need some help understanding why my "Adjust Caster Level -> Evoker" isn't changing...". Are you using your own script or the Caster Level adjustment from core or some other adjustment? Note: the adjustment "Caster Level" with thingid "pCasterLev" is core.

pCasterLev uses the doneif statement above. The reason this is important is that if the adjustment is off then the script doesn't run. Without it, you would see no difference between the adjustment being on or off.

PS. I just tested the core Caster Level adjustment, and it is working. Not to state the obvious, but you do have to select the class and increase the incrementer.
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Varisian Tattoo only increases the CL for a specific school of spells. If you're trying to do an overall CL increase, you wouldn't want to use this.
Oh, good catch! You're right. In my case, it should only increase the CL for evocation.

So now I have a different issue to fix. But the problem remains that when I selected "+1 Evoker" the CL adjustment was not made to any spells. (Or if it was, it did not appear on any of the status screens I could find. I usually just hover over the spell button and look at the CL, Concentration Check, Save DC, SR bonus, and so forth.)

I'm confused. You specifically stated "I need some help understanding why my "Adjust Caster Level -> Evoker" isn't changing...". Are you using your own script or the Caster Level adjustment from core or some other adjustment?
You're right again. My bad. I should've said the and not my. I'm not using any of my own custom scripting, just Core and the Community Pack.

Note: the adjustment "Caster Level" with thingid "pCasterLev" is core.
Oh, good to know. I didn't see the typical purple-colored text that the iPad usually shows me, so I wasn't sure. For some reason, I thought it was part of the Community Pack — if it's not, then I apologize for posting in this thread at all! 😞

pCasterLev uses the doneif statement above. The reason this is important is that if the adjustment is off then the script doesn't run. Without it, you would see no difference between the adjustment being on or off.

PS. I just tested the core Caster Level adjustment, and it is working. Not to state the obvious, but you do have to select the class and increase the incrementer.
Yes, I've got those two.

I've clearly got some research to do on my own. I'm sorry for taking up your time (and anyone else's) with something that I should've done more thorough research on. (Now where's that <shame> emoji...)
Yes, I've got those two.

I've clearly got some research to do on my own. I'm sorry for taking up your time (and anyone else's) with something that I should've done more thorough research on. (Now where's that <shame> emoji...)

No problem at all. Always happy to help solve issues. It's possible there's a bug with the Mac version, which I don't use. That said, if you can't figure it out, please provide more information for reproducing it or supply the portfolio with the error. Maybe I or someone else can catch something you missed.
Hey, I'm about to launch Carrion Crown, and was trying to see what Community Content was already made. I checked the link to the d20pfsrd site in the first thread, and found Carrion Crown on the list there.

However, when I try to download it (or any files on that site), nothing happens. I can see a couple quick things in the bottom left, but last thing will say "waiting for google leads" or something like that, and then nothing. No download starts, no popup block, etc.

Is the link to those zip files dead or in need of updating? Is there a setting on my computer that needs to change? Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Hey, I'm about to launch Carrion Crown, and was trying to see what Community Content was already made. I checked the link to the d20pfsrd site in the first thread, and found Carrion Crown on the list there.

However, when I try to download it (or any files on that site), nothing happens. I can see a couple quick things in the bottom left, but last thing will say "waiting for google leads" or something like that, and then nothing. No download starts, no popup block, etc.

Is the link to those zip files dead or in need of updating? Is there a setting on my computer that needs to change? Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

I don't know about that link specifically, but the first post on this thread tells you how to get the community pack. Try that and let us know if it works or not.
I have the community packs, and those work fine. I'm looking for the NPC gallery and other community work on building out the specific creatures for the APs (and save some time on prep).

On the first post there is a link to Module or AP Encounter files, which links to a d20pfsrd repository. It's on that site that I can't seem to get the links to download anything.
I have the community packs, and those work fine. I'm looking for the NPC gallery and other community work on building out the specific creatures for the APs (and save some time on prep).

On the first post there is a link to Module or AP Encounter files, which links to a d20pfsrd repository. It's on that site that I can't seem to get the links to download anything.

Sorry. I misunderstood. You can try sending a message directly to ShadowChemosh or maybe someone else has it downloaded and can share.
If you mean the file named "AP43 Carrion Crown NPCs.zip", I just tried downloading it from the d20pfsrd site and it worked fine, so it's probably something on your end. Maybe try a different browser?
That worked.

If anyone else is having problem, I was using Chrome. This time I used Edge, and a pop-up came up that said the download was not able to be done securely. I had to over-ride the security precautions (about 3 times), until finally it downloaded.
I haven't seen an update to the Pathfinder Pack since 20-April-2019 with the release of Version 1.20. Is this project dead? Did ShadowChemosh abandon the project? Any chance of reviving the project and adding new 3rd-party material not currently offered in Lone Wolf data packages?
The update url does not work anymore. I bought a new computer and when I tried to get the community pack all I get is an error for the url listed. I did find that I had a copy so I just used that to install it.
That is the url I used. Tried it again and I get an error message from Herolab. I do have the manual install file so not a problem since I don't expect an update.
I just tried using the url for another download and I get the same error. I guess there is a problem with the update and Windows 11.
When I force an update check on my iPad, I don't get any errors about not being able to access the Community pack, unless I disable my wifi — then I get errors on all of it. So yeah, something on your system... Maybe an AV or something?
The updater will work but not on third party updates for me. I get the error message "Error while retrieving http://www.shadowsoftware.net/herolab/d20pfsrd/updates.xml" The Lonewolf updates are displayed. I get the same thing if I use other url's from other updates.
I tried something different and now it is working. I entered the url while Pathfinder was loaded under the update section. Nice to have it working. Thank you to everyone who helped me. It is nice to see there is still a community here.
Update After using it a few times it sometimes works but most of the time I get an error. I guess that will be fine since there are no updates anyway. At least it works sometimes.
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I found the problem after a little research about windows 11. I had to reset all network adaptors and then windows will reinstall them after a reboot. This fixed the problem. Apparently this is a known Windows 11 problem and the fix for now. I hope someone else who has this problem will find this useful.
Spheres of Power

I just had to reload my computer and now I am having an issue with the Spheres of Power.

I have attached an image of the issue. Not sure if I need to install stuff in a specific order or what I am doing wrong.

Pretty sure its something I am doing; I didn't have this issue before my reload.

any help is appreciated.


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