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Pathfinder Community Packs

I don't see elements from Everyman Gaming "Everyman Unchained" or Rogue Genius Games "Advanced Options " entries included though they are on d20pfsrd has any one worked on including them in the pack or as a stand package for purchase.
Have you checked "Configure Hero"... a lot of RGG stuff is there under
Community Pack > Third Party Products > Rogue Genius Games
There's only one item that specifies "Advanced Options" but the Bullet points may have what you want.
From what I can see, the Everyman Gaming Unchained is not a package available from LW, nor is it part of the Community Pack. EG did appear to offer HL files with purchase of at least some of their products previously.
I've found a bug when it comes to creating characters above 20th level using Gestalt.

You can create a character up to level 20 using two classes in Gestalt, and that works fine.

However, the moment you add on levels in another class, like Hellknight
e.g. Fighter 20 / Wizard 20 / Gestalt 20 / Hellknight 3
Herolab loses the ability to properly track how many levels in that class you have and thinks you are lower level for that class for the purpose of abilities, like Hellknight Disciplines.

I'd try to fix it myself but I'm quite unfamiliar with coding in Herolab, and working full-time doesn't really leave a lot of time to work on issues like this. Any advice?
I've managed to get the Gestalt addon to play nicely with characters greater than Lvl 20 - to a degree.

The important part that did it was commenting out a couple of lines of code from one of the Gestalt scripts.

      ~perform hero.delete[Classes.?]
      perform hero.delete[Hero.HitDice]

      iX = 0
      while (iX < nHitDice)
        iX += 1
        perform hero.assign[Hero.HitDice]
        ~perform hero.assign[Classes.S2Gestalt]

It will allow classes that aren't being Gestalted to select Lvl-locked abilities at their appropriate levels beyond level 20, but it compounds an existing issue with the addon.

It thinks the character level is significantly higher than actual for the purposes for Suggested Wealth (old issue), and also breaks the level calculation for Starting Cash (new issue).

Ability score increases at levels, skill ranks, feats, and other such stuff still works fine so I'm not sure where the problem is coming from. Will update when I figure it out but so far I'm at a loss.
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I know this hasn't been updated in a while but is there anyone we can bribe maybe to update the remainder of the pow stuff if even just the stuff thats on d20pfsrd there is significant amounts missing. i am not against paying for it if there was an option. but would prefer a public option for the community at large.
I know this hasn't been updated in a while but is there anyone we can bribe maybe to update the remainder of the pow stuff if even just the stuff thats on d20pfsrd there is significant amounts missing. i am not against paying for it if there was an option. but would prefer a public option for the community at large.

What a perfect opportunity for you to learn the arcane language of HL scripting. :-)
Odd thing...

Forgotten Realms data shows up on my Windows desktop but doesn't show up on my Mac laptop.

Has this been seen previously?

When I "Start Import" I don't even see it listed in the sidebar to the right that shows what components are being included with the Community Pack.

I don't have TobyFox Forgotten Realms. It kept sending my Mac into recovery mode, and I didn't download it on my desktop.

If that isn't the FR files that you have on your PC then I'm curious where they came from. Your only other option is to locate the files on your PC and try to copy them over to the Mac.
Bug in the Psionics definitions?

In the Ultimate Psionics - races file, great job of getting everything entered, but... The traits are all entered as an Alt Trait so not available in the race builder. Should these not be entered as Custom Race Trait with an RP value instead?
Let's say I wanted to add the Advanced template to an Elan. There is no way to do this in the Race Builder since none of the Psionic traits are available.
In the Ultimate Psionics - races file, great job of getting everything entered, but... The traits are all entered as an Alt Trait so not available in the race builder. Should these not be entered as Custom Race Trait with an RP value instead?

Both books came out at a similar time, though I don't know when Ult Psionics was coded. I will note the UPs does not have RP's in the book (that I can see) and the Advanced Race Guide doesn't mention the races in UP either.
The traits were probably entered as Alt Traits, so that they show up as such in HL.
I understand your point with the Race Builder, but it's unlikely anyone in the Community is going to rework the file. If you have RP values from somewhere else, perhaps you can copy-paste the traits into a new user file as Custom race traits.
Thanks for the direction Dami.
Evaluating what is in the Feats file and filtering out those with high level requirements and/or class specific brings the list down to about 30 Traits and Feats that would need to be replicated as race adjustments. So a lot more manageable than the almost 300 supplied.
I need some help understanding why my "Adjust Caster Level -> Evoker" isn't changing the caster level when I look at prepared spells for my Ftr1/Wiz14 character. Are there any known fringe cases that I might be bumping up against? This char does have the feat that allows the fighter level to be added to caster level, and also a tattoo that bumps the evoker level by one as well (maybe the one added by the Community Pack isn't stacking or something?). If there's a way to see everything that's being added in (or not added in) when calculating CL, I could look at that to see if I can figure out the problem.

Thanks, everyone; particularly SC — I use the Community Pack all the time and I love it!
I need some help understanding why my "Adjust Caster Level -> Evoker" isn't changing the caster level when I look at prepared spells for my Ftr1/Wiz14 character.

Improving the effective caster level usually does just that. It does not give you extra spells known or spell slots, it improves your effective level for things like duration, damage done, # of targets, etc. In other words, it does not grant you the full benefits of an extra character level in the casting class!
Yeah, that's why I don't understand why the calculation that shows up in the spell description doesn't show the increase... I've got the adjustment set for +1 Evoker, then I look at a spell and it shows CL15. I turn off the adjustment and the spell still says CL15. Clearly, something isn't getting added in.

I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to HLC scripting, but I will probably take a look at it to see if there's some other hidden condition that isn't satisfied.

Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, that's why I don't understand why the calculation that shows up in the spell description doesn't show the increase... I've got the adjustment set for +1 Evoker, then I look at a spell and it shows CL15. I turn off the adjustment and the spell still says CL15. Clearly, something isn't getting added in.

I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to HLC scripting, but I will probably take a look at it to see if there's some other hidden condition that isn't satisfied.

Thanks for the reply.

Could the increase be capped by your character level?
I turn off the adjustment and the spell still says CL15. Clearly, something isn't getting added in.

I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to HLC scripting, but I will probably take a look at it to see if there's some other hidden condition that isn't satisfied.

Does the script on your adjustment begin with a line turning the script off if the adjustment is not selected? Something along the lines of

doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0)