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opened and closed subjects World Almanac

There are lots of things that are affecting plans that we don't know about.

In this specific instance, they were rewriting code to get Views to work, so I'm guessing that would have been a huge impact on the code to deal with topic trees and persistence across views.

I'm impatient too. About lots of things. But don't guess about why this isn't working or that isn't working or how difficult things are, or what they are or aren't doing.

There *is* a plan. They are following it. We might not be privy to it, and we all might not agree on the priorities, but there is a plan. They have shown themselves to be responsive to things that are easily and quickly done, so this is likely neither.

TL;DR - Keep yer pants on. It's coming.
Be careful, ruhar, or the calendar gods will get very cranky with you. We don't know how much work this involves for the devs.

I know, AEIOU, I'm one of the cranky calendar worshipers. That's why I suggested that at the very least everything defaults to closed in case it is a bigger job than us minions realize.

FYI Cranky Calendar Gods, I don't want this BEFORE calendars, just higher on the list than it appears to be. Even just a quick flip of the switch to make it default as all closed. :D
And then I would have to click n-times to open up up all the containers when I searched something?

Good point, Acenoid, but it's easier to click one button (that is already there) to open everything than to individually close a dozen or more containers. Personally, if we're going for a quick, temporary fix I think having everything closed would be better because you have an idea where something is and can go there to open it instead of scroll and scroll and scroll to the item with everything open. :D
And then I would have to click n-times to open up up all the containers when I searched something?
Searching is pretty weird now; it should probably expand the tree to show the appropriate nodes. (Perhaps a preference or a checkbox in the search dialog? I'm not sure.)

It's already there.
Yes and no. Collapsing a tree item doesn't change the underlying state, so when you expand it again the underlying nodes are still expanded or collapsed. There isn't an option to collapse/expand everything recursively. (I suggested adding it back in the third post in this thread.)
Yes and no. Collapsing a tree item doesn't change the underlying state, so when you expand it again the underlying nodes are still expanded or collapsed. There isn't an option to collapse/expand everything recursively. (I suggested adding it back in the third post in this thread.)

I never knew that. When I first started using the program I thought Collapse All Groups would do just that, but when I opened one item that had other trees they would all be open. :mad: I figured it was just closing the parent and not the rest so I stopped using it.
I never knew that. When I first started using the program I thought Collapse All Groups would do just that, but when I opened one item that had other trees they would all be open. :mad: I figured it was just closing the parent and not the rest so I stopped using it.

Another issue is, if you search for word and a topic which is a child of some other topic w/o the word, you still see the "parent" topic. Imho "matches" need to be highlighted so you can tell real "matches" and "navigation/orientation"-help apart from each other....
This may not entirely address the menu tree expansion-statue complaints listed in this thread, but the new update has a step in the right direction:

"• Newly created tabs now inherit the expand/collapse state of the navigation pane."
I've tested this and it words nicely when opening a new tab. If in my active tab, I collapse all groups, when I open a new tab, all groups will be collapsed in the group as well. But if I have only one tab open and all groups collapses and then close the realm and then open the ream again, not everything is collapsed.

What confuses me is that not everything is expanded. Some things are expanded and some collapsed. How is RW determining what should by expanded and what collapsed. It obviously is not based on last state.

Still having the expanded-state for the menu in a new tab match that of the prior active tab is a nice improvement, even if I would like to see it taken further.
But if I have only one tab open and all groups collapses and then close the realm and then open the ream again, not everything is collapsed.

What confuses me is that not everything is expanded. Some things are expanded and some collapsed. How is RW determining what should by expanded and what collapsed. It obviously is not based on last state.
FWIW, I can't reproduce this. Whenever I open a realm all items in the current view are fully expanded.

Still having the expanded-state for the menu in a new tab match that of the prior active tab is a nice improvement, even if I would like to see it taken further.
I doubt they're done with this one. :)
FWIW, I can't reproduce this. Whenever I open a realm all items in the current view are fully expanded.

Huh. Sorry, you are correct. I guess I wasn't seeing what I thought I was seeing, maybe I saw some empty categories as "collapsed". Anyway, yes. When you first open a realm, everything is expanded.
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Whenever I open a realm all items in the current view are fully expanded.

I doubt they're done with this one. :)

Well, *sigh* it's a start. I'm sure the next update for this feature will have the selected sections still collapsed when we reopen the realm.