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Hero Lab Support Plans for Pathfinder RPG

I just checked and I can see them. After making sure that it is checked in the Configure Hero part, save it and then reboot the program.
Will there be anymore bundles like the Pathfinder RPG Player Companion Bundle? i really would like to buy more bundles....and have pritty much just been waiting for the bundle to show up like a bundle for Player Companion #6-10 ect....
I was planning on transferring my Pistolero that I use for Society play but none of the Gunslinger archetypes are in Hero Lab with the Ultimate Combat package. Any news on when these would be added in?
I have been able to use the archetypes. You may want to check your settings and make sure that you have "Use Archetypes" checked.
Are there any plans to support the creation of Traps as opponents in HL? Many traps have a BAB/damage statistic, and I would like to include them in my HL portfolio files for my players' encounters.
Can you really call traps "Characters" though? Of the character types currently present (PC, NPC, Army, and Kingdom) all have some agency, and are able to oppose PCs in a adaptive fashion. Traps are purely reactive, they do a single thing when triggered and only that thing. So I don't think they fit as opponents.
Can you really call traps "Characters" though? Of the character types currently present (PC, NPC, Army, and Kingdom) all have some agency, and are able to oppose PCs in a adaptive fashion. Traps are purely reactive, they do a single thing when triggered and only that thing. So I don't think they fit as opponents.

Aaron, that depends how 'loosely' you define the word trap. ;)

As it stands, while they're not characters, it would be a good GM tool to have a trap builder due to the complexity of trap building (they can be magical or Psionic). Being able to include a trap in the encounter builder would make running the game easier. Aaron, many people, myself included, use the tactical console extensively during a game. If a trap fires On it's turn in initiative it would be nice to have that built into the tactical console, particularly for those who roll Initiative every round. Traps are no more character than vehicles, but they can act in combat and have CR ratings (and I do assume mythic traps will eventually appear).
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What really blurs the line is Haunts. They are "half trap, half creature" in some ways.

Note: Fantasy Grounds supports Traps and Haunts as "NPC" type entries. It was originally done as a fan-created add-on, and was later incorporated into the Pathfinder support.
Can you really call traps "Characters" though? Of the character types currently present (PC, NPC, Army, and Kingdom) all have some agency, and are able to oppose PCs in a adaptive fashion. Traps are purely reactive, they do a single thing when triggered and only that thing. So I don't think they fit as opponents.

Well, they have a challenge rating and parties gain experience for "defeating" them. In terms of game mechanics that makes them opponents, IMO :).
I'm also thinking about RW integration here -- the ability to create a complete encounter, with monsters, NPCs and traps. The traps also become important if you have a persistent trap that does a specific amount of damage, or has an attack on each round. This way, if they are in the tactical console with an initiative placeholder, the GM won't forget to apply the effect at the correct point.

As Silveras said too, Haunts are a blurring between trap and monster. This one tool could easily handle both, if correctly designed at the onset.

Mowgli also has a valid point: Traps (and Haunts) both have CRs and XP associated with them, and haunts especially have HP. Perhaps include (for physical traps) a Hardness and HP section?
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as a custom mod it would be simply enough to make the components of the trap as gear selectable only as a NPC class that could be made called trap, then simply use a character to effectively back door make a trap, decent amount of work but would fit the desire wouldn't it?
It would - but I'd like to see it as a hardcoded ability.

I like to tinker, and have done some stuff with the editor - but for me the whole point of having HL is to save time, and I've gotten to the point that I spend more time using the editor to account for various things than I do building encounters :p
Fair enough, I think I enjoy messing with the editor more then planning for stuff so is less of a issue for me lol
I am in this boat myself actually. I just can't take on another project as I am falling behind everywhere.

But I agree you could make a trap building using the existing tools in HL. Heck I have a Fire as She Bears "Ship Builder" tool running in HL for my Skull and Shackles games.

So the ability for HL to do this is here. It would just take sometime to build.