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From the desk of the coder

Having some background issues in coding this and I have elevated it via a trouble ticket to the fine folks at wolflair. I will also hopefully be added the formations to this release if the can fix my trouble ticket.
Update on release. File is being combed for errors and will also have an example or two of the formations rosters. Expect by weeks end.
Final touches are being put on the 2.91 dataset and I am happy to tell you that all the End Times formations will be in place and fully functioning to even adjust by negating Core points requirements for validation. Will release file on Thursday Night/Fri AM
Hope to get some feedback on how I integrated the Storm of Magic bound monster stuff as we move toward the next edition.
Working on coding the GW Digital Battlescrolls from Creatures of the Chaos Wastes, The Restless Dead, and Crypt Scavengers. Expect them to drop with the June release. Didn't get any feedback on the new siege or storms of magic update so I will assume they work