I am sure there is a market for D&D 5e, but the size is in question.
For myself and my entire gaming group, we left WotC with the release of 4e to Paizo and Pathfinder, and have not looked back. Not only do I like PF better then D&D (yeah yeah just tweaked 3.5 rules, but they are better!), Paizo is 10 times the better publisher, and they have kept alot of crap creep out of their products that WotC did not (2nd edition was terrible, out went balance and quality for the next fast buck). Plus each new printing updated PDF sales? A concept I asked WotC for years and years and nada, sorry WotC, you failed me the gamer and Paizo pickup the dropped ball and ran to the goal line. My gaming table will unlikely ever be shared with D&D again, been a long run from D&D basic to 3.5,and it takes alot to get an old fart like me to change.
LWD and Paizo have such a great working relationship, there is no way I will leave that for what ever half baked crap WotC can put out, I remember their player Gen crapware product, never again. If it don't work with Hero Lab, I am not interested.
In the immortal words of Kosh "They are a dying game system, we should let them pass."