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D&D 5e Community Pack

Pelor's Alignment

I posted this as a bug to the main reporting page, but LWD told me that it's part of the community pack and directed me here - hope that's right.

Pelor's alignment is listed as "Lawful Neutral", when it should be "Neutral Good".
Are you sure that's for 5th Edition? I didn't think there was a Greyhawk Deity file done by the community.
Are you sure that's for 5th Edition? I didn't think there was a Greyhawk Deity file done by the community.

The community files include all the deities from the PHB, which includes some gods from Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms and even Dragonlance.

I've opened the issue over at github for community authors to get to it.
Adventurer's League Advancement/Treasure Checkpoints

So, as of season 8, Adventurer's League will be moving from xp to Advancement Points.. and from awarding Treasure to awarding "Treasure Points."

As of right now, there's no way to track these things within the software, and I know that there are other priorities and a lack of volunteer time to complete them.

I guess what I'm looking for is some direction on whether it is even possible to add these as leveling/tracking possibilities. People have created conversion charts for AP to XP and vice versa. I'm assuming there's some way I could add this table somewhere and keep track that way, but I've never done any editing in this software and need help to start.

Thanks for ANY help anyone can give.

I'd be raising this with LWD. The AL functionality is provided by them. Should be something they are able to add.
Very new to this, somewhat overwhelmed. Kinda peeved I didn't realize the spell stuff for rolling and spell attack modifiers and things like... Rolling attacks/damage and such were currently just in the iPad version of this.... Is this sort of thing ever going to be coming to Desktop? I've spent too many hours putzing around trying to set spells and not super excited to have to change all these things every so many levels
Is this community SRD dead? It has been 7 months since any update was made, bugs all over Xanthar's update and 4 months since Mordenkainens was released. I know its volunteer supported but at the rate this is going I am going to have to look for another option to maintain my materials. :(
The Community Pack (which is separate from the SRD that is provided by LWD) is community maintained. They're working on putting together the monsters for MToF, but it's slow going. I've been trying to find time to sit down and help out, too. Not much you can do except wait or help.
Kinda peeved I didn't realize the spell stuff for rolling and spell attack modifiers and things like... Rolling attacks/damage and such were currently just in the iPad version of this.... Is this sort of thing ever going to be coming to Desktop?

I have never seen the iPad version so I might be missing something. What exactly are you talking about? The desktop version definitely has all your modifiers on display. Does the iPad version actually roll for you??
Does the iPad version actually roll for you??
Yes. In example a weapon has the ability to roll attacks with all the correct modifiers and even roll the damage.

This feature of dice rolling only exists on the iPad and HLO currently. Mac and Windows do not have this feature.
Ah that makes a lot more sense. Bad news for the guy asking the question, then. Though personally I find hand rolling much more satisfying than having a computer do it for me. Except when I'm DMing and rolling up monster initiative. Thank God for the tactical console.
The Community Pack (which is separate from the SRD that is provided by LWD) is community maintained. They're working on putting together the monsters for MToF, but it's slow going. I've been trying to find time to sit down and help out, too. Not much you can do except wait or help.

I guess it's too much to hope that the new Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron will be incorporated anytime soon... The old UA stuff is completely outdated.
I've been working on iit for my own use currently. I plan to upload it to the Community when I am done.

Unfortunately, my medical situation is delaying both WGtE and my further work on MToE . . . :(

On the MToE, my next task is Demonic Boons. On the WGtE, I have to complete the House Agent background, and several of the Dragonmark subrace/variants races. :(
Would you be willing to put your work up for others to help complete? I could take a stab at the WGTE Dragonmark subraces. They don't seem to be too complicated, especially if you have a framework in place for some already. Demonic Boons, I might have more trouble with.
for Shadowchemosh or Mergon, i downloaded the in work MTOF files, i dont have a subclass option for the Gith race, but when i did it custom i was able to select one, i don't see any difference between your implementation and mine, is there a particular way to load the WIP files or is this a part that just isnt finished yet?
I'll take a look when I get back from my Doctor's appointment. As far as I knew, the races & subraces were ok, I am just way behind on Demonic Boons. Been a lot going on here, medically, for the past little bit. :/
Strange. When I go to create a Gith, I get the option to add a subrace. When I do so, O see the Githyanki and Githzerai options.

You did download the latest files from the Git site correct?

Anyone else who has the MToF having this issue?
Hmmm, do you have the Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes option checked off under the:
Character > Configure Hero tabs?
i will look again when i get home tonight, but yes i got them from the git site and extracted to the data folder, replacing the necessary files with the updated one