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Community Created Files 1.8 and later

I am continuing to update spells for the next release. Please note that for the spells that had their names changed in the Spell Compendium, I am going to remove the old spells and make a note in the new what the old name was. This allows those who wish to search for the spell under the old name to find the new version.

Update: For some spells, I will also add a script to insert the description from the old source, if that source is turned on.
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I noticed the Justice of Weald and Woe is on the requests list. I needed it for my campaign, so here it is. It includes all spells from Champions of Ruin that are on the Justice spell list as well as Detect Snares and Pits, which I couldn't get to work through Extend Thing for some reason. All the other spells on the class' list could be extended to it except that one.

I sent you an email with the file, Sendric, along with the Fey'ri race from Races of Faerun/Monsters of Faerun.


Just an FYI. I have added two new sources for Corruption and Sanctified spells. Starting with the next release, users will need to select these sources in order to see spells of these types in their portfolio.
Added a new base class from online: Witch. I am anticipating the next release to be available some time "soon". I will be gearing up for that over the next few days/weeks. I don't expect to add additional classes between now and then except user submissions, but I will instead focus on bug fixes and functionality (and maybe some monsters for the stock portfolios).
Keep up the good work man. The d20 community set is awesome. Im adding a few things myself on my end but im brand new to this and trying to learn as i go. SO far im limited to the scripting thats already been done on other items. I have no scripting knowledge at all personally.

Looking forward to the new release. Be happy to beta test it for our game.
1.22 is out. As always, let me know if there are issues. In the meantime, I'll continue to work on getting requests, bug fixes, etc in for the next release.
Congratz on 1.22 ^^

if i may ask,is there any chance that we can see Deepwood Sniper(and vermin lord:p) in next release ? They can be better PK than Vampiric Draco Tarrasques :D
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Congratz on 1.22 ^^

if i may ask,is there any chance that we can see Deepwood Sniper(and vermin lord:p) in next release ? They can be better PK than Vampiric Draco Tarrasques :D

Are those from Masters of the Wild? In general, those 3.0 books are not high on my priority list, but I do want to make an effort to get more PrC's entered for the next release, so I'll see what I can do.