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Community Created Files 1.8 and later

Adding some more bug fixes, plus additional content from Complete Arcane courtesy of Illyahr. As part of this addition, I have made a change to the Warlock class that allows users to select it as one of the Arcane spellcasting classes to increase with bonus magic levels.
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I've added the Esper Knight class to the Custom Online Content file.

I have also modified the type and subtype specials to remove associated race tags if they are disabled. This should make scripting for templates and abilities that change a character's type easier.
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is it possible to add the PrC:
"Night Mask Deathbringer" from "Forgotten Realms - Champions of Ruin"?

It is for one of my players.
Thanks in advance!

Great, Thanks Sen! Out of curiosity any projected time frame? Thanks for all the work you do on these community files, it is appreciated.

No time frame at the moment. Unfortunately, many of the changes that have been made for the next release are tied to the next d20 core release. Shadow recently posted that he has been too busy to make some necessary changes so the next core release is currently delayed. Until that goes out, the next community release can't go out either.
No time frame at the moment. Unfortunately, many of the changes that have been made for the next release are tied to the next d20 core release. Shadow recently posted that he has been too busy to make some necessary changes so the next core release is currently delayed. Until that goes out, the next community release can't go out either.

Thanks for the info! Back to pen and paper for a bit :)
I am new to HeroLab, but I am not new to coding or D20.

What can I do to help process the Prestige Classes ?

Pick an unfinished source, and start working on them. At this time, I would recommend avoiding any PrC's with their own spell list. Hopefully, the next d20 release will include all the updated core spells, at which time we will be able to come back to those classes.

Complete Adventurer and Complete Arcane have been completed for the next community release. We still need the remaining PrC's from Complete Divine/Mage/Psionics/Scoundrel/Warrior as well as Cityscape, Dungeonscape, Frostburn, Sandstorm and Stormwrack. There are also missing classes from Races of Stone/the Dragon/the Wild as well. So take your pick.

When you're done, just shoot me an email with the file at my username at gmail. Thanks for volunteering! Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Getting too low on the list so I'm bumping the thread. Progress is being made on the Monster Manual 1 as I have updated the Outsiders from A-C so far.
how are you coming on this one, mate? Anything I can do to help, I'd rather not double up?:cool:

All remaining PrC's from the Complete Warrior have been added.

I apologize for the delay. Work and life have been throwing curve balls at me the past couple of weeks. Things should settle down soon, though.